Be Our Valentine
-MANNA Foodbank
Attention MANNA Shoppers!
Please be careful pulling into the agency parking area-You are sharing the lot with newly hired CDL drivers! Be safe-if you see a large truck backing into a space you need to drive through, pull to the side of the parking lot and wait to proceed until the driver has given you the OK.
AIB Audit-Change of Date!
MANNA will be closed on February
19th and 20th
for our upcoming Food Safety Audit. The shopping floor WILL be open on 2/21, and all Friday shopping agencies will receive a call about this update. The mobile delivery schedule will stay the same as previously planned.
April 1, 2020 is Census Day: Encourage Your Community to Be Counted!
Every ten years, the United States government conducts the national census. The census is vital to nonprofits across the country, including here in North Carolina. The census determines important federal funding allocations for the next ten years for roads and infrastructure, school funding, nonprofit funding support, health care resources, and state representation at the federal level.
This year's census is even more critical for North Carolinians. North Carolina's population has grown since the last census in 2010, and this population growth could mean adding another NC representative to the House of Representatives, giving North Carolina more voices at the national level for issues that state residents face. This video helps give an overview of why it's so important for North Carolinians to be counted this year:
Historically, the populations that we all serve together (low-income, seniors, children, and minority communities) are under counted. This can create a lack of representation and funding support for vital programs that support basic necessities for working families, like affordable child care. As the census is only every ten years, it is important be counted: our state’s headcount will be pivotal in allocating federal dollars for the next decade.
This year, it’s easier than ever to participate. The census will be conducted via phone, email, mail, and in person. We encourage you to learn more about the impact of the census at, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting an accurate census count for North Carolina.
*New* Ordering Calendar for Pick Ups and Deliveries +
Mobile Delivery Schedule
January-March 2020
Before dialing up the driver, remember: Every time someone calls, they must pull off the road to answer the phone, causing additional delays. If you have any questions, contact our Warehouse Manager Lee Short at (828) 299-3663 x1260.
Please ask your volunteers to allow a 30 minute window before and after your expected MANNA delivery. Our drivers work very hard to arrive on time, but they may experience unforeseen setbacks while on the road. Giving them this window helps them to stay on track.
Click here
to view the mobile route schedule with delivery times.
Click here
to view the
February 2020
ordering calendar with mobile route
Click here
to view the
March 2020
ordering calendar with mobile route
For More information - please follow the link below:
To ensure a quality experience for you, our Partner Agency, we will be adjusting our confirmation email process. You will now receive an email a few days after submitting an order to confirm dry product. You will receive another email a few days before your order is picked up or delivered to confirm perishable items. Please contact Glenda if you have any questions about orders at
February 2020
items become available on a first-come, first-serve basis when they arrive at MANNA.
All items may not be available for the duration of the month and quantities are subject to change.
The following items are scheduled to arrive this quarter:
- Fresh Apples
- Applesauce Canned
- Apricot Halves Canned
- Beef Canned
- Beef Round Roast
- Beef Stew Canned
- Blueberries Wild
- Blueberries Dried
- Butter
- American Cheese
- Cheddar Cheese
- Cheese Loaves
- Dried Cherries
- Cherry Apple Juice
- Frozen Chicken Breast
- Boned Chicken
- Boneless Chicken Breast
- Chicken Drumstick
- Frozen Chicken Fajita Strips
- Frozen Chicken Fillets
- Frozen Chicken Thighs
- Frozen Whole Chicken, Bagged
- Chili Beef no Bean
- Frozen Corn
- Eggs, 15 Dozen
- Frozen Egg Carton
- Fruit and Nut Mix
- Fresh Grapefruit
- Fresh Grapes
- Instant Milk
- Canned Mixed Fruit
- Orange Juice
- Fresh Oranges, bagged
- Elbow Macaroni
- Canned Peaches
- Dried & Pitted Plums
- Canned Pork
- Pork Loin Roast
- Pork Patty
- Fresh Potatoes
- Canned Sliced Potatoes
- Raisins
- Canned Salmon
- Cream of Mushroom Soup
- Canned Tomato Soup
- Canned Vegetable Soup
- Canned Meatless Spaghetti Sauce
- Canned Tomato Sauce
- Frozen Deli Turkey Breast, Sliced
- Frozen Smoked Turkey Breast, Sliced
- Canned Vegetable Mix
- English Walnut Pieces
*Weekly shipments of fresh milk (shelf life - 10 days)*
, you might ask?
rogram is a federal program (also known as "commodities") that comes from the Farm Bill. This program is limited to pantries only and allocated by county. Pantries must apply and be approved to administer this food. For more information on becoming a TEFAP agency, contact Amy Haynes at (828) 299-3663 x1234.
