February 2019
A Message from the Executive Director
Looking closely in my garden the other day, I found daffodils starting to peek out of the cold ground. Even the groundhog seems to think that spring is on the way! At the Old School we are looking forward to inviting runners and their families to the Landmark for our 4th Annual Historic Waterford Trail Run on April 25th. Read below to find out how you can participate as a sponsor, and save the date to register to run the 5K, 10K or Fun Run this year!

Also in this newsletter, we recognize a dedicated Homes Tour volunteer, we remember a musician who has shared his gift of music with fairgoers for many years, and we introduce the artist behind the cover art for this year's Fair booklet. Don't miss the link to our 2020 Waterford Craft School classes. Registration is open and classes are filling quickly! As always, read to the end for a story from Waterford's past, this month with a focus on Waterford's African American community.

Stephanie C. Thompson
Executive Director

p.s. Thank you to those of you who braved the dreary February drizzle to attend last night's Community Meeting at the Old School. We appreciate your thoughtful feedback on the ideas we are researching to stabilize and strengthen the Foundation's financial position now and in the future. If you were unable to attend the meeting last night but would like to learn more, please feel free to email me at or call 540-882-3018.
Become a 2020 Trail Run Sponsor
The 4th Annual Historic Waterford Trail Run/Walk is actively seeking sponsors make this years event a success with local business sponsorship! We expect several hundred runners and families to take advantage of this opportunity to run the historic streets and trails of the picturesque village and nearby farms and vineyards. This is an opportunity to advertise your business and build connections through supporting a community event.

Please contact Liz Hohm at lhohm@waterfordfoundation to become a sponsor or to get answers to any questions you have about the Waterford Foundation or the Trail Run.
Save The Date
Annual 5K, 10K & Fun Run/Walk
Mark your calendars for our annual 5K, 10K & Fun Run/Walk on April, 25th 2020. This course will follow paved/gravel roads & scenic trails through the Waterford National Historic Landmark and surrounding farms and vineyards. Be on the lookout for our registration link that will be available soon!

Please contact Liz Hohm at lhohm@waterfordfoundation for more information.
Wedding or Other Private Event Venues
Whether you are planning a wedding, a family reunion, a corporate meeting or party, the Waterford Foundation has a venue for you. Host your event at one of the Waterford Foundation’s beautiful venues and support the preservation of the Waterford National Historic Landmark. The Waterford National Historic Landmark in Loudoun County, Virginia, is a treasured connection to America’s past. Beautifully preserved historic structures surrounded by acres of scenic farmland will provide a timeless backdrop to your event. Waterford offers three venues to choose from: Waterford Old School, John Wesley Church, & Bond Street Meadow.

For rate information and more details, please call 540-882-3018 ext 2 or email
2020 Waterford Craft School Classes
Craft School registrations are in full swing! With classes like Dry Stone Fence Construction, Broom Making, Metalsmithing Jewlery, Stone Carving, Stained Glass& Leatherworking, you have the opportunity to learn new trades and complete beautiful projects. Our 2020 Waterford Craft School classes are posted here . Remember, our first session begins April 4-5, 2020!

Did you know??
If you are a member of the Waterford Foundation you can receive
$25 off any full or multi-day Waterford Craft School Class.
Just enter the code MEM-2020-WCS at checkout
Congratulations Vicki Garrison
Winner of the Fair Cover Art Competition
Born and raised in Purcellville, Virginia (and then living in Hamilton, Virginia for the past 35 years), Vicki has been working in Watercolor for the past several years, renewing an interest in art that has always been apparent. Being a member of the Loudoun Sketch Club for several years now, has provided numerous opportunities for shows and plein air painting which I enjoy very much.

