West Virginia Central Federal Credit Union’s Core Values:
1. Passion
2. Teamwork
3. Excellence
4. Community
5. Innovation
Over the last several months, we have discussed Passion, Teamwork and Excellence. This month I would like to talk briefly about our fourth Core Value – Community.
Giving back to the community has been key objective for WV Central for a number of years now. We are fully on board knowing that there are many needs in our communities and if we work together we can make a difference!
In 2021, WV Central contributed approximately $160,000 to worthy groups and charities. We would anticipate in 2022 supporting efforts in the MOV in excess of $175,000.
In 2021, we wanted to support groups that could not hold events that would normally help them meet their funding needs. We feel we were very successful in that endeavor. In 2022, we hope to help as many groups and charities as possible to assure that we can touch a significant cross-section of the MOV.
We want to thank our members for their support of the credit union. As a cooperative, your involvement is what makes our efforts possible.
We need your help! We would ask our members in 2022 to make us their primary financial institution. If you are buying a home or an auto, come to WV Central first. We will provide you the lowest rate that we can and we will do our very best to help you regardless of your current financial condition.
If you have loans financed anywhere other than WV Central, now is the time to consider bringing them home to your credit union. Inflation is here and it appears to be well on its way to increasing the cost of many goods and services, so now is the best time to refinance and reduce your loan costs. This will help you to put cash back into your pocket which will help to offset the increase to other costs and services that you are seeing every day!
Look at what you are currently paying in interest on your loan financed elsewhere and then contact us at WV Central to see if we can save you money. I bet in most cases we can!
We promise to treat you with respect and do all that we can to put you into the best loan possible.
Please allow WV Central to work on your behalf and have a positive impact on our communities!
Michael A. Tucker