February 2020 Monthly Byte
Socks for Smiles!
Make your plans to attend the Chicago Dental Society’s Midwinter Meeting February 20-22, 2020. Come visit the ISDS Foundation Booth #4636.

Make sure you visit our booth asap, as we'll have limited amounts of these super cool socks for a $20 donation! (only credit cards accepted)

Show your support!
Donate to this year's Mission of Mercy with a simple text.
Text "MISSIONOFMERCY" to 44-321 now!
Win Big!
Purchase a raffle ticket!
2020 Raffle
Chance to win $5,000!
Only 250 tickets to be sold! 

To purchase a ticket via mail:
Enclose a check for $50 made out to the Illinois State Dental Society Foundation. Include your Name, Phone and email address. Mail to: Foundation Raffle, PO Box 376, Springfield IL 62705. A stub will be mailed back to you with confirmation of your purchase.

Drawing Date: Saturday, September 26
at the Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center

Donation: $50.00,
Proceeds to benefit Oral Health in Illinois

Winner not need to be present to win

Mission of Mercy 2020
Volunteer registration goes
“live” on Monday, March 2 , for the 2020 Mission of Mercy in Rockford! Be ready to register and choose your desired area
for volunteering!

For a great resource of Questions and answers, visit this link .
Make your Hotel Reservations for Mission of Mercy NOW!
$119/night + Tax
Promotion Code: ILMOM
Or call 815-226-2100 and mention “Mission of Mercy”

$125 - $140/night + tax 
Or call 815-398-7400 and mention “2020 Mission of Mercy”