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Feb. 3, 2025

Public input meeting for proposed First Street improvements is tonight 

The City of Mandan will host a public input meeting tonight (Monday, Feb. 3) from 5 to 7 p.m. to discuss proposed improvements to downtown streets and avenues in Mandan.


Location change. The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Morton Mandan Public Library, 609 W Main St. It will be an open house format with a formal presentation at 5:30 p.m.


The project consists of roadway and sidewalk reconstruction on First Street NW from Sixth Ave NW to Fourth Ave NW and extending one block north on Fifth Ave NW and one block north and south on Fourth Ave NW. Improvements include Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades, storm sewer, water main replacement, curb and gutter, lighting, and landscape and streetscape improvements. 

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Long term financial planning policy changes

In the fall of 2024, the City Commission approved an update to the Long-Term Financial Planning Policy (LTFP). The main change to the policy increases the length of the LTFP from three fiscal years to five fiscal years.


Departmental leaders will continue to present their long-term plans to the City Commission for review, and the City Commission will determine spending priorities for long-term financial planning purposes.


“This update allows the City to provide a more comprehensive strategy or road map for prioritizing and funding for future budget requests,” says City Administrator Jim Neubauer.


Looking ahead, staff would like to work towards expanding to a 10-year plan.


Soon, the public will have an opportunity to learn about the approved long-term planning needs for personnel, machinery and equipment, public facilities and infrastructure through a public information session. 

Stay tuned to cityofmandan.com for updates on the long-term financial planning process. 

Monte Drive area to see water & sewer improvements

The City Commission recently approved a water and sewer improvement district project for construction in 2025. The district is in the Monte Drive neighborhood, specifically, the area north of 11th Street NW and south of Boundary St NW from Sunset Drive to just east of Sixth Ave NW. Most of Sunset Drive will remain untouched, however, there is a piece in the far north portion of the project area that will have some work done. 


This project would replace aging cast iron water mains, originally installed in the 1950’s. The project scope includes water main improvements and replacement, sanitary sewer improvements, roadway and concrete restoration, American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp improvements, tree trimming and more.


Since 2008, this area of Mandan has experienced 27 water main breaks. The frequency of these breaks has been accelerating in the last few years with 10 breaks since 2022 and six in the last year. This project is anticipated to significantly reduce operating and maintenance costs for the City.


Several of the water main breaks in the project area have complicated emergency situations, compounding the strain on City resources. Water main breaks pose a health risk to those affected by water shutoffs, and the breaks in this area are especially high-risk since they are likely to coincide with pressure fluctuations related to fire flows.

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Collins Ave water reservoir construction to begin this year

The Collins Ave Water Reservoir will be undergoing a complete replacement this year. The reservoir, located at the corner of Collins Ave and Division St NW, and originally constructed in 1951 is nearing the end of its useful life.


A 2016 engineering study evaluated rehabilitation of the reservoir, but this was determined to be inefficient. The study recommended replacing the reservoir with one of the same size on the same property. Other aspects of the project include improving the sight-line by pushing back the retaining wall at the corner of the intersection.


The past year included the design phase of the project and bids were awarded in August. Construction is set to begin later this year and wrap up in 2026.


“It’s critical we replace this piece of infrastructure, to continue providing residents consistent, safe drinking water before the reservoir reaches the end of its life,” says City Engineer Jarek Wigness.


The project is estimated at just over $6M, with a 27% cost-share with the State Water Commission. For larger utility improvement projects like this, the City often utilizes low-interest State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans for financing. The interest rate for the SRF program is 2%. Residents will see a $2.93 per month increase to utility bills to finance the local share of this project.    


Contact the Engineering Department for questions regarding the Collins Ave Water Reservoir replacement project.

Water Treatment Plant to undergo improvements

Another water infrastructure project happening in 2025 is the Water Treatment Phase III Optimization project. This is necessary to continue providing safe drinking water to the entire city.


The optimization project includes the replacement of carbon dioxide tanks and lime systems; filter rehabilitation; upgrading the chlorine room and equipment; improving select utility transformers, select high service pump drives, chemical pumps and systems, the fluoride system, the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system; as well as exterior improvements to the facility, and more. This project would add much needed redundancy to these systems and reduce the chances of future plant shutdowns. 


