February, 2023
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Check out the latest Outdoor Buddies outdoor adventures!
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Submit Hunt Requests by Feb 28th! | |
Hunt requests submitted before 2.28.2023 will have the best chance to be selected for a hunt. | |
Brenda Harrison had a great hunt last season--read her full story in the article below! | |
It's time to start planning the 2023 hunting season! We hope you are as excited as we are for another year of accessible hunting with Outdoor Buddies! Hunt requests for deer, elk, and antelope hunting are now live on our website. To make sure the selection process goes as smoothly as possible, please remember the following before you apply:
- All hunters must have a permit to shoot from a vehicle to participate in any Outdoor Buddies mobility impaired hunt. Please click here for more information if you do not yet have this permit.
- Hunters must be willing to travel to their hunt, which may be anywhere in the state of Colorado (or Wyoming, if you select a Wyoming antelope hunt). Due to limited hunt slots available, locations will be randomly assigned.
- If you are selected for a hunt and decline, you will be ineligible to be selected for a hunt in 2024. Exceptions will be made for legitimate health issues or emergencies.
- Hunting applications need to be completed by 2.28.23 your best chance at being selected.
These rules are in place to get as many folks with mobility impairments as possible out hunting. Our all-volunteer staff works hard to put these hunts together, and we are all very excited to hunt with you in this upcoming year!
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2023 Online Raffle Ticket Sales are Live! | |
Winners to Be Drawn on August 5th at the Annual Clay Shoot | |
The Outdoor Buddies annual raffle is now live, and tickets are available for purchase! We have some great prizes that you can win this year, and the proceeds of this fundraiser raffle enable Outdoor Buddies to continue to fulfill its mission of getting mobility impaired hunters the opportunity to go on outdoor adventures. As an all-volunteer non-profit organization, Outdoor Buddies relies on folks like you to support our programs and make the dreams of mobility impaired outdoorsmen come true.
Please have a look at the fabulous prizes below, and get your raffle tickets soon! Don't forget to share this email with your friends!
All prizes will be drawn at the annual Clay Shoot fundraiser, which will take place on August 5th, 2023. Do not need to be present to win.
Call for Tickets:
Terry Gleason
Annual Drake Land Farms Pheasant Hunt | |
Outdoor Buddies and Colorado Youth Outdoors will host a pheasant hunt, scheduled for Saturday, March 18, 2023 to be held at Drake Land Farms near Goodrich, Colorado from 9:00am to 3:00pm. We request that hunters show up promptly at 9:00am but not before. This gives Outdoor Buddies Volunteers time to prepare for the event.
Drake Land Farms is a hunting club that was established in 1980. The property includes 867 acres with 1.5 miles of the South Platte River. It is ideal habitat for this hunt.
This event is being coordinated by Larry Sanford and Christopher Nowak who is Outdoor Buddies Treasurer and a member/owner of the Drake Land Farms hunting club.
This event promises to provide a lot of harvest opportunity because we are planning to plant 200 pheasants.
Shooting is reserved for disabled members and youth hunters.
Outdoor Buddies will provide some adaptive equipment for disabled hunters who may need a little help getting around for their hunt. We will have our “Go-Getter” ATV device as well as three Action Track chairs.
This will be an all-day event starting at 9:00am. Lunch will be served.
At the end of the hunt harvested birds will be cleaned and divided with participants who want them.
Participants need to register in advance.
If you would like to bring a dog to help with the hunt, you MUST contact Larry first.
To Register please call or text
Larry Sanford
If you are interested in volunteering, contact:
Steve Medberry
(720) 255-9453
Directions to Drake Land Farms
Take Interstate 76 toward Wiggins
Take Exit 66A onto CO Hwy 39 going north
Go approximately 6 miles (If you cross the South Platte River you have gone too far.)
Watch for Outdoor Buddies sign
Exit to the West into Drake Land Farms
If you get lost please call Chris Nowak at 303.717.7159 or Larry Sanford at 970.218.5356 for help.
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Brenda Harrison's Deer Hunting Adventure | |
A truck stuck in the snow was no match for Brenda and her team of helpers! | |
Brenda Harrison and her husband Robert after a successful deer hunt | |
This is my Deer Hunting Adventure,
On Saturday January 21,2023, my husband and I headed to Drake Land Farms to meet Chris Nowak at noon. It was a cool and sunny day. We got to Drake Land Farms, and met Chris. We followed him up to the Lodge, since we would be spending the night there. We unloaded our stuff, and looked through the binocular scope that was set up to see if there were any deer outside. We saw some whitetail deer off in the distance. After a little while we all got ready to go hunting. We went to the east side of the property to see if we could find any deer. We did not see any deer where we were, so we drove to another section on the east side of the property.
