February 6, 2019
Institute Call For Case Studies
The NASCA Institute on Management and Leadership (September 23-25, Oklahoma City) provides members with a unique opportunity for peer-to-peer exchange and learning centered around real issues and challenges facing Chief Administrators across the country.  

The Institute Planning Committee is working to identify two "live case studies" related to the Institute theme, Driving Good Government . The case studies will draw from real-world experiences that outline complex and relevant situations that any member of NASCA may encounter. State members to apply to having their work featured as a case study. 

2019 Spring Conference
NASCA Members On The Move
NASCA is your resource for connection with state chief administrators and corporate partners. Once notified, we publish state chief administrator transitions notified directly to the association or listings in the media. Check back frequently for updates as announcements are made.
New Corporate Partner Spotlight