Mission Rivers District Newsletter


Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson will visit the district Sunday, February 11 and Monday, February 12th!

Preaching: Sunday, Feb. 11 at 10:00am

Peace UMC

801 Maple Grove Drive, Fredericksburg

Laity Session: Sunday, Feb. 11 from 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Tappahannock Memorial UMC

345 Earl Street, Tappahannock, VA 22560

Laity Session: Sunday, Feb. 11 from 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Crooks Memorial UMC

204 Cook Road, Yorktown, VA 23690

A Mission Activity to help stock a local food pantry will be held 30 minutes before each Laity Session. Soups and stews are specifically requested but all canned goods will be gratefully accepted.

Clergy Session: Monday, Feb. 12 from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm (lunch included)

Williamsburg United Methodist Church

500 Jamestown Rd., Williamsburg, VA 23185

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson is excited to announce the theme of the 242nd session of the Virginia Annual Conference is A Conference in Three Movements. This theme emerges from the belief that there are three principal movements of the Holy Spirit taking place in the present era of the church:

  1. The theological movement from prevenient grace to sanctification. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in the human heart.
  2. The historical movement of Methodism captured in our past, lived in our present, and pointed toward our future. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in the church.
  3. The missional movement from gathered spaces into all the world. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in community.

These movements build upon each other, intertwining together to demonstrate what has been, what is, and what will be as God continues to move amongst God’s people.

The Annual Conference logo is designed to be an embodiment of this powerful theme. The three flames joining as one light are a reminder of the three movements and the connection they share. The placement of words and font selection are meant to evoke an imaginative sense of movement and the constant motion of the Holy Spirit. The color family of reds, yellows, and oranges is meant to offer a sense of fire that is sparking and burning within the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church.

As we prepare to gather in Hampton this June, we hope members of the Annual Conference will begin to consider the role of these three movements in their lives, the lives of their churches, and the lives of the communities we are called to serve.

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson shares an update about the Appointive Cabinet of the Virginia Annual Conference

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson announces the appointment of two new District Superintendents to serve the Virginia Annual Conference beginning July 1, 2024: Rev. F. Elizabeth (Beth) Givens will serve the Coastal Virginia District, and Rev. Kirk Nave will serve the Northern Virginia District.Additionally, Rev. Dr. Sarah Calvert will transition to serve as the District Superintendent of the Mountain View District, Rev. Dr. Cecelia Brooks will receive an appointment to a local church, and Rev. Denise Bates will be retiring. Bishop Haupert-Johnson is grateful to Rev. Dr. Brooks and Rev. Bates for their service on the Cabinet and for their leadership in a difficult time in the life of the UMC. Read more...

Heart Havens’ month is February and we can't wait to celebrate with you. The Virginia Conference has designated February as Heart Havens Month, one of six special offerings throughout the year. There are eight Heart Havens homes across the Conference, where men and women with a developmental disability are empowered to be full members of the body of Christ, and active participants in their communities.

Please visit to see our video and additional electronic resources to share or schedule a speaker for your church group through our online form. Share our Heart Havens month social media posts - it will help us spread our message of empowerment. Thank you for your continued support of Heart Havens!

The Youth Theological Initiative at Candler Theological Seminary is offering a number of programs for youth this year. To find out more information about the various programs, you can visit their website at

Parish Nursing was developed by a Lutheran minister, Dr. Granger Westberg in the early 1980s. He recognized the church has promoted health and wholeness for centuries through worship, music, sharing and caring and that it is the only human institution in our society that interacts with individuals from birth through death. A Faith Community/Parish Nurse’s presence promotes an intentional health ministry. Faith Community Nursing is a nursing specialty with its own scope and standards of practice. Today, FCNs serve a variety of settings and populations. The commonality is their work focuses on the intentional care of the spirit of the population that they serve. Read more…


There is a scholarship available through Shenandoah University.... (Erbach-Monge Scholarship) for interested registered nurses.


IF there is a clergy person or a laity person or a registered nurse in our conference who wants to speak to learn more or about the potential benefits of having a Faith Community Nurse (volunteer or paid) as a part of the congregation's ministry....... please contact me!


God's blessings,


Introducing: The United Methodist Heritage and Fresh Expressions Journey

Presented by Fresh Expressions United Methodist in partnership with Fresh Expressions Florida, The Fresh Expressions House of Study at United Theological Seminary introduces The United Methodist and Fresh Expressions Journey from September 1-13, 2024. The Teaching Guide will be Rev. Dr. Michael Adam Beck and the Teaching Bishop will be Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson.

