February is full of fun!

There is something for everyone next month at Congregation B'nai Jehudah! Register now to reserve your spot in the programs below. For our full schedule of events, please visit our website.

View our Calendar

Weekly Torah Study

Wednesdays, February 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 10:00am - 11:30am

Join one of the rabbis each week for a lively discussion as we learn insights from the weekly Torah portion.

February 2: Field Trip to Beth Shalom Sanctuary

February 6: One Light Above Part Two: More Songs and Their Stories with Rabbi Larry Karol

February 12: Klein Collection Learning Group

February 13: #GRWM (Get Ready with Me) for Tu BiShvat

February 27: Coffee with Kramer

Field Trip to Beth Shalom Sanctuary

Sunday, February 2


One Light Above Part Two: More Songs and Their Stories with Rabbi Larry Karol

Thursday, February 6


#GRWM (Get Ready with Me) for Tu BiShvat

Thursday, February 13 from 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Olive Oil Tasting: Sample olive oils from around the world while learning about their health benefits and how to cook with them. This is a creative way to “get ready” for our upcoming holidays! Join our rabbis for our innovative #GetReadyWithMe Series, where you will dive into each of our major holidays in new, fun and engaging ways. Not your typical “Holiday 101” experience, these gatherings will allow you to explore, learn and connect with the Jewish year as we celebrate, all while having fun with your B’nai Jehudah community! 

$10 per person

Klein Collection Learning Group

Wednesday, February 12


Coffee with Kramer

Thursday, February 27


Friday Night Erev Shabbat Services

February 7: Erev Shabbat Service

February 14: Shabbat Simcha Service

February 21: Repro Shabbat Service

February 28: Erev Shabbat Service with Hanoch Piven

Saturday Morning Shabbat Services

February 1: Adult B'nai Mitzvah Shabbat Morning Service (*The guest list is at capacity for this program. If you have not already RSVP'd, we encourage you to join us virtually!)

February 8: Shabbat Minyan

February 15: Abigail Haar's Bat Mitzvah

February 22: Shabbat Minyan

Village Shalom Happy Hour

Friday, February 14

1:30pm - 2:30pm

Adult B'nai Mitzvah Shabbat Morning Service

Saturday, February 1


*The guest list is at capacity for this program. If you have not already RSVP'd, we encourage you to join us virtually!

Shabbat Simcha Service

Friday, February 14


Repro Shabbat

February 21


Erev Shabbat Service featuring Hanoch Piven

Friday, February 28


Sisterhood Events

Sunday, February 9: Sundays with Sisterhood: Mah Jongg

Wednesday, February 12 and 26: Mah Jongg

Sunday, February 16: Girls' Day Out: Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art

Brotherhood Events

Sunday, February 2: Brotherhood Annual Meeting

Thursday, March 6: Brotherhood Bourbon Tasting

Sundays with Sisterhood: Mah Jongg

Sunday, February 9


Girls' Day Out: Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art

Sunday, February 16


Brotherhood Bourbon Tasting

Thursday, March 6


Sunday, February 2: 2nd and 3rd Grade Youth Group with Wayside Waifs

Wednesdays, February 5 and 12: Music and Movement with Miss Laura (ages birth-2 years old)

Friday, February 7: Tot Shabbat

February 22-23: 4th and 5th Grade Shul-In

2nd and 3rd Grade Youth Group with Wayside Waifs

Sunday, February 2


Music and Movement with Miss Laura

Wednesdays, February 5 and 12


Tot Shabbat

Friday, February 7


4th and 5th Grade Shul-In

Drop-off Saturday, February 22 at 5:00pm

Pick-up Sunday, February 23 at 9:00am