Caloosahatchee Mindfulness
No doubt you’ve seen hearts everywhere in anticipation of Valentine’s Day. Rather than the hype for chocolate, expensive gifts, or romance, perhaps the decorations can remind us to open our hearts. The world is aching for care and so are most of us. This month, try one small act a day to share love, kindness, and compassion with yourself or another person. A smile. A kind word. An act of generosity. Then, check in with your heart, I’m guessing you’ll find a bit more spaciousness.

Much Metta 
Caloosahatchee Mindfulness Chair
Upcoming Events
It’s not too late to add tools to your mindfulness toolbox. There are three upcoming sessions.

SESSION 2: Change Your Mind: Brain Hacks for Anxiety (Feb 24)         
SESSION 3: Mindful Art - Zentangles (March 13)                       
SESSION 4: Befriending the Body: Relaxation Practices (March 27)

Mindfulness Practice Opportunities
Change Your Mind: Brain Hacks for Anxiety
February 24 3-5 pm

Research suggests that over 70% of our thoughts are automatic and habitual. This is great when we're making the bed or tying our shoes, but not so helpful in our relationships with ourselves and others. In this workshop, we will learn to identify ways our brains attempt to keep us safe and often create habits that lead to self-criticism, stress, or anxiety. We will practice a number of informal practices that one can use in daily settings and situations. Handouts and recorded meditations will be available.

Maggie Stevens, meditation teacher and Caloosahatchee Mindfulness Board Chair will facilitate this session at the Sacred Nature Yoga Studio which is located at 1400 Colonial Boulevard behind the Lan Xang Restaurant in the Royal Palm Square Plaza. Maggie received her Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification in 2021 with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach as her primary teachers. She is a member of the International Mindfulness Teacher Association.
Walking Meditation
March 9 8:45-9:30 am

Walking in nature is a way to bring awareness to the present moment and all the beauty that surrounds you, and can be a form of walking meditation. Thich Nhat Hanh says that the practice of mindful walking is a profound and pleasurable way to deepen our connection with our body and the earth.

Our March walk will occur at Lakes Park in Fort Myers on Saturday, March 9 at 9:00 a.m. Join us at 8:45 a.m. for warm-up and orientation, and the walk will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. We will walk through the park on the walking paths. 

The park has some shade and restrooms. Be sure to bring sun protection and water. 
Mindful Art: Zentangles
March 13 7-9 pm

Relax, focus, and be creative with the Zentangle Art Method. Learn different techniques to create beautiful abstract drawings with easy step-by-step instructions. The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. These patterns are called tangles. As you draw, you explore the invitation to self-soothe and achieve mindfulness, reduce stress, and calm an anxious mind; a simple pathway to relaxation and inner focus.

The workshop is taught by Vicki Durso, a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT). This workshop will be held at the Behind the Buddha (BTB) Artists' Studio located at 9290-1 College Parkway which is in the shopping center on the corner of McGregor and College Parkway. 
Befriending the Body: Relaxation Practices
March 27 6:30-8:30 pm

The famous quote "Peace in Ourselves. Peace in the World" is a reminder that we begin to find peace with awareness of ourselves, our Inner Self. Practices that direct kind attention to the body encouraging a relaxed body allow us to rest the body and the mind. Awareness through movement and breath awareness will be key practices for your Stress Reduction Tool Box.

Mary Robinson will facilitate this session. Mary is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and has had a private psychotherapy practice in Fort Myers. This session will take place at the Lotus Blossom Clinic, 6710 Winkler Road Fort Myers
Mindfulness Book Club

Our small group studies and shares books on mindfulness practices to create a happier and healthier life. For information on joining the group by Zoom and the next book to be discussed, call or text (941) 888-0116 or email

New Book for the book club! Lighter by yung pueblo

In Lighter, yung pueblo demonstrates how we can all move forward in our healing, from learning self-compassion to letting go to becoming emotionally mature. As the heaviness falls away, our minds will finally stop feeling overburdened with tension and we’ll be able to reconnect with the present. And the world around us will hopefully become more inviting in crisp and newly vibrant ways. But these are just the first steps. As we grow stronger and expand our self-awareness, it’s our responsibility—and also part of the healing journey—to take action to support the health and harmony of all people. The final section of Lighter shows how we can and must contribute to building a world that is no longer structurally harmful but, instead, structurally compassionate.   

Discussion is focused on understanding how the author’s words and concepts
are relevant to our daily lives.

The book club is free to all Caloosahatchee Mindfulness members.

For more information about membership see the membership information below.
Friday Time Out

Every Friday morning and evening at 10:00 am and 5 pm, meditation sessions include a 20-minute meditation with initial guidance and then silent sitting. After the meditation, there is a group discussion, a 5-minute silent reflection, and then a thought for the week and check out. These meditations are offered at no cost and no experience is necessary.

For information on joining the group by Zoom, call or text (941) 888-0116,
or email You can also register on our website and receive the link directly.
With Gratitude to our Community Partners
We are so grateful to our Community Partners for their support of mindfulness!
Valarie Olsen Counseling & Wellness

Metta Mindfulness

Lotus Blossom Clinic
"Ding" Darling Wildlife Society
Supporting Mindfulness
Become a Caloosahatchee Mindfulness Member!
We invite you to join us in our practice of mindfulness. We welcome you to check out our new and improved website at

You can join us directly from the website,
or contact us via email at and we will be happy to mail you a membership brochure.

We look forward to practicing with you. 🙏🏼
Mindfulness on the Go!
Can't make Midweek Mindfulness?
Need a few minutes to quiet the mind?
Join us on Insight Timer! 📿