On this journey, embark on a profound 12-night pilgrimage through the historic lands of England, immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of the extraordinary spiritual movements: the Methodist Movement and the Fresh Expressions Movement. Find detailed itinerary...

This transformative journey, tailored for both laity and clergy of The United Methodist Church, offers a deep exploration of these influential movements, equipping participants with wisdom and inspiration for present and future application in their faith journeys. Register now...

Please direct your questions to the travel agent, Kenya Ellis at or (352) 872-3451.

Join the Journeys of Paul Cruise: Sept. 21- Oct. 1, 2024

Join Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson and the VAUMC on a Educational Opportunities Tours Journeys of Paul Cruise from September 21- October 1, 2024 (9 nights abroad the Odyssey of the Seas, a round trip from Rome, Italy). Guest Speaker with be Rev. Magrey deVega. The $500 deposit is due at the time of registration. For questions, please contact Rev. Justin White at or 703-973-1606. To learn more and register...

Lay Servant Academy Training will take place February 23rd & 24th

This training will be virtual only. Registration is now open! Included in the course list are:

  • Virginia UMC Roots, Racism, and Discipleship Advanced Course
  • Basic Course
  • Children and Youth Discipleship–Ministry with Parents/Guardians
  • Spiritual Gifts
  • Called to Preach

Learn more & register

VAUMC Communications Training Opportunities

Register for free webinars on February 26 and 28

The VAUMC Board of Communications will be offering two excellent training sessions for small churches with limited resources led by our friends at United Methodist Communications (UMCOM). Session one on February 26 will focus on leveraging email, text, and social media to communicate with your congregation and the community. Session two on February 28 will show you how UMCOM can help build and host a new website for your church or evaluate your current site, and share best practices for websites.

Learn more and register


2024 Virginia Five-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation

"Claiming the Promises"

March 3-8, 2024 at the Roslyn Retreat Center, Richmond, VA

Faculty: Rev Dr. Loyd Allen and Rev. Grace Imathiu



Welcome!! We hope to see you there!!

It is with great joy that the VAUMC offers the next set of classes for CLM Modules One-Four!

What is a CLM? This is a lay person who deepens their ability to serve in their local church and district as lay leaders, preachers, connecting the church with mission in their community, parish nurses, children’s or youth ministers, administrators, or congregational care ministers to name just a few! These lay people are dedicated to working beside the clergy as they answer the call to serve their churches and communities.

To become a CLM, the lay person must complete the BASIC and Spiritual Gifts courses through LSA. The individual then takes four modules of training, meets before dCOM for recommendation to the Board of Laity, and is approved by the Board of Laity. They require the support of their local church and the district as they work through the modules.


Courses will be taught by Rev. Dr. Joanna Dietz and Mrs. Jenn Robinson O’Brien. For more information contact Joanna Dietz


These courses are asynchronous with 3-4 Zoom classes held on Sunday evenings from 6:00-8:00 pm. Only one class may be missed per session to complete each module.


Click HERE to learn more & register!

As we begin the new year, our Board of Directors for the Mission Rivers District has met to review our goals and strategies to support the efforts of our laity and clergy as they reach out to their communities in love.

It is with gratitude that we honor Pat McGuckin for her many years of service as she retires from her position as District Treasurer, and Betty Hill who also served as District Treasurer for many years and retired from her current position as Bookkeeper. As a result, we have approved and turned over the bookkeeping duties to the Virginia Conference. We have appointed David Ledbetter as our new Board Treasurer who will be our liaison to interpret or answer questions.

We also celebrate our district staff for effectively sharing the latest and most important information in the district. We are committed to improving our communications so all churches can participate in the initiatives and grants at the district level. We strive to provide clear parameters for the different grants and guidance for those churches that can improve their proposals or those who didn't receive grants so they can try again.

We have created a new Task Force to effectively support our churches with their online worship services, including training and appropriate technology. This Task Force will also facilitate churches to engage in collaborative missions and to develop intentional discipleship-making processes. As a result, we will support, equip, and guide our congregations to facilitate their growth.

If you are interested in helping with any of these efforts, please let us know. We are looking for people with the expertise, dedication, and desire to work to make these dreams a reality. We'd like to invite you to contact us with your ideas, concerns, or suggestions.

