Barrington 220 values student attendance. For a student to have a successful experience, the student must be present in class. Any absence from school is a missed learning opportunity for your child. For this month’s Attention to Attendance spotlight, we are providing definitions for attendance-related terms provided by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).
Truant: A student who has been absent without valid cause for more than 1% but less than 5% of the past 180 school days.
Valid Cause: Click here for valid reasons for absences, which now include up to five excused mental health days.
Chronic or Habitual Truant: A student who has been absent without valid cause for 5% or more of the past 180 regular attendance days.
Truant Minor: A chronically truant student who has been offered resources and services but persists in truancy or who has refused services.
Dropout: A child enrolled in Grades 9-12 whose name has been removed from the roster (unless an exception applies).
If consistent attendance is a challenge for your student, please reach out to your principal, assistant principal, counselor or teacher for support.