The photo that she took for “Waterford Shadows” was taken during a Plein Air Painting outing in Waterford this past July 2019, with the Loudoun Sketch Club. "It was an extremely hot and wonderfully shadowy day – walking the downtown historic streets of Waterford" Vicki says and "the extreme shadows are what drew me to this scene – and I painted it in the next few days at home. I was pleased that the painting has the feel of that day". This painting received the 2 nd place Award for Watercolor in the Loudoun Sketch Club’s 75 th Anniversary Show.
We are now accepting applications for Demonstrating Artisan for the 2020 Fair. Applications are accepted through this link:  for the following categories: glass, jewelry, basketry, metal, fiber/textiles, heritage foods, wood, furniture, mixed media, paper, and clay. Please help us get the word out by sharing this with anyone you know that might be interested.
Thank You to Our New & Renewing Members!
Memberships provide a vital portion of the Waterford Foundation's funds to pay for the upkeep and repair of thirteen properties protected by the Waterford Foundation, as well as programs like the  Second Street School  living history program, the  Waterford Craft School , the  Waterford Fair , and special programs throughout the year. We would like to thank the following new and renewing members who have joined or renewed in January 2020!
New & Renewing Members: January 2020
Ms. Belland (Ann)
Mr. John Caron and Ms Nancy Doane
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Chaudet
Mr. and Mrs. W. Joseph Coleman, Jr.
Ms. Joy Anne Crocker
Ms. Paula Dennis
Ms. Cynthia DiCola
Ms. Sharyn Franck
Ms. Jere Gibber
Ms. Christine E. Gleckner and Mr. Clay Steward
Mr. Stephen Happeny
Ms. Marilyn Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kenis
Ms. Beverly Mattson
Mr. Phillip D. Paschall and Ms. Elizabeth Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Riddle (Travis & Gene)
Ms. Karen K. Schwartz
Ms. Patricia R. Shoaf
Mr. Peter A. Silvia
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A Sutton
Ms. Elizabeth Whiting
Ms. Elyssa Wood
Our Sustaining Members are: Mr. and Mrs. Goode (Joe and Annie), Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hale (Bob and Susanne), Ms. Joan Kowalski, Mr. Ed Lehman and Ms. Edith Crockett, Robert and Stephanie Thompson, Ms. Wendy Roseberry, Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sutton, Mr. & Mrs. Brandon & Clare Synge, and Mr. Brian Whelan. To become a sustaining member, click here .
Next month, we will acknowledge our new and renewing February 2020 members!
Volunteer of the Month: Mary Hayford
Recruiting 120 charming docents to guide our visitors through tour homes on Fair weekend is challenging. Recruiting docents knowledgeable enough to entertain visitors waiting in line at the front door is even more challenging.  We especially appreciate docents who are willing to take on the role of lead docent and cover the front door.

Mary Hayford has volunteered as a docent every year since 2006. Since 2012 she has worked two shifts every year, usually offering to cover Saturday and Sunday afternoon, times that can be difficult to fill. A few years ago, she assisted an owner who was on the tour for the first time, helping to research the history of the house and to write the script. Her knowledge of and enthusiasm for Waterford history have enriched the experience of Fair visitors for many years.  

Thank you, Mary, for sharing your knowledge of Waterford with thousands of Fair visitors.
In Memory of David Updegrove
David Graham Updegrove (1950-2020), a favorite long time fair performer passed away unexpectedly on January 21, 2020. Dave performed with Dominion4 on the Corner Store Porch which was enjoyed by fair goers for many years. Dave was passionate about many things in his life. His greatest joy was engaging with his grandchildren in playing games, doing chores together, riding bikes, catching crabs, and watching movies. Dave will be remembered for his endless generosity, his constant encouragement, his quick wit, and a dedication to helping anyone in need.  Read David Updegrove's full Obituary here
Stories from Waterford
Black History Month
Principal Winston Walker with his students, some of which traveled three to four miles in all kinds of weather to get to class
Since 1984, The Second Street School has been hosting fourth grade students from Loudoun County, Virginia and surrounding areas to recreate a school day in 1880 by taking on the roles of the African-American children who actually attended school at that time. The program, developed with the help of the National Endowment for the Humanities, fosters an appreciation of the opportunities and limitations faced by black children in a segregated one-room school. Recitation, seat exercises, and a spelling bee are part of the two-hour school “day.”

The Second Street School was used as a school for African American Children who resided within and around Waterford, Virginia. Here is a humorous story from the book "A Rock In A Weary Land, A Shelter In A Time of Storm":

"One day in the 1930's at the school on Second Street, for example, a strange white man strode in after a perfunctory knock on the door. Introducing himself as a member of the State School Board office in Richmond, he asked, "what is going on here?"
"Just a minute, you are interrupting" the teacher replied.
"And who are you?" he asked. Mildred Boyd pointed to the nameplate on her desk.
Referring to a paper in his hand, the bureaucrat went on, "This is Waterford. I understand you have an attendance rate of 96 percent. Why?"
"The children love to come," Miss Boyd answered.
"Can these children sing?"
"Indeed they can, sir."
"Then how about they sing Old Black Joe?"
Drawing herself up, Miss Boyd looked him in the eye, and responded firmly, "Not this morning. We will sing America the Beautiful and The Battle Hymn of the Republic."
As the children sang, the man's face grew red. Miss Boyd heard later from the county school superintendent's sister that the man had asked, "Who is that sassy woman in Waterford?" The women shared a good laugh over the episode."

Find this and other information on A Rock In A Weary Land, A Shelter In A Time of Storm , by Bronwen C Souders & John M. Souders, available here at or at our offices in the Old School.
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