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This Edition:
Director's Article

It's the time of year when many discussions turn to budgeting and planning for the coming years. As I write this, we are waiting for DOC and NOAA to release details on the President's request for FY20. We are also waiting for FY19 allocations, which are working down through NOAA to our level. We are expecting the FY19 allocations to be similar to FY18, perhaps a bit less due to increased overheads and NOAA costs. We are beginning to make our funding decisions (following program reviews last month) based on our estimates of funding levels. PIs should expect to hear from their program managers soon on these decisions.

We celebrated International Women's Day earlier this month, and appropriately so, as our program enjoys outstanding leadership from women across the spectrum of roles, from management to in-the-field/lab science. Many thanks to the women on the OOMD team for leading an effort in NOAA Research to recognize these talents and encourage a wider conversation towards empowerment and inclusivity.

David Legler, Director - Ocean Observing and Monitoring Division
May 6-10, 2019 in Halifax, Canada

June 15-21, 2019 in  Brest, France

OOMD Community Workshop - Save the Date! Agenda coming soon!
June 17-19, 2019 at NOAA in Silver Spring, MD

June 25-27, 2019 in College Park, MD

July 8-18, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada

Sept 16-20, 2019 in Honolulu, HI

For more check out the 
ProgramUpdatesProgram Updates: Welcome Knauss Fellows!

Anna Apostel (right) is a PhD candidate at the Ohio State University in the Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department. She received her B.S. in Biology from Denison University and her M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Ohio State University. Her research has been focused on watershed and water quality modeling in the Lake Erie region with a specific focus on model uncertainty analysis. Anna is originally from Columbus, OH, but that has never stopped her from pursuing her love of outdoor water sports, fine cheeses, and meeting every and any animal she can.   

Kelley Uhlig (left) defended her Master's thesis at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science in January 2019. Her research focused on the absorption of chemical pollutants by marine plastics and the microbial communities that initially colonize marine plastics. She is originally from Hollywood, FL and enjoys coffee, exploring the great outdoors, cooking, and gardening. You can often find her being walked by her Australian Shepherd, Sheila, and taking long naps in the sun. 
Article1 International Women's Day Celebration is a Success!

The women of OOMD spearheaded an effort to celebrate the women of NOAA Research for International Women's Day. We hosted a two-part Library Speaker Series on March 7th and 8th at the NOAA Central Library that included 9 female scientists who were nominated by their peers based on their notable achievements in science, research, leadership, mentorship, and promoting positive change. Our Communications Specialist, Jessica Mkitarian moderated the panels, which had more than 55 in-person and webinar viewers each day! Included in the panel were our office's own Emily Smith and Emily Osborne, and PIs Meghan Cronin and Jessie Creamean.  Each panel was recorded and can be viewed on the  Library's YouTube page ; so far these videos  have had more than 125 views! NOAA Research is also highlighting women with a digital campaign running throughout Women's History Month in March. Profiles can be viewed on NOAA Research's  Scientist Profile  page and on social media by following #WomenofNOAA. We encourage you check out these incredible stories and share them with your networks!

New research published  by NOAA and international partners, including OOMD's Brendan Carter and Richard Feely,  in  Science  finds as carbon dioxide emissions have increased in the atmosphere, the ocean has absorbed a greater volume of emissions.  The global ocean absorbed 34 billion metric tons of carbon from the burning of fossil fuels from 1994 to 2007 - a four-fold increase to 2.6 billion metric tons per year when compared to the period starting from the Industrial Revolution in 1800 to 1994. Articles highlighting the research have been published to USA Today, Seattle Times, and EcoWatch just to name a few. The article is currently on the NOAA Research website and main NOAA.gov page, and has been shared to Twitter with 108 likes and 97 retweets, and on Facebook with 112 likes and 32 shares! Read the original paper published to Science here.
Article4Tim Boyer Receives IODE Achievement Award

Our OOMD PI Tim Boyer was recently recognized for his work on the World Ocean Database with an  Achievement Award from the IODE . Tim is one of six recipients who were recognized at the 25th Session of the IODE Committee in February, and one of just 32 recipients since 2009. Congratulations and thanks for your hard work, Tim!
CallForStuffCall For Senior Management Spotlight Presentations

Are you looking for a way to build excitement and support for your research? Consider signing up to deliver a Spotlight Presentation at an upcoming Senior Management Meeting! Every Monday, our leadership in Silver Spring attend the OAR Senior Management Meeting. During each meeting there is an opportunity for scientists and program managers to showcase their research with a 15 minute, high level presentation, which can be delivered virtually from the field. The OAR Communications team offers help with a guided practice session the week before. If you are interested in signing up, please contact your program manager and/or our Communications Specialist,  Jessica Mkitarian for more information. 

Thank you to Lance Braasch at Scripps, who received great praise for his presentation on the Directional Wave Spectra Drifter earlier this month!
Article6Recent Publications