The City will also utilize a 2% interest State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan for financing of this project, which costs nearly $14 million. The State Water Commission is participating by funding 60% of the cost of the project. Residents will see a $1.82 increase to their monthly utility base charge in 2025 and 2026 to finance the locally funded portions of the project.

Welcome to our new committee members!

The City Commission recently considered several appointments for terms beginning in 2025 to positions on boards that assist with city governance and community development. Members of the business community and residents submitted applications to volunteer to serve.

2025 Appointments:

  • Architectural Review – Matthew Bradley, Kari Nardello & Ryan Welder
  • Civil Service – Jennifer Gosch & August Taylor
  • Community Beautification – Brian Dehnert, Heidi Hamelton & Ruth MacDonald
  • Code Enforcement Appeals – Victoria Vayda Hammond
  • Growth Fund – Jordan Freitag, Jonathan Hooker & Jonathan Leonard
  • Special Assessment Commission – Heidi Belohlavek
  • Renaissance Zone – Darren Schmidt
  • Visitors Committee – Clint Boyd, Tyler Gangl & Jonathan Hooker

Thank you to members who served terms that ended in 2024 & no longer serving:

  • Architectural Review – Logan Caldwell & Lee Pierce
  • Civil Service – Amber Haman
  • Community Beautification – Terra Solberg
  • Growth Fund – Jason Arenz & Lee Weisbeck
  • Parking Authority – Al Kuntz
  • Special Assessments Commission – Mike Kennedy
  • Visitors Committee – Karmen Siirtola

Thank you to all who submitted applications to serve! The next opportunity will be for 2026 terms with openings publicized in October 2025. 

Moos joins Public Works as administrative assistant

Stacy Moos started in December at the Public Works facility. She will greet customers and answer phones, along with other clerical and administrative duties for all divisions of Public Works.

Moos grew up in Mandan and has experience in the medical insurance field. She is currently working to obtain her law administrative assistant associates degree and paralegal certification.

Thomas is new Permit Technician

Permit Technician Brittany Thomas started in the Building Inspections Department at the end of October. She receives, reviews and processes permit applications; provides customer service to applicants regarding building codes and regulations; maintains permit records; schedules inspections; and coordinates with other departments to facilitate the permitting process. When calling or visiting Building Inspections, you’ll be greeted by Thomas.

She grew up in Mandan and has previous work experience at Dairy Queen and Laducer and Associates. 

Mischel is Computer Information Systems Manager

Computer Information Systems Manager Karie Mischel started in this new position at the end of November.

Mischel comes to the City with an extensive background in computer information systems with previous experience at Connecting Point as a Network Manager and most recently, Starion Bank as their Network Manager. 

Meet Assistant Waste Water

Treatment Superintendent Ty Kruger

In December, Ty Kruger was promoted to Assistant Waste Water Treatment Superintendent. Kruger has been working as a Laboratory Technician full-time since June 2023. He currently holds a Grade II Operator License and is working to obtain his Class IV Operator License. Kruger will assist Waste Water Treatment Superintendent Ryan Malsam with leadership responsibilities at the plant.


Kruger has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and was a middle school science teacher prior to his employment with the City of Mandan. 

Properties recognized for outdoor holiday displays

The City Commission recently recognized two Mandan properties for their appealing, attention-getting seasonal or holiday displays through the Beautification Recognition Program.


Cole and Amy Berger’s Christmas light display on Messara Pl SE was nominated by a community member saying the property owners’ outdoor display is fun and festive, a must see for Christmas light displays and definitely a bright light in the neighborhood. The City Commission recognized this property in January.

Gary and Sandra Gugel’s outdoor Halloween display on Ninth Ave NW was nominated by a neighbor. The property owners have been entertaining the community with their elaborate Halloween decorations for more than 17 years, expanding each year with animatronics, eerie displays, lighting effects and entertainment. They draw in over 300 children annually. This property is being recognized at the Feb. 4 City Commission meeting.


