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February 2024

Seniors Scene

Enrich your life with us!

Issue 125



Warmer weather is upon us! We hope everyone was able to stay active and warm over the colder weeks. If you are looking for ways to meet new people and be active in your community, Headingley Seniors’ Services has many wonderful programs to choose from! 


The annual Phoenix Winter Carnival starts next week. We hope you can get out and enjoy some fun in your very own community. Many wonderful events are happening including a free BBQ, hockey & ringette, crafts for kids, $4 Pancake Breakfast, fireworks and more! Keep your eye on the schedule of events as some may change due to the milder weather we are currently enjoying. We still have raffle tickets for sale in our office and are always looking for volunteers. Please contact us if interested.


Headingley Seniors’ Services wants to hear from you! We are currently planning for an exciting year ahead! What types of activities and programs are of interest to you? We are always looking for suggestions so that we can best serve your needs!

Take care

~Kristie & Margo~


Visit our website and social media pages for more information on programs and services available! 


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Protect yourself from car theft this winter

Did you know that for almost 90% of auto theft claims in Manitoba, the vehicles are stolen with the owner’s keys?

In half of those cases, a set of keys was left inside the vehicle.

When out and about and warming up your vehicle this winter, keep these tips in mind to protect your vehicle from theft:

  • Keep your keys safe! Treat your car keys the same way you treat your cell phone or wallet.

  • Never leave your vehicle unlocked, unattended and running (even if it’s just for 5 minutes!)

  • Don’t leave keys in your vehicle.

  • Always remember to lock your vehicle.

  • Park your vehicle in a well-lit area.

  • Avoid hanging your keys by the door – put them in an out-of-sight place.

  • Remember, even if your key FOB is not in your vehicle, it can still be driven away.


For more information please visit:


Lunch & Learn

Did you know?

Headingley Seniors’ Services hosts a monthly “Lunch & Learn” or special event.

These afternoons are an opportunity to have some fun or learn something new.

Keep your eyes on our monthly calendar for what’s to come!

On January 24th Headingley Seniors’ Services hosted a Lunch & Learn featuring questions with our very own Mayor Jim Robson! The afternoon was a great success!


Some of the topics discussed included, water & waste updates, housing development, the new baseball diamonds, road maintenance, highway safety, aging in place and the Southern Health-Sante Sud district.

We wanted to extend our sincere gratitude and thanks to our mayor for lending his time and knowledge to ensure our community members felt heard.


What's happening in February?

Please join us Feb 14th at noon for lunch and live music

and Feb 21st at noon for soup, sandwich & a movie!

Contact HSS to reserve your spot.


Upcoming Programs & Events

Foot Clinics

Feb 15th– Fully Booked

*NEW* Feb 29th– Limited spots

Next Clinic: March 14th


Please contact the HSS office for more info or to be added to the wait list


‘Helping Hands’ Social Club

Join us every Monday to knit, crochet, play scrabble, and create lasting connections. 

All skill levels are welcome.


Mondays 1:00-3:00pm

Headingley CC



Urban Pole Walking is back!


Are you looking to try something new? Urban Pole walking has begun! No Poles? No Problem! Headingley Seniors’ Services has poles you can use or you can walk without. Come get in those steps, meet a new friend, and stay after for a coffee .This group meets once per week and has the option of walking outdoors or indoors.

Fridays 10:00-11:00

Headingley CC

Registration is FREE!

Visit MHRD.ca to register

Crib & Coffee




Headingley Community Center


Phoenix Winter Carnival

Please note: Some events may be cancelled or rescheduled due to milder weather.

For the most up to date schedule, please visit:






Orders must be placed the Friday prior to the desired meal.


Available on a week-to-week basis within Headingley and provided at no additional cost.

In-Person at 12:00

5353 Portage Avenue.

Call to order your meal. 

Cost: $10.00/meal 

How to Order

Call: (204) 889-3132 ext. 3

Email: seniors@rmofheadingley.ca


Feb 7th– Lazy Cabbage Rolls

*Feb 14th– Delicious Chicken

(Live music)

*Feb 21st– Soup & Sandwich

(Movie day)

Feb 28th– Sweet & Sour Meatballs


Meal Calendar

Just For Fun!



The New York Times

Have you solved the WORDLE today? Visit this page every day to guess the WORDLE in six tries. Each guess must be a valid five-letter word.


Ready for a new Challenge? Try Waffle!

Rearrange the letters into the correct words. You will earn stars for every puzzle solved and you can learn the definitions of all words featured in the game. Enjoy! 


Printable Fun Pages


Joke of the month:

Why did the scarecrow become a successful Valentine’s matchmaker?


... It was outstanding in it’s field of love advice!



Do you have a silly joker in your life? 

Email us their joke along with their name and age to


See what's coming up in your community!

Macdonald-Headingley Recreation District offers a wide variety of sports, recreation, fitness, arts, crafts and special interest classes to keep you on your toes all year round. We strive to offer you fun, exciting and quality activities through trained and certified instructors. The Program & Community Resource Guide is the perfect resource for events, activities, and celebrations going on in your community. Stay connected with this easy read that has something in it for everybody!

Are You Looking for the Printable Newsletter?

If you prefer a printable version of the newsletter and calendar, click the button below. 


Our Mission is to encourage seniors to maintain independent living and improve their quality of life by providing education, recreation, health and social opportunities.


5353 Portage Avenue

Headingley, Manitoba

R4H 1J9

(204) 889-3132 ext. 3



Office Hours


9:00 am - 3:00 pm

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