February-March 2017




The 2016 issue is now available. 


Click here.



All events are FREE and take place at Salt Pond Visitor Center, Eastham, unless otherwise noted. 

For more information,
  click here.
Daily in February 

Mark Preu photography exhibit

Saturday February 18

Show Stoppers of Broadway

Eastham Public Library

Saturday February 18

Indoor Activity
Explore and Learn Table

Tuesday February 21

Penniman House Tour
Meet at Penniman House

Wednesday February 22

 Winter Survival Games


Consider giving a membership to a friend or family member -- a great way to support our magnificent Seashore!


Give a gift in memory of or in honor of a special person in your life by going to "Donate" on Friends website.


If interested in learning more about arranging a bequest to Friends, please go to the Friends website, click on "Donate" and scroll to bottom to "Name the Friends of CCNS in Your Will."


If you are receiving eNews but are not yet a Friends member, we encourage you to become a Friend. Go to "Join" at www.fccns.org.


Contact info@fccns.org
for a list of Friends' volunteer opportunities, or link directly to the Park's volunteer site.







A message from our president

On this gray evening, cold permeates the Cape Cod National Seashore. Regardless of the groundhog's antics (and those of the humans around him), we know that we have weeks before our bare toes can comfortably slide into the sand.

I've been thinking about this column for a while.  What do I write when the crowds are gone, Park restrooms shuttered, and finding locally made ice cream requires a hunt?

Then, it came to me---- I'll write about what's open!  

First, in my mind, the wonderful seashore itself still welcomes surfers, walkers, and those who dart from their cars for only a moment to view the vast, beautiful blue ocean.  

The beach is busy, as the shorebirds that winter here fish and dig for their dinners. Last week, I met a woman at Coast Guard Beach whose delight with shorebirds brings her to the same spot throughout the year.  Bringing warmth to that cold day, Mister Sun received our gratitude by just showing up.

Along the Seashore's many trails, the deciduous trees have shed. Their naked branches provide the opportunity for a deeper look into the woods, at fallen timbers and gnarled branches, beautiful natural pieces of sculpture.  

The snow-covered cedars pose for greeting cards, as they shelter cardinals, chickadees, and other permanent residents.  Even on the White Cedar Swamp Trail, cross- country skiers enjoy the beauty and the quiet.  

Conversely, the Red Maple Swamp Trail buzzes not with bees or mosquitos, but with the sound of chain saws and other equipment as work continues to reopen this special place.  

Thank you, thank you for your support to make this happen!

No doubt about it, winter has come to the Seashore.  It's a time to treasure in this always-awesome place.  Moreover, Salt Pond Visitor Center, including its restrooms, is open, as are some restaurants all along the six towns in the Seashore, and at least one ice cream shop!

And of course, Friends is still busy making a difference!

A thanks to Carol Lindemann for her beautiful photograph of Fresh Brook. 
                                                               Pat Canavan
News from the Seashore

Superintendent Price to Retire
After a career spanning many parks and more than 40 years, Superintendent George Price is hanging up his ranger hat on May 5, 2017.  

George has shepherded the national seashore through many significant projects and navigated through challenging issues with grace and skill. 

We will miss him! 

Friends will announce plans for a farewell celebration in the future.

New Highland House Lease
 A 20-year lease with the Truro Historical Society has been signed with the National Park Service.

This new relationship will allow the society to continue to operate the former hotel as a museum, and lays the groundwork for the society to obtain grant funds to accomplish all necessary preservation maintenance, which is valued at over $900,000.

New exhibits and AV system coming to Province Lands Visitor Center
Funding of $500,000 has been received from the National Park Service to fabricate and install new exhibits in Province Lands Visitor Center. 

The funds come on the heels of a recently-completed planning process that produced construction drawings for the new exhibits that focus on the Province Lands area of the park. 

The exhibits will be produced under contract and installed in winter-spring 2017/2018 in time for the 2018 season.
Friends' Success Stories

Friends Donates $25,000 to the
Red Maple Swamp Trail Renovation

On January 18th, the Friends board voted to release $25,000 in funds raised for the Red Maple Swamp Trail renovation project. 

As the Cape Cod National Seashore competes with other parks for federal funding to complete the work, we are hopeful the money we have raised and the man hours we have contributed will demonstrate to the National Park Service the high level of community support for the swamp trail restoration. 

Thank you to all our members for supporting this project so generously - stay tuned for more news in March!

New Windows for Old Harbor

The Friends' board recently approved funds to refurbish six windows in disrepair for Old Harbor Life Saving Station. The work will be done over the course of the winter and the new windows will be reinstalled in May before the summer season begins. 

Wayside Exhibits for Province Lands Bike Trail Ready to Install

Friends is excited to see the newly completed wayside exhibits which we funded for the Province Lands bike trail. 

T hese beautiful displays will be installed this winter in time for the  Visitor Center reopening in April. Watch our website for a sneak peek!
Upcoming Events

Friends of Cape Cod National Seashore and Friends of Eastham Public Library will co-host John Whelan's entertaining presentation "Show Stoppers of Broadway", Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 1 pm.  

Note the location-- Eastham Public Library, Samoset Road Eastham. 

 "Show Stoppers" highlights iconic songs and performances from all-time favorite musicals.

John Whelan hosts "American Pie" on Saturday mornings on WOMR-FM in Provincetown and WFMR-FM in Orleans.  

John and his partner, Steve Bornemeier, have presented courses at both Chatham and Orleans Lifetime Learning Series for the past five years. 

Come preview their engaging style and wit!

See Perspectives: Cape Cod National Seashore  Through Art

This exhibition by photgrapher Mark Preu is on display throughout February at the Salt Pond Visitors Center.

Mark's collection of images is drawn from his work from three stays in the dune shacks and other day trips in the national seashore's Dune Shacks of Peaked Hill Bars Historic District. 

The exhibition includes photographs of wildlife, plants, and dune shacks, as well as large format panoramas, one of Mark's specialties.

Mark has a life-long connection to the Cape, first spending summers, and then living year-round in Brewster since 1971. 

All prints, matting, and framing are done by Mark in his home studio. He has been selling his work for over 20 years in local galleries and at his home gallery in Brewster, which he shares with his wife, potter Diane Heart.

Reminder: The winter movie series normally held at Salt Pond Visitor Center had to be cancelled due to the replacement of  AV equipment.
Our Mission Statement

Friends of the Cape Cod National Seashore (FCCNS) is the not-for-profit fundraising partner of the Cape Cod National Seashore; a partnership established in 1987 to help preserve, protect and enhance the fragile environment and unique cultural heritage of the Park. By leveraging existing federal support with additional private philanthropy, FCCNS engages members, donors and visitors alike in the shared values of cultural appreciation, environmental stewardship and historical preservation.