February 2023

Our mission is to elevate child development to a new level by leading the social, emotional growth, and education of young children while providing a safe, welcoming, home-like environment with a caring, educated and professional staff that promotes partnerships with parents, children, and other childhood professionals.
Special Events
February 8
Library Day for our Toddlers and Preschoolers

February 20
Closed Staff Professional Development Day

February 22
Vision and Hearing Screening Day for our Preschoolers

You may have noticed our lending library in the lobby by the couch!

Each bag has a book, a snuggle buddy, and a notebook or binder. We would love to hear about what you did with your reading buddy or what you loved most about the book your family chose in the notebook/binder. Please feel free to grab a bag and enjoy a book with your family at home!
Winter Weather
  • In the event Katie's Kids is closed due to weather, please refer to our website at www.katieskids.net or our facebook page. The closure will also be posted on classroom Facebook Pages, WJBC, WBNQ, or WBWN.  
8 Toothy Tips 
National Children's Dental Health Month


The most important preventive step against childhood periodontal disease is to establish good oral health habits at an early age, according to the  American Academy of Periodontology.
Here are some basic preventive steps to help our children maintain optimal dental health:
  1. Brush for two minutes, 2 times per day...with our kids.
  2. Show them how to clean between teeth...FLOSS!
  3. Limit sugary snacks & drinks between meals, eat healthy.
  4. See the dentist regularly for family checkups, and ask them about sealants & fluoride.
  5. Establish good dental hygiene habits early. When your child is 12 months old, you can begin using toothpaste when brushing his or her teeth.
  6. When the gaps between children's teeth close, it's important to start flossing.
  7. Serve as a good role model by practicing good dental hygiene habits ourselves.
  8. Check our child's mouth for the signs of periodontal disease, including bleeding gums, swollen and bright red gums, gums that are receding away from the teeth and bad breath.
Weather Reminder

If the outdoor temperature is above 25 degrees the children will be going outside to play. Please make sure your child has appropriate clothing... boots, winter coat, snow-pants, hat, gloves, etc. Feel free to leave an extra set of winter gear at school so your child is always prepared.
Health Corner...
According to the USDA website:

Why is it important to eat/drink dairy?
Consuming dairy products provides health benefits — especially building and maintaining strong bones. Foods in the Dairy Group provide nutrients that are vital for health and maintenance of your body. These nutrients include calcium, potassium, vitamin D, and protein.

How much food from the Dairy Group is needed daily?
About 90% of Americans do not get enough dairy, therefore most individuals would benefit by increasing intake of fat-free or low-fat dairy, whether from milk (including lactose-free milk), yogurt, and cheese, or from fortified soy milk or yogurt. The amount of dairy foods you need each day depends on your age and can vary between 1 ½ to 2 cups for toddlers, 2 ½ cups for children under 10 and 3 cups for older children through adults. 

The Dairy Group provides many nutrients including calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin D (in products fortified with vitamin D), riboflavin, vitamin B12, protein, potassium, zinc, choline, magnesium, and selenium.
Calcium is used for building bones and teeth and in maintaining bone strength as you grow older. Dairy products are the main source of calcium in American diets. 
Many people do not get enough potassium. Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure. Dairy products, especially dairy milk and yogurt, and fortified soy milk, provide potassium.
Unit 5 Kindergarten Registration

Registration for 23-24 will open in February with schools hosting a Kindergarten Preview on March 1st. 

Kindergarten Preview will allow parents and incoming students to meet the school administration, kindergarten teachers, and other school staff. Students will go with kindergarten teachers while information is shared with parents about registration and the kindergarten program. 

Kindergarten Pre-Registration: February 1-28, 2023

For more information, click here.

Share your positive moments!

Do you have any positive moments you want to share about our staff? If so, we want to hear and share them! Simply click on the button below, fill out the form, and submit.

Help spread the word of Katie's Kids!

Do you have a friend, neighbor, or colleague looking for care? For every family you refer to Katie's Kids we will apply a $50 credit to your account after the family has been with us for 90 days.
Katie's Kids Learning Center at Ft. Jesse
Accredited by: National Accreditation Commission