Monthly news & updates
We are already halfway through February!
How many in your household have been struck by the flu? Stay hydrated! Stay on top of your vitamins and supplements!
Upcoming Events
Our Coolsculpting Patient Seminar had a great turn out. Our NEXT patient seminar is all about Hormones and treatment options for optimizing your hormonal balance.

Mercedes and Wine 10k!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Mercedes Marathon Weekend! Weather this year sure was better than last year.

Next big one that we will be involved with will the Wine 10k right here in Homewood. We're excited to once again keep the tradition going of being involved since the very beginning.

How do hormone levels change as you age?
What can you do about it?
Two presentations, same date: 12:00 pm and 5:15 pm
How do hormone levels change as you age
At what age do you start feeling the affects of changing hormones
What are your options
As a man, what does your energy level have to do with your hormone levels
As a woman, does it matter if you've had a hysterectomy, are on birth control, have tried and failed other methods
Is it safe
All these questions and more will be answered at our Hormone Therapy Patient Seminar. You don't have to be a current patient of ours to attend. We'll do a presentation, have a question/answer period, and have staff on hand to draw blood if you'd like to have your levels checked.