February, 2017

An Open Letter from Pastor Micheal
January 14, 2 017
Dear Church Family,

I am going to meddle--and that is okay because we are family and because that's my job.
Jesus is coming and the church must be prepared. How do we decide what that looks like?
XX must be ordained or the church is wrong, says one.  The church to remain faithful must only ordain XY, says another. The church needs more sacred music, we hear from one side, and from the other comes, but what about relevant music?
I care. And you are right to care as well.  There is some importance. I join you in having my personal convictions on what I believe the Bible principles and guidelines are on all of these areas--music, ordination, finances, buildin g buildings.  But I wonder in my own reflections if when these items receive more of our energy than they deserve if we aren't more like Jonah sitting on the hillside outside Nineveh bemoaning that a plant has died, indifferent to the man, woman, and child who is dying below us.
My mind is often haunted by the opening words of Richard Harris in the poem - There Are Too Many Saviours on My Cross.
There are too many saviors on my cross,
lending their blood to flood out my ballot box with needs of their own.
Who put you there?
Who told you that that was your place?
You carry me secretly naked in your heart 
and clothe me publicly in armor
crying "God is on our side," yet I openly cry
Who is on mine?
Tell me, who?
I'm pretty certain that there will be many in heaven on both sides of these questions.  I look forward to when God calls the heaven-wide meetings (plural because it will take more than one) and just sets us straight.  I'm guessing there might be a few things I have to change my mind on.  God will be able to do that in heaven. 
But there is one thing that cannot be done in heaven.  It is the one agenda of Jesus and the purpose for which Jesus organized us as a church--to seek and save the lost.  That's it.  
What if the only ones that cast their votes for decisions on music, ordination, finances, church buildings are those who were participating in the agenda of Jesus. Doesn't it at least seem reasonable to only have those who share your agenda, and participate in your mission, make the decisions for your organization. It seems like a good business model.  I'm sure Toyota doesn't have Honda leaders vote on their board...or those who care about, like, and eat burgers make the decisions for Taco Bell.  This sounds like a good plan for the church, but then how many would be left qualified to vote?  Would I?
In Matthew 24 Jesus, with a sense of urgency, reviews the indicators that help the observant follower of His Kingdom know they are living in the time of the end. But there was only one--only one indicator that the end of time had come--Matthew 24:14: Jesus says it is when the gospel is taken to the entire world.
All the while we find it acceptable to be a part of a church that isn't crazy about seeking and saving the lost. And we consume our personal time and our resources with eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage.  
While the world celebrated one of our own, the Hero of Hacksaw Ridge in 2016 for saving others' lives, our world needs Heroes of Campion Ridge in 2017 doing the same, saving lives. 
We can't tell everyone and every church to have their priorities straight.   But could God start with me?  With us?  We must be All About People. You and me knowing a God who loves us forever and likes us for always is information--if we share it--that could make 2017 someone's greatest year.
I'll let you in on a secret--Jesus is getting shared; it's happening through the website, through our school, through worship. These stories will make your socks roll up and down. But we are saving these stories for Monday night at the business/board meeting.
I pray God's grace and peace surround you and your home in 2017, and may you know the joy of someone coming to know Jesus through you.  
In This Issue
Quick Links
Our Mission
We serve and glorify God through Christ-centered worship, individual spiritual growth, youth involvement, and community interaction.
Pastoral Staff
Micheal Goetz, Lead
Nestor Soriano, Assoc.
Esequias Perea, Assoc.
Rob Carlson, Chaplain 
Joe Martin, Staff Pastor

Admin Asst./Treasurer:
Teresa Johansen

Service Schedule
Sabbath School 9:30 am
Worship service 10:45 am
Wednesdays: Power of Prayer Meeting  6:30 pm
Click on calendar for church, Pathfinder, and Campion events.
   40 days of Show Him
Keep sharing Jesus 
Check for ideas on the bulletin board in the Sabbath School wing.