The Beautification Recognition program is a way to recognize properties that enhance the aesthetic appeal of the community. Both residential and commercial properties located within city limits are eligible. Projects must be street facing, river view or other publicly viewable areas or landscapes. Nominations are forwarded to the Community Beautification Committee for consideration.


Nominate a property or view photos of the properties recognized through the program thus far at cityofmandan.com/recognitionprogram. Nominations are accepted year-round.

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Apply for Primary Residence Credit by March 31

The Primary Residence Credit provides homeowners the option to apply for a $500 state property tax credit through the Office of State Tax Commissioner. The application is open through March 31. Learn more and apply at tax.nd.gov/prc.

'If I Were Mayor' Essays due March 14

Each spring, the North Dakota League of Cities sponsors a statewide 'If I Were Mayor' essay contest for third and seventh grade students. The contest encourages young people to think about public service and future community leadership. Essays must address why the student feels their community is great and what they would do to improve their city if they were mayor.

'If I Were Mayor' essay contest winners will be announced in conjunction with City Government Week in April, will receive a $150 cash prize and have their essays featured in the League’s publication, CITYScan.

For specifics about the rules and process for submitting essays, visit ndlc.org/161/If-I-Were-Mayor-Essay-Contest or contact Jennifer at 701-223-3518 or jennifer@ndlc.org.

Separate from the NDLC’s contest, City staff will receive all Mandan entries and have judges select a winner from both third and seventh grade. Local contest winners will be invited to a Mandan City Commission meeting and their class will receive a visit with the mayor and donuts! 

State of the Cities, Feb. 4

Join the Bismarck Mandan Chamber EDC for the 2025 State of the Cities Address on Tuesday, February 4 at the Bismarck Event Center, Hall A. A pre-event social and event check-in featuring a coffee bar will begin at 7 a.m., with the main event to follow from 8-10:30 a.m. At this event, you will gain insight from both Bismarck and Mandan mayors on the challenges and successes our community has faced throughout the past year, what we can look forward to in Bismarck-Mandan in the upcoming year, and a keynote address from a national economist to provide perspective into our future economic outlook.

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Residents can sign up to receive news and announcements via text message from the City of Mandan!

Messages may include information on garbage and recycling collection schedule changes, volunteer opportunities, office closures, etc.

Users may receive up to three messages per month and have the ability to opt-out at any time.

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Current Job Openings

The City of Mandan posts job openings periodically at city-of-mandan-nd.hireonthego.com.

You can also sign up at the website above to receive notice via e-mail every time a job is posted.


Questions? Visit cityofmandan.com/hr or contact the HR Department at 701-667-3293.

February Meetings

City Commission

Feb. 4 at 5:30 p.m. & Feb. 18 at 5 p.m., City Hall

School Board

Feb. 3 at 5:30 p.m. & Feb. 18 at 7 p.m., City Hall

Park Board

Feb. 10 at 5:30 p.m., City Hall

County Commission

Feb. 13 & 25 at 5:30 p.m.,

Morton County Courthouse

City Planning & Zoning

Feb. 24 at 5:30 p.m., City Hall

Please check with each entity to see about virtual options for these meetings.

Community Events

February is Kindergarten Registration Month, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Brave Center Administrative Offices

Feb. 5 & 19 SPARK at the Library, 10:15 a.m. & 4:15 p.m.

Feb. 5 & 11 Kindergarten Signing Days, 3-6 p.m., Brave Center

Feb. 8 Mandan Fire Department Fundraiser, 5 p.m., Mandan Moose

Feb. 9 & 23 Open Gym, 12:30-3 p.m., All Seasons Arena

Feb. 11 "Future Braves" Night, Aquatic Center

Feb. 15 Sweetheart Hike, 10 a.m. - Noon, FALSP

Feb. 16 Moose Legion All You Can Eat Breakfast, 8:30 a.m. - Noon, Mandan Moose

Feb. 21 Operation Zero Spaghetti Feed, 5 p.m., Mandan Moose

Find Public Skating dates at starionsportscomplex.com

Find more things to do at mylocalevents.org

Our City






205 Second Avenue NW 

Mandan, ND 58554

Phone: 701-667-3215

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