As we continue to progress through the primary season, the WVGOP is eager to provide an update on where the Party stands and where it is going! Please expect these updates throughout the cycle.

Dr. Ben Carson Visits West Virginia for Discussion on Civic Engagement and the Importance of 2024

WVGOP Chairman Matt Herridge and his wife, Vanessa, attended “Dr. Ben Carson, From Surgeon to Statesman,” a keynote speaker event hosted by Turning Point USA at WVU and The American Cornerstone Institute on February 19 at West Virginia University. The WVGOP was also well represented at the event with other attendees including Committeewoman Bloch, Kyle Saunders, and former Chairwoman McArdle. Dr. Carson, a celebrated surgeon, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary, and American Cornerstone Institute Founder, addressed an enthusiastic group of all ages, promoting political involvement, fiscal responsibility, education, and political representation. His empowering message promoted active engagement in shaping the future of America and the GOP!

Encouraging student involvement with the American Cornerstone Institute and highlighting the importance of free markets and limited government, Carson's speech was a call for active participation in the nation's political discourse. His emphasis on the need for a multiplicity of voices in the legislative process resonated with many, underscoring the belief that true change is ushered in through collective effort and representation.

West Virginia Legislative Session Winds Down But Not Without GOP Victories

The 60-day legislative session is nearing a close, and as our Republican supermajorities continue their work of finalizing important conservative initiatives over the next week, it is important to note all of the great victories they have delivered thus far! Our supermajorities have been tackling issues ranging from removal of inactive voters, voter ID improvements, euthanasia, tax relief and regulatory reform, defining men and women in a biological manner, patriotic society access to schools, protecting our children, as well as many other great and thoughtful pieces of legislation. Thank you to our elected officials for helping deliver these conservative victories! Remember you can always keep up with the legislature at

WVGOP Leaders Applaud Effort to Honor Woody Williams

Legislators recently voted to give Woody Williams, the West Virginian who was America’s last World War II Medal of Honor recipient, a longstanding place of honor in the U.S. Capitol. The resolution honors Williams in the National Statuary Hall collection, which consists of 100 statues contributed by the 50 states. WVGOP leaders, including Chairman Herridge, are thrilled by this measure. Herridge said, "Woody Williams' service to our state and country, coupled with his work later in life to serve and honor our Gold Star families, could never be adequately honored, but the U.S. Capitol is a great place to start. Thank you to our legislators for getting behind this project, and thank you to Tony Hodge for advocating so effectively for this and many projects that pay respects to our great veterans."

RNC Convention in Milwaukee

The West Virginia Republican Party welcomes applicants for nomination to serve as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate to the 2024 Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to nominate the Republican candidates for President and Vice President of the United States.

The application period will be open from March 15 through April 1, 2024. You may find more information and application details on our website, as well as in the news and on social media throughout the month of March!

In the News

Check out these news articles relating to recent WVGOP activity!

Dr. Ben Carson speaks to WVU students

by Allen Clayton, 12WBOY

West Virginia Senate votes to honor World War II hero Woody Williams with statue at U.S. Capitol

by Brad McElhinny, WVMetroNews

Matt Herridge Elected Chairman of WVGOP

by Staff, Lootpress

How Can You Help?

As election season rapidly approaches, please consider contributing your time or resources to the WVGOP to support our efforts in delivering resounding Republican victories in 2024!


Manchin: Retired!

Beginning in the fall, the West Virginia Republican Party launched its “Retire Manchin” digital campaign, through which, voters were made aware of Senator Manchin’s voting record and liberal tendencies.

Senator Manchin has now announced his decision to not run for re-election. This is great news, but we continue to be laser-focused on winning that Senate seat, whether the Democrat nominee is Joe Manchin or not. It is time West Virginia elect a Republican to his seat. Our full statement on this matter can be found here.

The next 9 months of this election cycle will be very lively, and the West Virginia Republican Party looks forward to being a true resource to its elected officials, candidates, State Executive Committee, and all Republican voters throughout the process. Please stay tuned for future events and announcements from the Party, and never hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

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