After getting through the gate, we drove for a couple minutes and we got our truck stuck in the snow. From looking at the snow we couldn't tell it was as deep as it actually was. Robert (my husband) and Chris got out to try and get us unstuck. We tried getting ahold of some duck hunters, who were also at Drake Land Farms. We did not get a response, so Chris decided he was going to walk back to the Lodge and get his truck to pull us out. Finally, one of the duck hunters responded. He said he was on his way. I let him know Chris was walking back to the lodge. The duck hunter (Darren) showed up with Chris, and he tried to pull us out with his Nissan truck and tow strap. Darren ended up getting stuck also. Luckily enough, Robert, Chris, and Darren were able to get Darren's Truck unstuck. Darren drove Chris back to the lodge, so Chris could get his truck which has a winch on the front of it. Chris came back, hooked his winch onto our truck and started pulling us out. We had to stop for a few minutes, so Chris and Robert could trim a bush, as it was going to scratch the side of our truck.
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We finally got unstuck and headed back to the west side of the property to see if we could get one of the deer we saw earlier in the day. We were hoping to catch them crossing the field. Unfortunately, they were already jumping across the fence into someone else's property. We went into town Saturday night to go have pizza. It was good pizza.
On Sunday, January 22 we left the lodge around 7:00 a.m. in Chris's truck. We were hoping to catch the deer crossing back over the fence into Drake Land Farms. We saw a few Bucks, but no Does. We sat there for a little over half an hour and decided to try a different spot. Robert was driving Chris's truck when he spotted a couple of does looking at us from in between two trees. Chris and I didn't see them at first until Robert told us where they were. Chris asked Robert to stop the truck for a couple minutes. Chris and I were in the back seat, so we got my rifle loaded, safety on, noodle on the window, 10 pound weight hooked on to help me with holding the rifle down, and had my phone scope all set and ready to go.
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We drove slowly forward, due to the shot not being a good one. We saw some more does up ahead of us. We got all lined up for the shot, and I took the shot. We saw the does take off, not knowing for sure if I got it. We never saw it fall to the ground, plus there were tall willows and brush. We wanted to make sure it wasn't wounded and running with the other does. My phone went black, so we stopped again to try and get my phone back on. I was going to switch phones with Robert, when all of a sudden my phone came back on. We went back to the spot where I took my shot from to see if the doe did fall to the ground.
Chris and Robert got out of the truck to go see. Chris walked across the creek, and hollered at Robert that he found blood. Chris followed the blood trail, hollered again and said there was lots of blood. Chris walked a little farther, and found the doe I shot on the ground. Chris came back across the creek, told me l got it, and also said she was a big deer. Chris and Robert got back in the truck, so Chris could move his truck to a different spot. Chris and Robert got out again. Chris crossed the creek again to drag my deer over to the bank, down the bank, and close enough to hook Chris's winch onto it to pull it up and out.
| | Chris Nowak helped Brenda on her adventure! |
When the doe got close enough for me to see it, I saw it was a Mule Deer, and she was a good sized one. We were all excited, knowing I got my deer. This is the first deer I have ever shot and I couldn't be more thrilled. We took pictures, Chris gutted her, and took the time to explain and was showing Robert the process. Chris and Robert got her loaded into the truck, and we headed back to the lodge. Chris and Robert got her hung up in the garage. Robert helped me out of the truck and into the lodge to get warmed up. Chris started cutting to get the fur off, and then took the time to explain and show Robert some things about the process. Chris and Robert got her quartered, bagged, and loaded into the cooler so we could get her home and in the freezer. It was a great adventure, great time outdoors, great guide/helper, and lots of fun. I'm truly thankful for getting selected to go Deer Hunting.
I would like to Thank Outdoor Buddies, Chris Nowak for being my guide/helper, and Drake Land Farms for allowing us to stay at the lodge, plus allowing me to hunt on the property. Thank You so very much!
-Brenda Harrison
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You're Invited to an Ice Fishing Outing at St. Vrain | |
Join Outdoor Buddies for a day of ice fishing at St Vrain State Park on Saturday March 4th! Ice fishing gear will be provided to those that need it and mobile track chairs will be available to those in need. ODB will provide snacks and drinks and our volunteers will assist with any ice fishing and/or mobility needs. Please be sure to bring cold weather clothing (a water proof outer layer is best), warm boots, and a change of clothing. If you have ice fishing gear/lures that you like, please feel free to bring it along.