Summer Evangelism Opportunity

An opportunity to do evangelism this summer for our youth throughout the RMC is available.  For more information please contact Pastor Esequias

February sermon series.
Our Church in Action
Here are a few ways we are showing Jesus at Campion          
Pastor Nestor
40 Days of Show - On Sabbath, January 14, we launched a 40-day initiative to show Jesus. There are a variety of ways we have been showing Jesus, some of which include: leaving Bible tracts in credit card slots at gas stations and vending machines, giving Bible studies, and volunteering to serve in our community. Several members of our Evangelism Council have committed to serving at the House of Neighborly Service, a non-profit organization that serves the Loveland community. Your pastoral staff is scheduled to help build homes with the Habitat for Humanity on February 7. Let's keep showing Jesus!
Community Appreciation Event - We are planning an event to express gratitude and appreciation for our community leaders, some of which include leaders from the police department, fire department, house of neighborly service, and pastors from community churches. This will take place sometime in the fall. Please stayed tuned.
Wildfire - A team of students are preparing for our Wildfire outreach at the end of February. We will be culminating our 40 Days of Show with this series. We are collaborating with the Loveland Seventh-day Adventist Church for this event. Here are some details:
What: Wildfire is a student-led evangelistic series
Where: Loveland S.D.A. Church
When: February 17-24, every night except Sunday, from 6:30-7:30 pm
Elder Team Commits to Encourage Members Through Visitation

Each November for the past two years the elders and their spouses have spent the first three Wednesdays of November taking the students out in teams and visiting as many of our church members as possible with just the agenda of sharing a treat (real chocolate) and praying with them.  This experience has reminded elders of the impact and joy that comes from encouraging and connecting with individuals and families in our church. 
The elder team together has decided to commit one Sabbath each month to focus on connecting and encouraging through visitation starting the last week of January. This ministry will continue every last week of every month this year. The Campion Church elders are: Edwin Bravatti (head elder), Tom Cleveland, Steve Eickmann, Jonathan Gibbs, Bill Hay, Kent Kast, Joe Martin, Kim Mehlenbacher, Alex Rodriguez, Dick Stenbakken, Ben Trujillo, and Dan Turk. You can find their pictures on the church web site at  http://www.campionchurch.org/our-team.html  

Social Committee Rewarded with Great Turnout to International Food Fair

Foods, flags and costumes were displayed from many  countries including Sweden, Lebanon, France, Mexico, Australia, India, China, Japan,  East Asia, and Indonesia. Other groups sold drinks, desserts, or crafts.

HMS 7th and 8th grade class hosted a dessert table as a fundraiser for their upcoming mission trip to Costa Rica.

Lucille Trujillo serves Thai foods.
Christine Baker and her daughter with Swedish delights.

Judy Olson tells Marge Velazquez about the doll clothes made by Betty Welch. Proceeds went to help in the orphanages for which Judy sews clothing. 
Pastor Nestor and Katherine Soriano, Roy Supet and another lady serve in the Indonesia food booth.

Quilts for Giving
Whether you're an experienced machine quilter or a beginner, we would love to have you join the Campion Quilting Ministry. In February, we will be learning to make Dresden Plate blocks, then turning our blocks into one quilt to donate. Fabric, iron, and rotary cutting tools will be provided. Join us in the Campion Academy Home Ec. Room  Thursday February 2nd at 6 pm and/or Sunday February 19 at 9 am. Questions? Email  Amanda.K.Simpson@gmail.com
A Season of Hope and Love
Mission Trip Report
This is a story May Forshee wrote regarding the mission trip she took to Columbia during Christmas. Before the trip, Campion Church members came and helped package medical supplies and the HMS Kindergarten class donated gift bags to hand out to kids in the hospital.  
Story by May Forshee
Team Leader, San Andres, Colombia, for Quiet Hour Ministries

Many people stereotype Christmas season as a festive event of buying, receiving presents, putting up Christmas trees, and Santa Claus. Over the years, people's perception changes this occasion to being commercialized. We have forgotten the fact the festive is about celebration of the birth of our Savior. John 3:16  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. "
May visiting a child on December 23.
Our mission team members to San Andres Island, Colombia, took the op p ortunity to remember the ones who were left in sadness, sorrow, pain, and loneliness. We worked with Pastor Luis Playonero, Pastor Washington Ortega, and pathfin ders of Modelo & New Life SDA Church, hosted and coordinated visits to San Pedra Cleval Old Folks home and Clarence Newball Memorial Hospital on December 23, 2016.
San Pedra Cleval Old Folks home is managed by Cecilia, a catholic nun. There are about 31 residents in that premise being cared for. Some old folks were in wheel chairs, cared for their sickness and some just being there as family members find it burdensome to be at home. Some of the residents were happy and joyful, but some skeptical to receive our presence. Our group sang Christmas carols to entertain them. Pastor Washington preached about the meaning of Christmas.
I shared the presence of Quiet Hours Ministry team members being there. We had personal prayers laid on each of the old folks. We could see how the Holy Spirit poured on them for healing spiritually. We also prepared some refreshments and gifts for them. We were so glad to see the joy and happiness in their faces on how much they appreciated o ur presence when we left the place.
The group proceeded to the Clarence Newball Memorial Hospital next. We visited every floor of the hospital singing Christmas carols, offering prayers to sick patients and all the nurses' stations. Our groups were well received. The children's ward was our first stop. Christmas presents and healing prayers were given to each child along with their loved ones by their sides. The medical personnel working the day shifts came out to join our group singing Christmas carols and spread the good love of joy and hope for all. Prayers were offered at the nurses stations on each floor.

