
I've decided to forgo the typical marketing speak by writing my own emails. We are in a crisis in America, and our lives are already altered in ways that we likely cannot reverse. I am also determined (because my fundraising consultant told me it was impossible) to beat the all-time record for the most recurring campaign donations. So, if you have not already, please use the "donate" link to start giving ANY monthly recurring donation. If we want good leadership in government, then we are going to have to put good people there.
As an engineer, I was trained to do "root cause analysis" when problems arise. This wisdom, combined with integrity through my faith in God, knowledge of our government system, life experience, and many other talents, is what we need in the people we send to DC. Thank you for believing in me and encouraging me. Although each day may seem normal to you, I wake up and put my warrior clothing on every day because I am under attack just because I stand unapologetic for truth.

We are watching an active sabotage of our critical systems in America. Will they gain enough critical mass to shut down America? I doubt it, but I do trust God, reject fear, and realize that the impact of evil will be felt as they work to transform our lives from the Leave It To Beaver era to days filled with fear and more questions than answers. Nikki and I have been stocking up on critical items for months. We will all be most helpful if we're prepared.

SIDE NOTE: Nikki has created a list of items to consider storing. Reply if you would like to see it.

The situation in Ohio highlights the fact that most do not trust our government. They do not believe the WH Press Secretary, the illegitimate President, most elected officials, or members of the media. We should, however, be able to trust our representative to give us solid info and to respond with straight talk.

That is what I commit to you. I've started to begin that process. We are recruiting an army of volunteers to help us with it. That army is the one I will spend most of my time with in the coming years.

I can only reach my goal of breaking the all-time record of monthly recurring donations for a congressional candidate if you help. Please sign up for ANY monthly recurring donation amount today. Pick a dollar amount for each member of your family, and know that I am incredibly thankful for the trust you put in me to back me for Congress.
Born to Serve,
Jerrod Sessler