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10 Areas of Self-Exploration - Part 1

February, 2011
In This Issue
From the Positive Perspective...10 Areas of Self-Exploration
Quote of the month:

 "What lies

behind us and what lies ahead

of us are

tiny matters compared to

what lives

within us."

 by Henry David Thoreau (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)


My Philosophy 

 My therapeutic philosophy is a combination of believing that discussions of the past can help you to understand where you have come from, which allows you to be able to define where you are today, which further aids in the creating of goals needed to help you reach your full potential. 

 I will treat you with compassion, understanding and respect, knowing that asking for help is not an easy thing to do.


Life is not always easy.  It doesn't come with a manual.  But it usually does come with an instinct to seek help when it is needed.


I welcome the opportunity to help you work through current issues and to look at your future with a sense of hope and purpose.

My Source for the
10 Areas of


What Are Your Goals: Powerful Questions to Discover What You Want
Out of Life
Gary Ryan Blair




One of my favorite books to use with clients, entitled What Are Your Goals: Powerful Questions to Discover What You Want Out of Life by Gary Ryan Blair, is a guide to looking at 10 areas of your life that, when explored, can help to open up new possibilities and rejuvenate a family, couple or individual. I chose to share this information with you in the hopes that it inspires you to look at your life as well.  The 10 areas will be delivered in two parts, with the 1st five being discussed in this newsletter and the 2nd five being delivered approximately two weeks later. 


If you wish to go more in depth with this discussion, please call my office to set up an appointment and I will gladly assist in the discovery process. 






 Maryellen Dabal, MA, LMFTA

420 North Carroll Ave Suite 140

Southlake, TX 76092



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From The Positive Perspective.......


Area#1: Personal Goals - Explore dreams that you have always had and if they can be made into reality.  Think about how you can be a better friend to yourself.  Define a personality trait that you admire about another and develop ways to exhibit that trait yourself.  Discover the meaning and purpose of your current life.  Examine if that needs to be improved or altered.  Create a recent scenario where you have interacted with others in a way that was less than desirable.  Make a plan to create a more thoughtful interaction next time.

Area #2: Health Goals - Think about how long you would like to live and how you can make that happen.  Verify that you are getting regular medical and dental check-ups.  Examine your sleeping and eating habits to be sure you are optimizing every day to the best of your potential.  Develop ways to tackle that part of health that needs to improve, whether it is exercising more, building up endurance or finally getting that blood test to reveal your cholesterol level.


Area #3: Recreation Goals - Focus on the possible new things you can add to life to make it more enjoyable, challenging and fun.  Define a place you have always wanted to go and create a plan, long term or short term, to experience it.  Is there a sport or activity that you have always wanted to try, such as learning an instrument or becoming a better cook?  Find ways to create that reality.  Also think about calmer activities such as how to incorporate meditation or "quiet time" into your day or work week to allow yourself to rejuvenate periodically. 


Area #4: Family Goals - Look at yourself in relation to the impact you have on the previous generation, current generation and future generation.  Explore how you can be a better supporter of your parents and their needs, your partner or confidant's needs and your children's or nieces/nephews needs.  Discover some hidden talents or re-discover talents you have that you no longer use to make life better for others.  Giving truly can come back to you tenfold if you let it.


Area#5: Friendship Goals - Enhance the friendships that you currently have by examining what you can do to be fully supportive of those who are currently within your friendship circle as well as any unfinished business with friends with which you are no longer in contact.  Are you still bothered by not having paid John back the $50 you owed him from 15 years ago?  If you can no longer reach him, why not donate that $50 to a charity in his name.  Also look at what friend you would turn to in time of need.  Define the qualities of that friend that make them reliable.  Compare your qualities with that friend's qualities.  Improve an area that stands out to you as something you would like to have that you don't currently possess.


I hope I have given you some things to think about.  Things that can help make life more meaningful and more celebrated.   If you take the time to examine these areas of your life, I hope that you find some inner peace with who you are but also know that you can make a choice to change some things that you want to be better.  You might even learn something new about yourself.   


Tune in to the next newsletter for Goals 6-10.


Until then....know that it helps to look at these areas from the Positive Perspective.... 

I welcome feedback regarding the newsletter or questions about my practice and can be reached at  I cannot, however, give advice through email. For more information on my practice please visit my website:
I wish you well...