It was a tiring morning, but the joy of spreading love; hope and peace to those in needs were just worth every effort of our time spent there. We were grateful being able to give that joyous spirit of God's love on this beautiful island. It was a memorable time treasured in our hearts.
 News from Our Schools
HMS students get outdoors, even in winter
With snowshoes sinking into snow often well above their knees, 32 4th through 8th-grade students persevered in breaking a trail to Brainard Lake.  Despite predictions of snow, Thursday, January 24 turned out to be cloudy but calm and dry; a perfect day for teachers Paul Bragaw and Davin Hammond to lead their students on a snowshoe adventure. 
For the majority of students, this was their first experience on snowshoes.  The students were divided into mixed-age groups so that they could work together, help each other put the snowshoes on, and encourage each other along the way.  The students all hiked between three and five miles through deep snow to Brainard Lake in the Indian Peaks Wilderness. 
Paul Bragaw, known to his students as "Mr. B," recently was able to obtain the snowshoes because of a generous donation.  He has also started what he calls a "snowshoe ministry" which allows any HMS family to check out the snowshoes for a weekend for free to encourage outdoor family fun.  Other church members may check out the snowshoes for a minimal $5 fee.
For students, especially in Bragaw's and Hammond's classes, taking class outdoors is not a new thing. It is a regular part of their education.
Both teachers use "mobile outdoor classrooms" where students set up camp chairs in various locations around campus.  They often have Bible class, reading time, and science outdoors, as well as taking a daily walk around the outskirts of campus. 
"Very seldom have I had kids complain about having class outdoors," Bragaw said. "I've seen a lot of change in attitude, behavior and motivation as well as huge spiritual gains in students lives.  The kids talk about seeing Jesus in the outdoors and that's really what inspires me."
Bragaw has a Master's of Science degree in Outdoor Education from Southern Adventist University.  His passion for outdoor education began when he was in 5th grade.  "I'll never forget my 5th grade teacher, Mr. Z., when he took us climbing up Mt. Rainier.  It was bigger than life for me and an experience that always stayed with me." 
In October, Bragaw organized the annual outdoor school trip for students.  This year they went backpacking on a three-day, two-night trip.  In February, the whole school will be going skiing, and a few other snowshoe trips are being planned. 
If you are interested in checking out snowshoes, please contact Paul to set up an appointment by emailing paulbragaw@yahoo.com or by calling the school office at 970-667-2427.
Jill Harlow,  English Teacher, 7th & 8th grade
iMPACT on Campion's Campus
by Celine Lumowa

Many guests arrived  at Campion Church  January 20-21 eager to be inspired by the  iMPACT  young adult rally. The rally, organized by a group led by Campion Academy's recruiter, Jessica Rios , invited young adults from all over the Rocky Mountain Conference to come and learn the divine tactics of reaching out to the community and fulfilling the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist church. 
Senior Recognition Week-end

Seniors rejoice with their classmates April Loredo and Priscila Garcia as they rededicate their lives through baptism during the church service January 27th.  April and Priscila were baptized by Pastor Joe Martin before the sermon by Rob Carlson.
 The week-end events ended with an all school talent show.

