Thomas Wendel, Commander |
Greetings to all of my fellow veterans and DAV Members.
It's time to rejuvenate our advocacy efforts. Now that the 116th Congress has convened, new and returning lawmakers will be settling in and getting down to business.
With the DAV 2019 Mid-Winter Conference in Arlington just around the corner, it's crucial that we reinvigorate our advocacy efforts on behalf of our nation's disabled veterans and their families. We have a unique opportunity to be involved with the National Mid-Winter Conference on Sunday February 24 in Arlington. I suggest that you attend the Legisaltive Seminar on Sunday and the DAV Virginia Commander's Coffee with Congress. To learn more, see below.
Check out the articles regarding pending bills for Blue Water Navy Veterans and the property tax exemption for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Your voice counts, so join us in making our voice heard!
At our next meeting, Saturday, February 16, 2019, we will be discussing proposed changes to the Chapter Constitution and Bylaws, and providing claims assistance. We hope to see you there!
In Comradeship,
Thomas Wendel
Chapter 10 Commander
Court Holds Blue Water Navy Veterans Exposed
On January 29, 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in
Procopio v Wilkie, held that it was Congress's intent to include the territorial seas as serving in Vietnam. This means that all veterans who served on U.S. Navy vessels in the territorial seas. The Court defined the territorial seas as 12 nautical miles from the coast of Vietnam. To read the Court decision,
Click Here!
This is now the controlling law within VA, thus Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans are considered exposed to Agent Orange and now eligible for presumptive service connection based on that exposure. The VA has 90 days to appeal this decision to the U.S. Supreme Court and may place a stay on all applicable Blue Water Navy cases, however, we encourage those effected to file a claim.
If you need assistance in establishing a claim based on that exposure, please see us at the February 16 meeting or contact the DAV National Service Offices in Roanoke or Washington DC,
Click Here!
Please information on H.R. 299 below. It still needs to be pursued and enacted by Congress. Language within the bill allows effective dates as early as September 1985, establishes an area of exposure that is slightly more encompassing that 12 nautical miles, as well as provide protection from future litigation.
Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Legislation
On January 3, 2019, House Veterans' Affairs Committee Ranking Member, Dr. Phil Roe (TN), introduced H.R. 203, the Blue Water Navy
Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019. On January 8, 2019, House Veterans' Affairs Committee Chairman, Mark Takano (CA), introduced H.R. 299, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019.
Nearly identical legislation was approved in the House last year by a vote of 382 to 0. Unfortunately, the legislation was not approved by the Senate so it must be approved again by the new 116th Congress.
Veterans who served on ships in the waters off shore of Vietnam are arbitrarily and unjustly denied benefits of the presumption of exposure, and thereby are ineligible for presumption of service connection for herbicide-related disabilities. These bills would correct that injustice.
DAV strongly supports H.R. 203 and H.R. 299 and both bills are in accord with DAV Resolution No. 033.
Click Here! to contact your Member of the House of Representatives Today!
Virginia HJ 676 Bill for Property Tax Exemption on One Vehicle for Certain Disabled Veterans
Some municipalities and counties in the Commonwealth offer veterans property exemption on one vehicle if the veteran is rated 100% permanently and totally disabled. However, this exemption is NOT applied justly to all veterans in Virginia, specifically in Arlington and Fairfax counties.
DAV Arlington-Fairfax Chapter 10 introduced this as a resolution and the DAV Department of Virginia introduced this DAV resolution to the Joint Leadership Council (JLC). It is currently one of the priorities of the JLC and is pending in the Virginia Legislature. Patrons of the bill are Delegates Filler-Corn and Guzman.
Last week HJ 676 passed the House of Delegates Committee on
Privileges and Elections 16-5. However, the bill has been changed to state that counties may provide this property tax exemption and not making it mandatory. We encourage everyone to contact their Delegate and encourage them to support the original language making the property exemption mandatory. To read the Position Paper from the JLC, Click Here! To view the current status of HJ 676, Click Here!
Sweethearts and Patriots Gala February 9, 2019
Chapter 10 Commander Tom Wendel and CSO Jeremy Villanueva will be representing DAV at the Gala. The Daughters of the American Revolution previously volunteered at our cleanings of the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial. Please consider showing support and attending the Gala. For More information and tickets, visit the website, Click Here!
Chapter 10 Meeting on Saturday, February 16th
Our next Chapter 10 meeting is Saturday, February 16, 2019, at 10am and will be at American Legion Post #177, 3939 Oak Street, Fairfax, VA. We will discussing upcoming events, recent legislative issues, the dates of all meetings for 2019, and conducting the first reading of our proposed changes to the Chapter Constitution and Bylaws. Service Officers will be available to provide claims assistance. If you need assistance and cannot make the meeting, please contact the DAV NSO Office in Roanoke or Washington DC, Click Here! Consider stopping by and experience the family that is DAV Arlington-Fairfax Chapter 10.
