We Are Celebrating 25 Years!
The Furniture Masters are pleased to be collaborating with the League of NH Craftsman to host our 25th anniversary exhibit in Concord this summer. The exhibit will showcase new works by current members, and will also look back at early pieces that were made and shown by the group. Much of the work will be available for sale.
As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, the NH Furniture Masters would like to thank the NH Historical Society, and Tony Hartigan of Merrill Lynch for their inspired support that founded the group. They brought in the broader Concord Business community and patrons of the arts to create the early exhibits, auctions and annual catalogs of fine furniture. The list of sponsors, friends and institutions that have championed the idea of promoting exquisitely created furniture made in small New England shops is extensive - Thank you!
Master Tools for Master Furniture Makers
How Lie-Nielsen’s heirloom quality tools help craft the future of fine furniture, our Furniture Masters and the Maine Prison Outreach Program.
As the Furniture Masters celebrate our 25 th Anniversary in 2020, we are taking the time to reflect and show appreciation to all of the supporters we have had over the years. We are keenly aware of the importance of our patrons, sponsors, and local businesses and believe that it is those who understand and celebrate the art of fine furniture making that allows us to keep doing what we love.

We recognize the special bond and connection that Lie-Nielsen Toolworks and the NH Furniture Masters share, as we all work together to preserve and promote the future of fine furniture making.

Please check out our latest blog post to learn more about the unique relationship between Lie-Nielsen Toolworks and the NH Furniture Masters.
Updates From Our Masters
Ted Blachly Preparing for 25th Anniversary Exhibit
Some people have wine cellars, Ted has a "wood" cellar and is bringing out this exceptionally fine piece of Claro Walnut for The Furniture Masters 25th Anniversary year exhibit.

Stay tuned for process photos as he shapes and sculpts this piece for an expansive low table.
Jeff Roberts' Mahogany Masterpieces

Jeff Roberts just delivered this bookcase made in mahogany with maple carvings. In the same room is a Newport Tea Table in mahogany, also made by Jeff.
Lynn Szymanski Participates in Pentaculum Last Month
Last summer, Lynn Szymanski received an invitation to participate in the 6th Annual Pentaculum at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts which took place this past January 5-11 in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

The Pentaculum is week-long residency and retreat experience that will allow you to live and work alongside other artists from across the country. 

You can read a blog post by one of the participants here .
Jamie Herman, 2019 Alden Artisan Advancement Recipient, Featured in Fine Woodworking Magazine
Jamie Herman is featured in the March/April edition of Fine Woodworking's "Designer's Notebook."

In this article, Jamie explains his process and how he uses sketches to get ideas out from his head and onto paper. "For me, sketches are more of a mental placeholder than anything else—I just want to have enough drawn so I can remember what I was thinking when the concept came to me. My best ideas almost never happen when I’ve been sitting down with my sketchbook actively trying to design furniture; instead, they usually come when I give my brain a little distance from the shop," Jamie explains in the article. To read his entire article in "Designer's Notebook," click here .
Women's Prison Outreach Program Awarded Two Grants
Our Women's Prison Outreach Program recently received grants from the Von Weber Trust and the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts . These grants will assist us with tools, equipment and supplies for the program as well as stipends for the instructors.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Elizabeth L. Johnson Fund – Fidelity Charitable
Fleisher Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
Greenspan Foundation
Maine Community Foundation Belvedere Traditional Handcrafts
New Hampshire Women’s Foundation Pathways to Prosperity
New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
Von Weber Trust