Professional Development Opportunities E-News from OCM BOCES Instructional Support
Read up on the latest titles in the OCM BOCES Instructional Support ASCD collection here. February 2015

imageAll regional events are at no additional registration fee for component districts.


Getting Ready for Social Studies
Social Studies
With the adoption of the New York State Framework for Social Studies, we are “Getting Ready” for curricular, instructional and assessment changes.�

In collaboration with Central New York Teaching Center and CiTi� (Oswego BOCES) there is a series of events to help us think through and prepare our actions to make the shifts required.

  • NYSCSS Annual Conference, March 11-14, Syracuse link to NYSCSS-regular conference fees apply

  • Opening the Toolkit w/ Pat Polan (April 16, 4-6 pm). Register here.

  • Registration is open.

In addition, there is a network group meeting monthly to explore, plan and share regarding the New York State Social Studies Framework.� New members welcome. Each district is encouraged to send representation. Social Studies Leadership Group next meets March 25.

Registration for Summer Curriculum work for grades 5-8 is open.� This is NOT through MLP- this alternative registration enables district representatives to register an entire team.� For further information click here.


Jack McLoughlin continues to work with groups preparing for mathematics CCLS curriculum, instruction and assessment at the secondary level. These work groups meet several times throughout the year and may be joined at any time.� The intention is to share information regarding standards, curriculum, and assessments.� Participants work together problem solving, refining pacing and revising assessment practices.�

  1. Teachers of Algebra 2- network group is scheduled for March 13 for those selecting to attend a “north” session and March 27 at McEvoy for those selecting a southern location.
  2. Geometry teachers continue the conversations and work� April 17.


Literacy Leadership Network continues March 18.� Join the conversation!

Professional Development opportunities

Professional Practice

Project-Based Learning
Our PBL staff has been extremely busy with PBL 101, 102 training and coaching.� �The following districts all have PBL coaches working with teachers to implement PBL:

  • East-Syracuse Minoa School District
  • Salmon-River School District
  • OCM BOCES Student Programs
  • Center for Instruction, Technology, & Innovation
  • Solvay Union-Free School District
  • Liverpool Central School District
  • Marcellus School District
  • Chittenango School District
  • Fayetteville-Manlius Central School District
  • Southern Cayuga School District
  • Westhill School District
  • Cincinnatus School District

Educators MeetingThere are still opportunities for learning more about PBL this school year.� The following sessions are open for registration for PBL 101:

Coming Attractions:
Registration for Summer PBL101 Institutes will open soon.
Registration for PBL-NY 15 will also open soon.�� There will be many outstanding speakers and sessions.� Mark your calendar for August 3-5, 2015!

PBLNew PBL Sessions!�
Especially for Administrators:� A series of sessions designed for administrators in schools where Project-Based Learning is being implemented or where such an approach is being considered.� Registration for each session is separate so you can select to attend one, two or all three sessions.

Project Inspire Logo TextProject Inspire
We will be recognizing inspirational projects at our 2015 PBLNY scheduled for August 3-5. The Project Inspire Committee will select teachers and/or teams to present their project in a breakout session and in turn receive paid registration for PBLNY. The committee will choose additional inspirational projects for our Project Inspire Exhibition allowing attendees to view these projects throughout the conference. Please consider inspiring other teachers by sharing your project.
Learn more about Project Inspirehere

Additional Professional Practice

Writing From Evidence- All Year Long
This one day session will explore the "why," the "what," and the "how" of Writing from Evidence by focusing on what teachers can do to help students:

  • Grapple with complex texts and ideas
  • Engage in rich and rigorous evidence-based discourse
  • Utilize inquiry and evidence to develop claims
  • Write sound and logical arguments

Through collaboration with others at similar grade-levels, participants will discover strategies, examples and curricular resources that can be used to prepare students for the "diverse, information-rich environment of the 21st century." (CCLS, Appendix A).� Designed for teachers of grades 3-12, this session will be held March 4.

Kathleen Budge, author of Turning High-Poverty Schools into High-Performing Schools will be here May 19.� This is in collaboration with CITI, OCM BOCES and the CNY Teacher Center Registration will be through CITI MLP.


Connecting the Dots:� Professional Learning Community (PLC)
The second “Connecting the Dot” session features Kenneth Williams. Skilled in developing productive, student-focused learning environments, Kenneth is former principal of The Learning Academy at E. J. Swint in Jonesboro, Georgia, and Damascus Elementary School in Damascus, Maryland. His firsthand experience with transforming challenged schools translates into action-oriented presentations that inspire hope, create a clear vision, and offer practical strategies to those overwhelmed by challenges.�

Join the interactive webconference :�

  • Ken Williams
    March 4, 2015, 4:00p, Rodax 8 Large Conference Room

  • Next is Tim Brown
    April 22 (this is the rescheduled session from January).

This session will be followed by:


Professional Learning Community
Whether you were part of the Summer Reenergizer or not, please consider joining the PLC Network.� This group will meet four times across the year and also engage in on-line community to explore, share, and celebrate implementation of professional learning communities with focus on student data. The March Session will include connections between PBL and PLC. �Join the group as we continue to explore development and sustainability of PLC within our schools.� Registration is open for March 2.

PLC at Work LogoSummer PLC At Work Institute by Solution Tree now open for registration!
Registration for PLC At Work Institute is now open. �Register here for a limited, discounted price and join the conference in Syracuse August 12-14, 2015.� Registration is now open to our neighboring districts and BOCES, as well as, districts in OCM region.

Developing Collaborative Groups:� Adaptive Schools
The four day session begins May 5. ��This is rescheduled from February and registration is open. The four days are growth producing whether you attend thinking of your roles as group members or a facilitator of groups.

Cognitive Coaching Days 1-4 is being offered through CiTI (formerly Oswego BOCES).� Fees do apply.

In collaboration together CITI, OCM BOCES and the CNY Teacher Center are sponsoring Michael Grinder for two days. April 29 will be for leaders.� On April 30, the emphasis will be teacher and classroom settings. Registration will be through CITI MLP.

Adult Education OfferingsAdult Education Offerings – for on your own time

Staff from OCM BOCES Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Department offer afterschool, vacation and Saturday sessions through OCM BOCES Adult Ed programs. These sessions are intended for teachers not currently employed in component districts or for teachers to explore a topic on their own time and at low cost.

Upcoming sessions:

  • Teaching Students from Poverty Overview- March 10

OCM BOCES-CI&A Department offers professional development and support through:

  • Regional workshops & conferences

  • On-Site workshops/study groups/coaching

  • Group facilitation and planning.

To arrange customized work, please contact us at 315.433.2662 or 315.431.8596

Educators from component districts can attend regional professional development opportunities sponsored through CI&A at no additional charge.

Swoosh Art

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