DAV National Mid-Winter Conference February 24-27
Join the DAV Department of Virginia at the National Mid Winter Conference in Arlington, VA. To learn more about all events, agendas, and the National Commander's testimony before a joint session of Congress,
Click Here! A few highlights:
- On Sunday, February 24, 2019, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., National Legisaltive Director Joy Ilem, will be hosting the Benefits Protection and Legislative Seminar to cover pending legislative issues and to discuss priorities.
- Monday, February 25, 2019, at 9:00 am, the DAV National Service Director, Jim Marszelak and his staff will present a seminar on VA benefits and discuss the Appeals Modernization Act that will be implemented in February 2019.
- On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, the Department of Virginia DAV will be hosting the 6th Annual Commander's Coffee at the US
Capitol Visitor's Center at 9 am. Later that day at
2 pm, DAV National Commander Dennis Nixon will be testifying before a Joint Session of the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees.
DAV Virginia Spring Conference March 13-17
Join your fellow DAV and DAVA members at our Spring Conference in Roanoke! Lots of classes and seminars are in store. The dinner theme for Saturday night will be: 50's and 60's. To learn more visit the DAV Department of Virginia website, Click Here!
The guaranteed rate at the Tanglewood Holiday Inn in Roanoke expires on February 11, 2019, so make your reservations now!
DAV Employment Resources!
DAV is committed to ensuring that the men and women who stood up for America have the tools, resources and opportunities they need to competitively enter the job market and secure meaningful employment. Through our partnership with
, DAV sponsors career fairs including virtual events, to connect veterans with employers nationwide who are committed to hiring them. Visit the DAV Employment page, Click Here!
- February 12, 2019-Virtual Career Fair for the Western Region. To learn more and to register, Click Here!
- February 14, 2019-Richmond Veterans Job Fair. To learn more and to register for this event in Richmond, VA, Click Here!
- February 21, 2019-Baltimore Veterans Job Fair. To learn more and to register for this event in Baltimore, MD, Click Here!
Chapter 10 Recognized by National Park Service
On December 1, 2018,
Chapter 10 was recognized by the National Park Service for our Volunteer Service to the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial. Chapter 10 cleaned the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial 7 times in 2018 with over 80 volunteers and nearly volunteer 90 hours. Accepting on behalf of Chapter 10 was DAV Member and Volunteer Don Judd, Sr. Vice Commander Gary Salpini, 2nd Jr Vice Commander Tanya Culbert, and Chapter 10 Adjutant Shane Liermann.
A special thanks to all our volunteers for 2018! This recognition is due to the hard work and efforts of all of our volunteers. Thank you to everyone! We will be continuing our volunteer efforts at the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial on Saturday April 13, 2019. For information to follow.
Gold Sponsor of Winter Sports Clinic
On December 13, 2018,
Chapter 10 Commander Tom Wendel announced that Chapter 10 is donating $10,000.00 to the DAV-VA National Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Clinic. This will be Chapter 10's third year as a sponsor and 2nd as a Gold Sponsor. The Winter Sports Clinic will be March 31, 2019 to April 5, 2019, at Snowmass, CO. To learn more about the Winter Sports Clinic and how it is truly Miracle on the Mountainside, Click Here! We thank our members and our anonymous donor for making this donation possible for the third year in a row! Our donation will provide eligible disabled veterans from Virginia to attend the Winter Sports Clinic at not cost.
John Maki Distinguished Service Award
On December 13, 2018,
Chapter 10 Commander Tom Wendel and Chapter 10 Adjutant Shane Liermann presented the 3rd Annual John Maki Distinguished Service Award to DAV Chapter 10 Senior Vice Commander Gary Salpini. Gary has devoted most of the past five years volunteering to assist his fellow veterans through DAV and service members through his volunteering with the USO. Gary is a Vietnam veteran and received the Silver Star for heroism in combat.
Although our friend, past Chapter Commander and Adjutant, John Maki left us in May 2016, his legacy of compassion and service to disabled veterans and their families will live on through the John Maki Distinguished Service Award.
Chapter Chaplain Rev. John Hoffmann
As your Chaplain, I am available i
f you are in need of prayer or just need someone to talk to, please give me a call or send me an email. If you become homebound or hospitalized, please let me know.
To send me an email, Click Here! My phone number is 703-866-3577.
Chapter 10 Adjutant Shane Liermann
We hope you will join us in our advocacy efforts and hope you will consider joining us at the National Mid-Winter Conference in Arlington and the DAV Virginia Commanders Coffee.
Our Chapter continues to provide service and assistance to veterans and their families in our community, however, we would not be able to complete our mission without our great volunteers and supports.
We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events and at our next Meeting on Saturday, February 16, 2019. Thank you all for everything you do for our fellow veterans and their families. We are keeping the promise to the men and women who served.
Shane Liermann
Chapter Adjutant
Fulfilling our promises to the men and women who served.
We are dedicated to a single purpose: empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. We accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of America's injured heroes on Capitol Hill; and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life.
The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. To learn more,
Click Here!
Veterans who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless can call or visit their local VA Medical Center or Community Resource and Referral Center where VA staff are ready to help. To learn more, Click Here!