Our Mission Statement

As a welcoming congregation, we work and worship together to become people of open minds, loving hearts, and helping hands. We honor the transformative power of love in our individual lives and broader communities.

February 2024

How We UUs Make Decisions!

Unitarian Universalists are a little different from most faith traditions. We have no bishops or hierarchy that makes decisions for our congregations. We have something called “congregational polity.” So – for example – I was not sent to you from some authoritative body as your minister. You – as a congregation – decided that you wanted me to be your minister. Similarly, congregations make decisions about purchasing property, by-laws, electing boards, and more. They authorize their boards to make decisions that may come up between annual meetings. These are not the bigger decisions like calling a minister or changing the by-laws – but the board does appoint committees, determine how we pay for unseen emergencies and more.

Then what is the UUA? Our congregation is affiliated with other UU congregations in an association - because we can do better if we cooperate. And the Association has their own set up by-laws that guide them which have been changed often through the years. The association also has a board – that like our board – is authorized for the smaller kinds of decisions that need to be made. But we have a big meeting once a year – where delegates vote on things like changes to the bylaws and statements of conscience and more. In more recent years, these meetings have been hybrid so that folks could attend online and even serve as delegates online. This year – the entire meeting will be conducted online, June 20-23. Next year – it will be hybrid again with an in-person event in Baltimore. Because of the convenience and reduced cost of the event this year, we are hoping that many of our folks “come” to the General Assembly. And it is not too early to think about this and make plans. Among the things that will be voted on this year will be the current draft of the revisions to Article 2. Last year, the first vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the changes the study commission had drafted with some amendments made. Now if you have been around a while, you know that when these proposed “Shared Values” first were shared by the study commission, I preached an entire sermon series on them. I’ve also shared in newsletter articles the link to the Article 2 Commission’s website so that you could read about their process, provide input, and more. I will share that link again here. https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/article-ii-study-commission

I encourage you to go straight to the source for this information and not depend on communication from those who would encourage you to believe something is there that is not. If you have more questions after studying this information, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Our board can appoint two members of our congregation to serve as voting delegates to the General Assembly – and delegates may register for full attendance – or just attendance at business meetings. Of course, you don’t have to be a delegate to register and attend the General Assembly – but there is a special process for delegates. Information about registration can be found at this link: https://www.uua.org/ga/registration

If you are a member of our congregation and would be willing to serve as a delegate to General Assembly 2024, please contact our President, Abby Thompson, at [email protected].

Peace and Love,


For information about our in-person service please see our Covid guidelines below. Or, if you prefer to attend online, the service will be offered at this zoom link: https://uuma.zoom.us/j/5915836890 .

February 4

"Jump at the Sun"

Clint Tawes

Join us this first Sunday of Black History Month as Clint Tawes explores the inspiring words of his favorite author, Zora Neale Hurston, urging us to "Jump at the Sun." Delve into Hurston’s resilience as a writer and anthropologist, drawing parallels to her personal life. Together, we'll reflect on the metaphor of reaching for greatness in the face of obstacles, inspiring us to embrace our own journey toward positive change.

February 11

"Theological identity"

Rev. Jane Page and Randy Blasch

Rev. Jane and Intern Minister Randy Blasch will both share about their theological identity as religious naturalists.

February 18

"My Brother's War: Photography and UU Values"

Jessica Hines

Based on her book, Jessica tells the story of her search to understand the circumstances surrounding her brother’s life with PTSD as a Vietnam vet, which relates to families worldwide who have lost and are presently losing loved ones to war.

February 25

"Lessons from The Color Purple by Alice Walker"

Rev. Jane Page

Rev. Jane will continue her series on Lessons from banned books with an exploration of the theological lessons from Alice Walker's classic novel. If you are so inclined, you are invited to wear purple!


Also, this link is available on the UUFS website on both the HOME page and THIS MONTH'S SERVICES page.

NOTE: The county Covid risk level is subject to change.


UUFS will have a table at "Winterfest" Statesboro's First Friday event with music, smores, food trucks, and vendors on West Main St. and West Vine St., 5:30-8pm


Board meeting following Sunday service.


 Potluck lunch following Sunday service.

Please bring food with a description to share. Plates, napkins, & drinks will be provided.

Abby Thompson

President, Board of Trustees


Fridays at 9:00 a.m.

MindBody Center at UUFS

Join us for meditation on Friday mornings. Newcomers and experienced practitioners are welcome. Come join us in person or join us via Zoom.

For the Zoom link or more information send an email to Laura Milner at [email protected]

MindBody Center Yoga

now has more In-Person Yoga classes.

See Covid precautions below.

Tuesday, 9:30-11:00 am Iyengar Yoga with Inge

Wednesday, 8:00-9:00 am Yoga for the Spine with Lynn Geddes

Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am All Levels Yoga with Fred

Thursday, 9:30-11:00 am Ease into Iyengar Yoga with Inge

For Fred’s and Inge's classes register with this link: 


For Lynn’s classes email her at [email protected]

Covid Precautions: We are still observing some Covid restrictions and limit our classes to 7 participants. To attend you must be vaccinated, be symptom-free, and observe social distancing. Mask wearing is optional.  

Reduced fee for Newcomers to MindBody Center: $30 for 4 classes 

For more information on our yoga classes click this link: www.mindbodycenteryoga.com

For more information on Fascia Fitness Training click this link: https://fasciatrainingacademy.com/6-fascial-fitness-training-principles/

Inge Spencer

Iyengar Certified Instructor

MindBody Center Yoga

912 596-3322 (call or text)


For more information on our classes and instructors go to www.mindbodycenteryoga.com

or call or text Inge at 912-596-3322

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

of Statesboro

We are located at 6762 Cypress Lake Road

Statesboro, Georgia

Please send mail to:


PO Box 2453

Statesboro GA 30459


Email: [email protected]



https://uuma.zoom.us/j/5915836890 / Meeting ID: 591 583 6890

Rev. Jane Page, Minister

r[email protected]

C: 912.682.3566

President: Abby Thompson

Vice President: Martha Hughes

Secretary: Kathy Smith

Treasurer: Teresa Winn

Immediate Past President: Dee Liston


You may contact board members by emailing [email protected]

and please put the board member's name in the subject line.


Shari Barr

Home: 912.764.7300

Cell: 912.687.3899

Email: [email protected]



Chair: Barb Hendry

Email: [email protected]

Members: Adrienne Cohen and

Relinda Walker



Elaine Deaver

Email: [email protected]

Cell: 912.230.2675

Visit our Website


Mike Montagne



Shari Barr



Abby Thompson



Teresa Winn 



Adrienne Cohen


EMAIL: [email protected]

Phone: 912.682.3566