February is synonymous with hearts, and yours is huge!

Thanks to your unwavering support, hope is on the horizon for so many. The heart is often considered the vital part or essence of something, and

You are the heart of VOA!

Together, during the month of December we permanently housed 18 youth and 33 adults! Your compassion is the heartbeat of our mission, turning hope into action and action into meaningful change. Thank you so much for the positive impact you make every day.

Sherrece Scott

Annual Giving Manager

Every Vote Counts

Vote for VOA in the Inlander's Best Of 2024!

We're thrilled to be part of the Inlander's Best Of 2024! Your support means the world to us. Please take a moment to cast your vote for VOA Eastern WA in the Best Non-Profit category under Arts and Culture. Let's celebrate the impact of our community-driven initiatives together!

Cast Your Vote

Have you heard the great news?

YAS (Young Adult Shelter) is now open 24/7! Our street youth, aged 18-24, can now access crucial resources, education, job placement, mental health care, and case management. By supporting Spokane's young adults, we can empower them with the tools for a successful future. 

The shelter provides safety to over 44 young adults per night. Currently they have a high need for men's clothing, including boxer briefs. To learn more about donation needs, please visit our website HERE.

Will you join us in donating today? 


Need to drop off donations soon? Visit one of our participating locations and drop off items during their regular business hours. Wondering what our biggest needs are? We would like more underwear, deodorant and razors.

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