From Ann Vaughn, President
We always say that Focus Area Committees are at the heart of what we do, so it's incredibly exciting to have our members off to the races with their dedicated, thoughtful grant review.
It's in these committees that our members get to know each other, get to know our community, and bring their rich and diverse life experiences to bear on a rigorous review process.
It's also where we take action. Women join Impact100 because they want to lift up nonprofits and make transformational change. As Black History Month comes to a close, our Board and our members have taken time to reflect on the structural inequities and racial injustice in this country. But it's clear that reflection is no longer enough. As we continue educating ourselves and each other about systemic racism, we must also take action.
I want to thank all of our members who have volunteered for FAC committees. Our collective decision-making is putting incredible projects and programs into motion. Let us be proud of our reflections, and prouder of our actions.