Enjoy PSR PA's February Newsletter!
Concerned Health Professionals of Pennsylvania (CHP-PA)
We are happy to introduce you to the newly formed Concerned Health Professionals of Pennsylvania (CHP-PA)! This is an alliance of doctors, nurses and other health professionals who are compelled by one simple fact: there is NO safe way to frack!
CHP-PA will be the trusted resource for fracking-related information and can be relied upon to quickly and explicitly address issues related to fracking in PA.

CHP-PA was launched during the fourth PA Health Check-Up event on January 28th, which was presented live via Zoom and Facebook. The three panel speakers, Dr. Edward Ketyer, Dr. Pouné Saberi, and Peggy Slota, are all members of the CHP-PA Steering Committee. Following an impressive and informative panel presentation, the speakers engaged in a lively Q&A with the audience.

PSR PA Updates
Community Lunch & Learn with Protect PT
On January 26th, PSR PA's Dr. Edward Ketyer and Laura Dagley were invited to participate in Protect PT's online lunch and learn series. There, they presented on the 7th Edition of PSR's Fracking Compendium. Click here for a link to the event.
4th PA Health Check-Up
The 4th event in the PA Health Check-Up series was held on January 28th, 2021. The three speakers and topics discussed at this event are listed below. Click here for a link to the recording!
  1. Edward Ketyer, MD, FAAP gave an overview of the health impacts of fracking. 
  2. Pouné Saberi, MD, MPH spoke on the barriers to recognition of the health impacts by policy makers. 
  3. Peggy Slota, DNP, RN, FAAN discussed the role health professionals can play to better advocate for patients.
PSR PA Events
Virtual Advocacy Day For Gun Safety
When: Tuesday, March 23rd at 9:00AM- 4:00PM EST
Where: RSVP here for Zoom link!

Join PSR PA and our Code Red partner Ceasefire PA for a virtual lobby day for gun safety!

We will be advocating for extreme risk protection orders, mandatory reporting of lost or stolen firearms, universal background checks, gun violence prevention policies and community violence intervention programs. Click here for more information about the event.
News & Blogs
Op-ed by Edward Ketyer, MD, FAAP and published in Philadelphia Inquirer

Click here to read six scientifically-based reasons for why Pennsylvania shouldn't wait on executive orders to stop fracking immediately. This article touches upon health, environmental damage, air pollution and climate change!
Air Pollution and COVID-19: A Dangerous Combination
Report By Edward Ketyer, MD, FAAP and Lisa McKenzie, PhD, MPH

This study assessed the link between air pollution from oil and gas development and rates of COVID-19 infection and death. It examined 5 counties in Colorado and 5 counties in New Mexico, each with high levels of oil and gas activity, and found higher than expected rates of COVID-19 cases in 60% of those cases. The report offers policy recommendation and calls for further research. Click here to learn more!