Groundhog Day - Atlanta Georgia: According to a 2022 study by, Local celebrity General Beauregard "Beau" Lee from Jackson, Georgia boasts a 63% accuracy rate for predictions from 2012 to 2021, The Dauset Trails Nature Center claims Beau’s accuracy is even higher, somewhere in the 90% range. We can look forward to 6 more weeks of winter, ugg!
Monday the waxing Moon is in Aries and is square Mars in the pre-dawn hours. Try to stay off the roads in the early morning hours. Emotions could cloud rational thinking and take over with bad temper. The good news is that Mercury is trine Jupiter. Communications are golden! Good news, favorable deals and in general a jovial mood follows by daylight. The Moon moves into Taurus late tonight.
Tuesday morning Jupiter turns direct so his beneficence is unleashed. We can all use some good luck right now! Venus enters Aries the sign of her "fall" meaning it is opposit her natural placement. Aries people benefit, but Venus becomes less soft and benefic for the coming month for the rest of us. The Moon is square Pluto in the wee hours. Cathartic dreams my be challenging and disturb sleep. By tonight the Moon is square Mercury. Communications are emotionally difficult tonight.
We enter Wednesday with a lunar square to the Sun, but the balance of the day is very favorable. The Moon is sextile Saturn and then Mars in the morning hours. Hard work can accomplish a lot before lunchtime. The early afternoon insists on taking a break and getting away from structure and responsibilities. You've earned the time off. Take it. Tonight is a great time to meditate or to escape into fantasy. Take a steamy fragrance oil bath by candle light, read a romance novel.
Thursday is another day filled with beneficial aspects. The Moon enters Gemini in the wee hours to make a sextile with Venus then a trine to Pluto. Romance is steamy. Watch out for control issues to surface if you are awake before daylight. If you are sleeping, you may have a cathartic dream that will help you see your love or money issues more clearly. Tonight the Moon conjoins Jupiter. Emotions are blended with intellect and both are favored with this merging of energies in Gemini, planet of mental pursuits and travel. Geminis receive good luck tonight.
Friday the Sun is quincunx Mars in the early morning hours. Sleep could be restless. Venus is sextile Pluto today. Love is steamy and finances could turn serious. Be careful. This is an intense energy, keep a level head. Mercury is quincunx Mars, be careful not to blow off steam today. You may have to back pedal. The Moon is trine Mercury in the morning, but soon makes an ugly square to Saturn. Any dealings with elders or those in positions of authority should closed out by 9 AM or wait until later in the morning when the Moon is trine the Sun around 11 AM.
Saturday the Moon is square Neptune in the wee hours. Imagination and worry fill the early part of the morning. All the way through lunchtime fears and worries are running tapes in your mind. With the Moon entering Cancer around daybreak, these could revolve around security and family. By linch time the Moon is square Venus. Worries turn to finances and romance.
Sunday the Sun conjoins Mercury. Communications and visits with friends and family bring joy. Mars is trine Saturn today. Hard work and structure come easy. A shoulder to the wheel and "get 'er done" attitude prevails. With the Moon joining Mars and making a trine to Saturn this is emotionally satisfying as well. This evening things turn sour as the Moon is quincunx the Sun then Mercury. The joy of completion of projects turns sour as you realize that there are some things that must be done over. The Moon is sextile Uranus late tonight. Throw in the towel for today. Realize that you need to let go and have some "me" time.