January 31, 2025

Kindergarten Student

Kindergarten Round-Up Starts Monday, February 3

Do you have a child entering kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year? Barrington 220 offers free, full-day kindergarten at each of our elementary schools. As a reminder, our elementary principals will hold in-person information sessions starting Monday, February 3, at 6 p.m. at your neighborhood elementary school. This is an informational meeting intended for parents and guardians only.

Information sessions are also being held for our three optional kindergarten programs. These include our innovative new Kindergarten Lab Program or "K-Lab" at Barrington High School, the Spanish Dual Language Program, and the Chinese Immersion Program. View the Kindergarten Information page for program-specific Round-Up dates. The deadline to complete kindergarten pre-registration is February 28.

Attention to Attendance: Defining Attendance Terms

Barrington 220 values student attendance. For a student to have a successful experience, the student must be present in class. Any absence from school is a missed learning opportunity for your child. For this month’s Attention to Attendance spotlight, we are providing definitions for attendance-related terms provided by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). 

Truant: A student who has been absent without valid cause for more than 1% but less than 5% of the past 180 school days. 

Valid Cause: Click here for valid reasons for absences, which now include up to five excused mental health days.

Chronic or Habitual Truant: A student who has been absent without valid cause for 5% or more of the past 180 regular attendance days. 

Truant Minor: A chronically truant student who has been offered resources and services but persists in truancy or who has refused services. 

Dropout: A child enrolled in Grades 9-12 whose name has been removed from the roster (unless an exception applies).

If consistent attendance is a challenge for your student, please reach out to your principal, assistant principal, counselor or teacher for support.

View the district's attendance procedures

Barrington 220 District-Wide Orchestra Festival

Join approximately 700 musicians from all twelve Barrington 220 schools as they play music together! The district-wide Orchestra Festival Concert will be held on Sunday, February 9 from 1-3 p.m. in the Barrington High School gymnasium. The concert is free to attend, and is always an exciting event!

See the Musical Chicago: Teen Edition at BHS!

Final preparations are underway for this year’s BHS main stage musical, Chicago: Teen Edition! Set in the Roaring Twenties, the musical follows Roxie Hart and Velma Kelly as they seek fame, fortune, and acquittal. Note: The teen edition removes adult language and suggestive content from the production. The show will run February 20-23 in the BHS auditorium, and tickets can be purchased through the BHS online box office. Tickets will go fast!

Nominate an Unsung Hero for Character Counts!

The Barrington Junior Women's Club (BJWC) will once again honor community members with its annual Character Counts awards program. Character Counts recognizes and celebrates unsung heroes who make the Barrington area a special place to live. 

If you know someone who lives or works in the Barrington 220 school district who has gone above and beyond to make a positive difference in the community, you are invited to submit a nomination by clicking here. Nominations will be accepted from February 5 to March 1, 2025. This year's winners will be honored during an award ceremony on Monday, April 28. Questions about the program can be directed to BJWC Character Counts co-chair Kristin Baumann.  

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