February 2025

Issue #47

Reflections from the Hill
Occasional Outreach from the Benedictine Sisters

With Our Love

"I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35

Sr. Bernadine Reyes, OSB, Prioress, wanted to share a link in this e-newsletter to a statement from The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, in English and Spanish, as well as resources for migrants and our communities. This was sent to her from the Archdiocese of San Antonio.


I never cease to be distressed at the pain and suffering which we humans can inflict on each other. The second commandment of our Lord is to love our neighbor as ourselves. I sometimes think it must sound naïve, and a bit too unworldly, to speak of basing a social and political system on mutual love. Maybe it is naïve...

You can read the remainder of Cardinal Hume's Reflection by clicking here.

You're Invited!

Our Annual Feast of St. Benedict Spaghetti Dinner is coming up on March 20th at the Cana Ballroom.

It's time to purchase tickets or become a Sponsor or Underwriter for this special "Friend-Raiser" event.

We'll have a delicious meal (dine in or take out available) and a drawing for themed gift baskets valued at $500 each!

Don't miss this chance to gather with friends and family

and support the Sisters. You can Click Here to purchase tickets.

*(Here's a video slide show of last year's event if you'd like a preview.)

Zoom participants with presenter Dave Domingue seen in the background.

Eco Spirituality was our January Oblate meeting topic with presenter David Domingue, who is on the Spiritual Director Formation Team with St. Peter upon the Water in Ingram, TX.

Dave shared a wonderful presentation with the Oblates, which included many of his beautiful photos of nature, along with several practical tips in support of our Benedictine Value, "Care of the Earth". His message was closely aligned with Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Sí, which was published in May 2015.

Our Oblate Initial Formation group is led by Nan Neff, who is also a part of the Spiritual Direction Formation Team with St. Peter upon the Water.

Photo by David Domingue

We are called to seek God in community and to respond in ministry through sharing our spirituality and addressing the needs of the people we serve, especially the poor.

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