Warmer weather is upon us! We hope everyone was able to stay active and warm over the colder weeks. If you are looking for ways to meet new people and be active in your community, Headingley Seniors’ Services has many wonderful programs to choose from!
The annual Phoenix Winter Carnival starts next week. We hope you can get out and enjoy some fun in your very own community. Many wonderful events are happening including a free BBQ, hockey & ringette, crafts for kids, $4 Pancake Breakfast, fireworks and more! Keep your eye on the schedule of events as some may change due to the milder weather we are currently enjoying. We still have raffle tickets for sale in our office and are always looking for volunteers. Please contact us if interested.
Headingley Seniors’ Services wants to hear from you! We are currently planning for an exciting year ahead! What types of activities and programs are of interest to you? We are always looking for suggestions so that we can best serve your needs!
Take care
~Kristie & Margo~