View January's Teen Newsletter

Happy February

February is traditionally the month in which our country celebrates Black History Month and I think it is an important piece to current events and to our collective history.

The teen newsletter is marking the first full year of publications this month! The job of our newsletter is to inform you of events and ideas that pertain to young adults in our community and beyond. The Teen Advisory Board is a great way to get involved and to make your voice be heard.

To continue the theme of activism from January's newsletter I would like to include this quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people."

Join the Teen Advisory Board

Love Notes

Activism takes many shapes and forms but at the heart of it is the ability to be heard.


This month we are also celebrating a project called "Love Notes". It is a project designed by a mother in our community to promote kindness and love. Love Notes Boxes will be placed in communities throughout the Roaring Fork Valley from February 12-20th, 2022.

Please stop by the library and participate in this project. It is anonymous if you would like it to be. Read more by clicking the button below.

It will be included in a valley wide collaboration between the public libraries, artists, schools, and the community.

Learn More About "Love Notes"

Upcoming Events

Can you guess this year's Summer Reading theme?

Banned Books Book Club

As if you didn't have enough to participate in, we have a Banned Books Book Club meeting on February 22 at 5pm. We will be discussing Sherman Alexie's book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. If your parents want to be part of the discussion they can join a separate group for adults at 4pm.

Black History Month

Black History Month or African American Heritage Month pays tribute to all the generations of African Americans and Black Americans who struggled to receive full citizenship in the United States and continue to struggle with adversity, prejudice, and racism. In support of Black History Month, our collection librarians have curated book lists to highlight own voice stories, stories of love, and stories starring important Black Americans throughout history. Start with these recommended fiction and non-fiction books!

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Don't be afraid to speak your mind but do so with love and kindness.

Shannon Foster

Young Adult Librarian


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