Outdoor Buddy Volunteers are asked to report to the meeting site by 7:00 AM to help set up. Outdoor Buddy members who will be fishing are asked to arrive at 8 am to start fishing!
If you are interested in attending as a volunteer helper or as an ODB member to fish, please email Nate Lucht as soon as possible so we can make accommodations. Nate's email is Please also include "St. Vrain Ice Fishing" in the subject line of your email.
Ice conditions at St. Vrain will be monitored in advance of the event. Should the ice not be suitable for foot traffic and track chairs, the location of the event will change to a high elevation lake (TBD). In the event of a change in location, an email will be sent to everyone who emailed confirmation to Nate with the new location.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
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Recipe by: Hank Shaw
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This recipe is full of comfort food flavors all in one bowl. Spicy sausage gravy is poured over braised greens and cheesy grits for a filling and flavorful meal!
- 4 small trout, or 8 trout if you are big eaters, gutted and gilled
- Roasted pumpkinseed oil or some other nice oil to coat fish
- Salt
- 2 cups rye flour (or whole wheat or spelt or emmer)
- 1 egg
- 1 cup buttermilk
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Some sunflower or other oil to coat dumplings
- 1 pound various chopped greens (Spinach, lambsquarters, chard, etc.)
- 3 tablespoons sunflower oil, or some other vegetable oil, or butter
- Salt and black pepper
- Malt vinegar or lemon to taste
- If you are going to make the spätzle, do them first. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and salt it well. Fill the spätzle maker with the batter, which will be goopy and sticky, and run it over the boiling water. Do this is batches, skimming off the spätzle as they float to the top. Put the finished spätzle onto a baking sheet and coat with a little oil. Set them aside.
- To grill the trout, coat them in oil and salt them well. Set them out at room temperature for 20 minutes, while you make the fire for the grill. Make very sure of two things: 1), that your grill grates are spotlessly clean -- foods stick to gunk on the grill, not the grill itself; and 2) that the grill grates are very hot. Right before you put the trout on the grill, wad up a piece of paper towel and, using tongs, wipe down the grill grates. Put the trout on the grill.
- Let the trout cook until they are nicely browned, even charred a little bit. How long? At least 5 minutes, and maybe up to 10, depending on how hot your grill is. As they cook, paint them with the roasted pumpkinseed oil, or some other good oil you like. Use a metal spatula -- I highly recommend using a fish spatula because they are very thin and flexible -- and test to see if the fish comes away easily from the grill. It will when it's ready. If it still wants to stick, let it cook a little longer. When you are ready to turn the fish, slip the spatula under the fish and, using your other hand to steady it, flip the trout. Do this only once. Grill on the other side until the trout comes away from the grill easily, again, about 5 to 10 minutes.
- When you flip the trout, start the greens in a large sauté pan set over high heat. Add the chopped greens and sauté for a minute or two, until they wilt. Add the spätzle and stir-fry them for a couple minutes. Turn off the heat and sprinkle salt and black pepper over them.
- To serve, put some of the greens and spätzle on everyone's plate, then a trout. Drizzle a little of the roasted pumpkinseed oil over everything, then splash everything with a little freshly squeezed lemon or malt vinegar.
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Outdoor Buddies Sporting Clays Event at Colorado Clays Shooting Park
*Raffle Drawing*
All day sporting clays shoot and fundraiser event at Colorado Clays LLC 13600 Lanewood Street Brighton, Colorado.
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Aug 5
Larry Sanford
(970) 218-5356
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Outdoor Buddies is managed by its Board of Directors
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Larry Sanford
Nate Lucht
Vice President
(970) 219-8817
Christopher Nowak
Terry Gleason
Kevin Kassner
(303) 946-2502
Matt Camilleri
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Tony Hodges
Nicholas Filler
Steve Medberry
Edgar Munoz
Jim Piper
Frederick Solheim
Director-Warriors on Cataract
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Board of Directors Meeting Schedule
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Non-board members are welcome. Please RSVP in advance.
Meetings are held from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the locations and dates below.
March 14 - Cabela's (Lone Tree)
April 11 - Cabela's (Thornton)
May 9 - Cabela's (Lone Tree)
June 13 - Cabela's (Thornton)
July 11 - Cabela's (Lone Tree)
August 1 - Cabela's (Thornton)
September 12 - Cabela's (Lone Tree)
October (no meeting)
November 14 - Sportsman's Warehouse (Thornton)
December 12 - Sportsman's Warehouse (Thornton)
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