February 2020
There is currently no SAM product on hand. We will update you as soon as we have SAM product. Please continue to check the shopping list for when this is available.
What's SAM? SAM is an acronym for State Appropriated Money and it is a state funded nutritional food program. Although the name has changed, the program is still the same!
These products are available to order at no cost, so be sure to take advantage of this great program!
Grant Tip of the Month:
As a result of the sale of Mission Health Hospital, Legacy Foundations have been established across WNC. These foundations are interested in funding initiatives to address food insecurity, along with other social determinants of health. Check out this
summary sheet
to learn more about a foundation in your area!
Remember that most grants require a mid-term progress report. Keeping your commitments to the requirements of the grant funding terms will greatly improve their chances of getting another grant in the future.
Helpful Grant Resources
MANNA Partner Orientation
Are you or someone at your agency interested in attending an orientation session? If so, please select a session from the options listed on the sign-up form by clicking the "Sign-Up Here" link to the right.
Upcoming Orientation Dates*
-Thursday, March 12, 2020
*All orientations are held at MANNA FoodBank in Laurel's Kitchen
Upcoming MANNA Closure Information:
AIB Audit-Wednesday, February 19 & Thursday, February 20
Memorial Day-Monday, May 25
Please plan accordingly, and be sure to consider these closures when shopping and placing your online order. Contact Glenda Gragg if you have any questions at 828-299-3663 x1227
Important Inventory Reminders!
Is it summer yet? MANNA's Shopping floor says: Yes!
- Cabbage
- Greens
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Potatoes
- Bananas
- Apples
- Snap Beans
- Ice Cream-NO shared maintenance fee!
- Kitchenware-NO shared maintenance fee!
To ensure that our inventory count lines up with what we are actually distributing to our partner network, we ask that you all make sure to check the following when you receive or pick up your order from MANNA:
- Check that product ordered (from your invoice) matches physical count of items you received
- Pay close attention to TEFAP items especially, and make sure you receive accurate amounts of each item. Any TEFAP leftovers should always be directly reported to MANNA.
- If there are any discrepancies in inventory vs. what was actually ordered, please contact Glenda Gragg (x1227) or Tim Williams (x1240).
Food and Nutrition Services Helpline
Need more MANNA Food Helpline Posters?
MANNA Food Helpline promotional materials are now available for order! Packets include 25 small posters (with phone number tear offs) and 100 business cards. If you need other materials or different quantities, please contact your zone coordinator.
MANNA Helpline information is
free and confidential!
Amy Haynes
Assistant Director of Mobile Programs & Agency Relations
Direct Line: (828)299-3663 x1234
Malarie McGalliard
Mobile Programs Coordinator
Direct Line: (828)299-3663 x1250
Amy Sims
Agency Relations Assistant Manager & Western Zone Coordinator
Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Haywood
Direct Line: (828)399-1147
Leah Cormier
Buncombe County Zone Coordinator
Direct Line: (828)299-3663 x 1253
Kaitlyn Smith
Eastern Zone
Direct Line: (828)299-3663 x 1283
Chris Rainwater
Agency Relations Coordinator
Direct Line: (828)299-3663 x 1272
Katie Reynolds
Agency Relations Associate
Direct Line: (828)299-3663 x 1263
As we continue to work towards our vision of a hunger-free WNC, we are building a community of individuals that are interested in taking action steps towards supporting anti-hunger initiatives. In order to focus these efforts, we want to know:
Would you like to receive emails related to hunger advocacy actions in WNC?
If you answered yes, we will add you to an email list dedicated to local and regional hunger advocacy actions. Thank you for your compassion for the work to end hunger for more than 100,000 people in Western North Carolina.
MANNA FoodBank is a non-partisan nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing information about hunger and the issues that affect the people we serve.
627 Swannanoa River Road
Asheville, NC 28805-2445
Phone: 828-299-3663
Fax: 828-299-3664