All About People
In Memory
Harold "Gene"  Olson
1930 - 2017

Harold "Gene" Olson was born June 23, 1930, to Harold and Nancy Olson in Wyaconda, Missouri. From the age of 5, Gene was raised on a farm in LaBelle, Missouri. Gene married Vivian Angela Menke on June 3, 1950 and had four children: Clifford Warren, Gary Wayne, Kathy Gailene, and Penny Jean. Gene farmed until 1965 when he relocated to Loveland, Colorado, and became a building contractor. He retired in 1996. His hobbies included playing softball, basketball, hunting, fishing, camping, and riding horses. He was very active in whatever sports and activities his children were doing. Gene was a devoted and loving husband, father, and grandfather. He had a wonderful sense of humor and loved laughing. He had many friends and a very kind and generous heart. He was known for his honesty and integrity. 
Gene was a devout Seventh-day Adventist Christian and a long-time member of the Campion Seventh-day Adventist Church.  In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Gene's name to: Campion Academy, Worthy Student Fund or online at www.campion.net (go to Giving, Donate, Student Aid, Paypal link). Gene will be greatly missed by his family and friends. 
Glen S. Douthit
February 22, 1924 - December 28, 2016

Glen, of Longmont, Colorado, was interred at Ft. Logan National Cemetery. Glen is survived by his wife Bobbi, children and grandchildren.  
Remembrance of Glen by Ben Trujillo
"I can tell you that Glen served in the Army, that he had to work at defending his observance of Sabbath, and did so successfully. He was an amazing businessman; he owned and operated a large chain of nursing homes and a funeral home."

"He purchased the farm, not for himself, but for his father, who had been a farmer, and missed that life. But, his father only lived there a couple of years before he died. Glen moved there, and it turned out he'd made a good purchase. The day I first met him, I asked him what he raised, and he said, 'Twenty-seven oil wells.' In addition to that, it was also a working farm with a couple of full-time managers."
Michael Felix Torres
May 21, 1952 - January 9, 2017

Patricia and Michael lived on our campus for 12 years, and their sons Michael ('06) and Patrick ('08) both graduated from Campion.  Patricia is Campion's Learning Resource director and ELL instructor , and was a part of our church family even though their official church membership was in Denver.

Michael dedicated 30 years to Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) as a graphic designer.  
Don Reeder and Michael Torres sporting their Broncos jackets
From the time the Broncos were founded in 1960, his love of the team never wavered.  We will sincerely miss Michael's Christian character, his patient attitude, his love for others, and his devotion to his family.
Michael is survived by his two sons, Michael and Patrick, his grandchildren Aaliyah and Jonah, and his wife Patricia. 

From Patricia:  I want to thank all our family and friends who prayed for Mike, Michael, Patrick and me.  I felt lifted up above the storm and was able to focus on Mike because of each and every one of our family members, friends, coworkers, church brothers and sisters; and I thank God for each and every one of you. 
Staying Connected
Plan Now for the 2nd Annual "Breakfast for Lunch" Potluck February 4

A-K Eggs and potato casseroles
I, L-Q Fruit
R-Z Cinnamon rolls or Sweet breads

Church Business
The HMS kindergarten class provided hot chocolate to members arriving for the church business meeting. 

Business Meeting January 16, 2017 

The church in business has recommended we consider two sets of plans on  Monday, February 27  and vote on one to move forward as our addition. 
February Offering Schedule:
February 4: Local Church Budget. This offering covers everything our local church does in ministry, maintenance, and all the day-to-day and Sabbath to Sabbath activities.
February 11: World Budget. A portion of today's World Budget Offering goes toward NAD Adventist Television Ministries which is comprised of several ministries, including:
Breath of Life, primarily the African American ministry TV; Esperanza TV, the official Spanish channel of the Adventist Church; Hope Channel, the church's TV channel; It Is Written, the oldest religious telecast in North America, this ministry includes Lifestyle Magazine, a program by Dr. John McDougall, and the show, Mad About Marriage, began by Mike and Gayle Tucker.
February 18: Local Church Budget: Every Sabbath you enjoy the clean church, the heat in winter, the lights on, and supplies in the children's Sabbath school rooms. All is paid by the local church budget.
February 25: Rocky Mountain Conference Advance: Some of the ministries supported by this offering are Glacier View Ranch and Mills Spring Ranch, Health, Women's Ministries, and Youth.

Campion Church
300 42nd St SW
Loveland, CO 80537
(970) 214-8907
Newsletter Editor: Ardis Stenbakken, Layout Editors: Ella Jean Albertsen, Anita Busby. Correspondents: Ken Albertsen, Muriel Indermuehle, Jenny Sigler, Donna Webb, Teresa Johansen. Photography:Dan Turk & Phyllis Zimmerman. Send suggestions, comments, or letters to the editor to: campionconnectionsnewsletter@gmail.com