Virtual Plant-Based Cooking Demos Return

We're excited to bring back our virtual cooking demos! If you live outside of the areas where we typically host events or just enjoy participating from home, be sure to mark your calendars for two exciting virtual events!

On Thursday, February 20, at 6:30pm we're partnering with the Novi Public Library to host Certified Personal Chef and Plant-Based Culinary Instructor Vicki Brett-Gach. Vicki will make sweet potato veggie mac & cheese, a simple salad, and no-bake brownies. Get the recipes in advance here and cook along with Vicki, or just sit back and watch the demo for inspiration! Register with the Novi Public Library to receive the Zoom link.

On Thursday, March 20, at 6:30pm, we'll host a virtual cooking demo with Kisa the Veganizer! No registration required. Join us on Zoom here and check our calendar listing for recipes and details coming soon.

Cage-Free Egg Law

The Michigan cage-free egg law recently enacted on January 1 requires that all eggs sold in Michigan come from cage-free hens. This is a great improvement for the hens who were crammed into cages so small that they could barely move. However, the cage-free law is far from cruelty-free and should be seen as the bare minimum standard. Recently, there has been a lot of misinformation regarding the cage-free egg law. Please read Republican Representative Jerry Neyer's Post and share it so people understand that it is the bird flu that is causing price spikes and empty shelves. In reality, which most of us know, bird flu is just another example of a horrifically broken factory farming system that is decimating our environment, increasing carbon emissions, mistreating workers, destroying rural communities, and torturing farm animals by the billions. If you would like to learn more about the problems of factory farming in Michigan, please consider joining us for our coalition meeting (see below).

Help Stop Factory Farming in Michgan

You’re invited to our next Michiganders for a Just Farming System (MJFS) Virtual Meeting on Monday, February 10, at 6pm. Nichole Keway Biber, from Clean Water Action, will share an overview of the environmental bills in Lansing that did and did not pass last year and discuss what we need to watch for in this new legislative session. MJFS Steering Committee members Cheryl Ruble and Bee Freidlander will also provide updates regarding the EATS Act, The Farm Bill, and Bird Flu. We will also discuss Brooke Rollins' positions on our food system since she has been nominated for Secretary of Agriculture. Please Register in Advance Here.

Events This Month

Tabling at Washtenaw Community College Welcome Day (Rescheduled Date)

Tuesday, February 4

Guest Lecture at Madonna University Animal Ethics Class

Wednesday, February 5

Ypsilanti Dinner Meetup at Plant Based Coneys

Thursday, February 13, 6pm-7:30pm

Traverse City Pizza Party at Firebird Pizza

Saturday, February 15, 1pm-3pm

Detroit Dinner Meetup at Grandma Bob's

Wednesday, February 19, 5:30pm-7pm

Plant Based Cooking at Home (Virtual)

Thursday, February 20, 6:30pm-7:30pm

Presentation and Pledge at U-M PitE Club

Tuesday, February 25

Tabling at MSU Lifestyle Medicine Conference

Friday, February 28

Submit a Recipe for Ann Arbor's Community Cookbook

Do you have a delicious plant-forward recipe? A tip for fighting food waste? Perhaps, you've found delicious ways to utilize Michigan-grown fruits and vegetables that you can't wait to share? Great news! There's still time to contribute to the City of Ann Arbor's A2ZERO Community Cookbook! The submission deadline has been extended until March 1, 2025. Share your best sustainable recipes today to be featured alongside Ann Arbor chefs, farmers, and community food leaders. Find more information and submit your recipe here.

Enter This Month's Raffle

Congratulations to the winners of last month's raffle! The answer was: Zingerman's Vegan Sandwiches. Kristie Bonner, Hope Carroll, and Shayna Pham won Zingerman's e-gift cards. For this month's raffle, you'll have a chance to win one of the following prizes.

$25 E-Gift Card to Anita's Kitchen

(Detroit, Ferndale, or Lake Orion)

Nutcase Vegan Stroganoff Ingredients - Get the recipe here.

(1 Nutty Roast, 2 Nutty Burgers, Forager Project Sour Cream)

$25 E-Gift Card to Plant Based Coneys


To enter the raffle, solve the word scramble below and submit your answer using this form. Winners will be announced in the March newsletter and contacted via email early next month. Good luck!


Plant-Based News Headlines

Detroit’s Pie-Sci Pizzeria Builds a Vegan Following with Plant-Based Pizza Options 

Don’t Blame Michigan Cage-Free Law for High Egg Prices; It’s Bird Flu

DNR Proposal to Lease, Clear State Managed Forest Lands for Solar Panels Met with Anger

20 Reasons to Go Meatless Monday

More Than 100 Birds Culled at Waterford Park for H5N1 Bird Flu

Starbucks to Unveil Spanish-Inspired Espresso Drinks, Vegan Falafel

Disturbing USDA Report Reveals Major Problem with Labels on Meat Packaging: 'Just horrific'

‘I Could Never Go Vegan’ Ads Take Over London Underground

Big Oil and Big Ag are Teaming Up to Turn Cow Poop into Energy — and Profits. The Math Doesn’t Add Up.

Washtenaw County's First Slaughterhouse Will Call Manchester Home

Los Angeles Pushes for Sustainability with Landmark Plant-Based Food Initiative

First Outbreak of H5N1 Bird Flu Identified in Wayne County Backyard Flock

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