Oil changes, tire rotations, monitoring fluid levels, replacing filters. We can all agree this maintenance is vital to car ownership. Skip out on preventative maintenance (PM), and you know customers can be faced with avoidable, yet costly repairs.

What does PM have to do with eco-friendliness? A lot, says Chuck Golden, Green Dealer Support CEO. Regular maintenance helps business owners avoid costly mechanical repairs and lost time, while extending machinery life. Also, the average commercial building can waste 30 percent of its energy use. Get equipment running efficiently, keep it maintained, and you use less power.

“To put it simply,” Golden explains, “preventative maintenance makes business sense and environmental sense. Energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste management — these are all elements of a maintenance and eco-friendly plan.”

Green Dealer Support recently talked with Steve Tinsley, facility manager at McCurley Integrity Dealerships. Tinsley and his three-person crew tackle maintenance at five dealership locations, including Eco-Friendly Retailer McCurley Integrity Subaru. 
Read on for details on McCurley's maintenance approach and tips to step up your PM efforts.
Start Plans for Earth Day 2021
While the pandemic will likely limit Earth Day events for many retailers this year, now is the time to contact local environmental groups about trash pickups and other opportunities in your area. Don't forget, even without events, you can hold an in-store promotion or social media campaign.
Social Media Campaign
Use your social media channels for an online Earth Day campaign featuring your Eco-Friendly certification.
In-store Promotion
Educate customers about your eco-friendly practices. Order giveaways from the Eco-Friendly Subaru Gear catalog.
Who's Certified?
Click below to see the full list of 207 Eco-Friendly Retailers.
Chuck Golden
Green Dealer Support