Hello, Friend of the Franklin County CDC

As we pass the halfway mark of Black History Month, many organizations, businesses, and individuals are finding creative ways to celebrate and honor the history of Black people and their contributions to this nation. History is fascinating in that it is supposed to share the study of change over time, covering all aspects and phases of life: social, economic, scientific, technological, and cultural. Historians and other researchers examine events of the past, with the primary focus of teaching and authenticating historical data.

For Black people taking a trip back in history to look at slavery and comparing those facts to today, it appears much has changed. However, when we examine current systems closely, not much has actually changed, except that the racism is more covert.

The Franklin County Community Development Corporation has begun to behave in a manner that is more intentional, and not performative, in our efforts to acknowledge Black History Month not just annually, but year round. We have done this by evaluating our programs, language, policies, and hierarchy. For example, we are asking questions such as, “What in our language and daily communications may be harmful or offensive?” We are sharing conversations in a space that is uncomfortable and learning how to sit with that discomfort when discussing racism. The goal–to set an example and become more welcoming in Franklin County and surrounding counties. These efforts are happening every day. 

The Franklin County CDC sees white privilege as a valid obstacle that negatively impacts Black people and separates white people from their humanity. As active members of this community and the surrounding community, and on behalf of the Franklin County CDC, we would like to express our thanks for the work and celebrations happening to honor Black History Month. The Franklin County CDC invites you to join our efforts by examining your internal processes, asking the tough questions, and encouraging your staff, family, and friends, to be okay with uncomfortable conversations with regards to racism.

As a community, we want to get to the point where real change for Black people is happening all year. Let’s disrupt and dismantle language and systems that host harmful practices.

Together, and only together, can we reduce fear and realign our thinking, achieving an inclusive culture. Feel free to reach out to the Franklin County CDC.


Traci Talbert
Racial Justice Community Engagement Leader