February 2025 Newsletter

Picture times, recital schedule information, and parent meeting details enclosed!

Practice at the Rec Center

April 13th-17th, and April 21st-24th, at your regular practice times.

This does NOT include competition groups! Recreational classes only. NO COSTUMES!

  • All Tumbling classes will meet at the studio these two weeks during their regularly scheduled practice day and time.
  • Turns, Leaps & Jumps, AND Flexibility, Extensions & Conditioning classes will be in the Rec Center Fitness Room these two weeks during their regularly scheduled day and time.
  • Turns, Leaps & Jumps 4 AND Flexibility, Extensions & Conditioning 3 will be at the studio these two weeks during their regularly scheduled day and time.
  • Ballet 1:
  • April 17th: 4:30-5:30pm in the Rec Center Fitness Room
  • April 24th: 4-5pm on the Rec Center Stage (will be running competition dances)
  • Ballet 2:
  • April 17th: 5:30-6:30pm in the Rec Center Fitness Room
  • April 24th: 5:30-6:30pm on the Rec Center Stage (will be running competition dances)
  • Ballet 3:
  • April 17th: 8-9:30pm on the Rec Center Stage
  • April 24th: 8-9:30pm on the Rec Center Stage (will be running competition dances)
  • Ballet 4:
  • April 17th: 8-9:30pm on the Rec Center Stage
  • April 24th: 8-9:30pm on the Rec Center Stage (will be running competition dances)


Dress Rehearsal

Recital A: Sunday, April 27th: 2pm

Recital B: Sunday, April 27th: 5pm


Recital A:                                                   

Wednesday, April 30th: 7pm

Saturday, May 3rd: 5pm                                  

Sunday, May 4th: 1pm      


Recital B:

Friday, May 2nd: 7pm

Saturday, May 3rd: 1pm

Sunday, May 4th: 5pm

Click HERE to view which recital your dancer will be performing in.


Dress Rehearsal

Sunday, April 27th: 11am


Thursday, May 1st: 5:30 & 7:30pm

All tumbling classes will be in the tumbling recital.


Dress Rehearsal

Recital B: Sunday, April 27th: 5pm


Recital B:

Friday, May 2nd: 7pm

Saturday, May 3rd: 1pm

Sunday, May 4th: 5pm

Our Beyond the Stars students will be performing in the Recital B, Dance Recital.


Dance students can find their costume in the costume book located at the front desk OR posted to the Band App! Click HERE to join the Fusion Dance Band App.

  • All remaining costume balances have been charged to your account and will be taken out automatically today, February 1st if not already paid for.
  • Please have ALL your accessories for your costumes picked up/ordered for your items to come in in time for pictures March 9th-13th. All accessories (tights, earrings, necklace, etc...) that are needed are available at the front desk. You MUST order these items through Fusion Dance to ensure they all match for recital.

Tumbling and Beyond the Stars students will wear the recital t-shirt and black bottoms for their picture and recital. Tumbling students should either tuck in their shirts, tie them or have a black tank on underneath.

  • All recital shirts have been ordered at this time.

Picture Times

March 9th-13th at Fusion Dance! Students will take their picture in a studio and then move into another studio to run their dance and/or tumbling routine. Click below for the picture week schedule. Please note, these may not be scheduled at your regularly scheduled time, or even on your regularly scheduled day of the week. Competition groups will take pictures only. We will run those dances in Ballet Technique classes this week. Ballet Technique, Turns Leaps & Jumps, AND Flexibility Extensions & Conditioning may also be scheduled on a different day and time than it is usually. Read through the schedule carefully. More information on how this week will be ran and do's and don'ts to ensure efficiency and keeping on schedule will come as the week approaches.

Click HERE to view the 2025 Picture Week Schedule with Photography by Fiscus.


Easter Sunday, April 20th, there is NO DANCE.

Please note! We will NOT be following the school schedule.

We WILL have dance on Monday, April 21st at the Rec Center.

Recital Tickets

Recital tickets will go on sale starting Monday, March 24th during regular business hours.

Dance & Tumbling parents will be allowed to purchase 5 tickets/student at this time.

On Monday, April 7th, all remaining tickets will go on sale to the public, at which time you may purchase any number of tickets.

Please be respectful and do not start purchasing an excessive amount/for the people in the back of the line. Everyone comes early and stands in line, and we want to give everyone their fair chance of being able to purchase their necessary tickets. This will be at the discretion of the secretaries and will be addressed more at our Parent Zoom Meeting.

Finale Practice

ALL Combo 5 - 12 classes... practice for finale at the Rec Center on Sunday, April 13th from 7:30-8:15pm.

Parent Meeting

Our Parent Meeting via ZOOM will be on Thursday, February 20th from 7:30-8:15pm.

At this meeting we will discuss recital details, pictures, costumes, etc.

We will share the meeting link closer to the meeting date.

Recital Music & Dances

All music has been uploaded to your Parent Portal at this time.

To get to your music....

  1. Log into your parent portal. Click HERE to log in.
  2. Click on "Quick Links".
  3. Click on the music icon titled "Files".
  4. Click on the tab titled "Class Music".
  5. Here you should see your dancers' music listed by class.
  6. Click on the music title to listen.

Recital routines are being posted to the Band App for dancers to practice with at home.

Click HERE to join the Fusion Dance Band App.

Media Fee

Dynamic Productions will be emailing you direct links again this year of all of your individual performances, fully edited, including title intros. You will also receive a link to the entire recital video. These files can be viewed, shared and downloaded at your convenience. They will be hosted for years online, so no worries that you will lose them. 

DVDs/Bluerays will continue to be offered but at a lower price: $25 per recital.

Order information to come at a later date.

A media fee of $18 per dancer will be charged for this service, capped at $36/family.

All accounts will be charged March 28th and will be initiated with their autopay on April 1st.

Important Dates

February 15th: Solo, Duo & Trio Showcase (Competition Students Only)

February 16th: Competition Showcase (Competition Students Only)

February 20th: Parent Meeting via Zoom, 7:30-8:15pm

February 28th-March 2nd: Leap Dance Competition (Competition Students Only)

March 9th-13th: Dance & Tumbling Pictures with Photography by Fiscus & Rehearsal at the Studio

March 16th-20th: No Dance or Tumbling (Spring Break)

March 20th-23rd: Talent on Parade Dance Competition (Competition Students Only)

March 24th: Recital Tickets on sale to students ONLY

April 2nd-6th: Bravo Dance Competition (Competition Students Only)

April 7th: Recital Tickets on sale to the public

April 13th: Finale Practice on the Rec Center Stage (combo's 5-12 ONLY)

April 13th-17th: Rehearsal on the Rec Center Stage (tumbling classes will be at Fusion Dance)

April 20th: No Dance (Easter)

April 21st - 24th: Rehearsal on the Rec Center Stage (tumbling classes will be at Fusion Dance)

April 27th-May 4th: Recital Week (Dress Rehearsals & Recital Performances)

Fusion Dance!