Don't forget that you can sign up for the monthly ACI Wellness Webinars through Target Solutions. February and March dates are now available.
Go to 'My Events' in Target Solutions to see the next two upcoming webinars. Click on the Zoom link in the description to register and within minutes, you will receive a link to the webinar and the ability to add the event to your Outlook Calendar.
Eat Well, Live Better - Friday, February 25, 2022 from 1-2pm
By attending, you will learn how to make good nutrition a way of life. This presentation covers everything from balancing protein, carbohydrates and fats, to supermarket survival, and strategies for restaurant dining.
Coping with Stress: A Wellness Perspective - Friday, March 25, 2022 from 1-2pm
Stress is a fact of life. While stress can’t be eliminated, it is possible to manage stress levels. Learn healthy coping skills to reduce stress, even when under pressure during this hour-long webinar.