Also, keep us in your prayers as we continue to cast a vision of hope for all our churches and move forward together as one.

Rev. Ileana Rosario

President Board of Directors MRD

Speaking of SAS…

Dear Friends,

Grace and peace in the name of our Savior. Let me begin by saying again what an honor, privilege, and pleasure it has been to have been asked by our District Superintendent, Dr. Charles Ledlum-Bates, to serve as one of the District Directors of Connectional ministries alongside Dr. Jim O’Quinn.

Along the journey I have been blessed to go through the certification process to become a SAS coach. SAS – the process of engaging a Simplified Accountable Structure for local church administration – while not for every church brings with it some tangible benefits. The greatest of these is discovering the “Why” of the church. I have been honored to walk alongside several of our churches in the journey of discovering that “Why.” To date I have engaged four of our churches in the process and two more are on the horizon. My thanks to those pastors for the invitation, as well as the honor of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ from their pulpits.

The “Why” of the church has to do with revisiting the mission of the church. The mission of the church, as you all well know, is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The distinction is that the mission as articulated by Jesus in Matthew 28 is the mission of every church named by the name of Jesus. The “Why” is in the discovery of the particulars of the church in question. No two churches have the same calling to reach the same people; no two churches have the same gifts and passions. The questions “Who are we?”; “Who is our neighbor?”; and “What is God calling us to do in the here and now?” need to be revisited frequently to assure that the ministries we offer are relevant, invitational and hospitable.

I encourage all of us to engage this journey, and know that your District is here to resource and assist you to the end that the name of Jesus is proclaimed, received, and followed.

Yours for a Vital Witness to Christ,


District Training was held on Saturday, January 13th at Ebenezer UMC in Stafford. We offered a light breakfast and fellowship during registration, then worship, morning classes, lunch from Mission Barbeque and finally, afternoon classes.

During worship, DS Ledlum-Bates honored three long-serving volunteer members of the Mission Rivers District family who have decided to retire from their roles: Bob Hill, former York River District chair of Trustees and an indispensable member of the York River District Board of Missions; Betty Hill, longtime Treasurer of the York River District and bookkeeper for the Mission Rivers District and Pat McGuckin, Treasurer for the Rappahannock River and Mission Rivers Districts. The Hills were unable to make the trip due to health considerations but Pat McGuckin was there to be recognized in person.

The wonderful staff and volunteers from Ebenezer lightened our load and provided invaluable help from set-up Friday night (in the rain) to clean up on Saturday (sunshine and gale force winds). We cannot begin to thank them enough!

Rev. Ileana Rosario, Board of Directors Chair and Rev. Emily Moore-Diamond (left - right).

Rev. Evelyn Penn, Lisa Jones, DS Ledlum-Bates, Lynn Manley and Jenn Robinson-O'Brien (left - right).

Rev. Clarence Brown, DDCM, Rev. Chris Watson, Board of Directors, DS Ledlum-Bates (left-right).

DS Ledlum-Bates and Deb Beutel serving Communion.

Rev. Ed Walker and Rev. Ileana Rosario, Board of Directors.

Donna Turley, Rev. Angie Hoen, Nancy Yarborough, Board of Directors, Rev. Ileana Rosario, BOD chair. (left - right).

Pat McGuckin

In this time of great change and sustained stress—through the pandemic, the prolonged wait for General Conference, and this season of disaffiliations—clergy are managing significant personal, pastoral, vocational, and institutional stress, all while ministering to our communities and congregations.


We see you. And we invite you to take time to tend to yourself in the midst of all this. Learn research-based self-care and resilience strategies for clergy flourishing. Get to know colleagues, support them, and allow others to offer you support. Renew your connection to God’s call in this phase of your ministry. 


Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center’s Clergy Flourishing group for UMC clergy begins in late February. Cost for 6 sessions is $10. To learn more and express interest in the group, fill out the form here: 

Deadline to apply is 2/9/24.

Rev. Deborah Lewis

Mission Rivers is pleased to announce two Winter Trainings!

Called to Preach!

Leading Public Prayer.

Both will be held online via zoom.

DATES: 2/5, 2/12, 2/19 and 2/26

TIMES: 6:30pm - 8:30 pm

Click on the title of the class to register!

This is the day the Lord has made!

If you are interested in taking the Advance Preaching Class, Mission Rivers will be offering it this February. The class will be taught ONLINE.

DATES: 2/5, 2/12, 2/19 and 2/26

BOOK: From Pew to Pulpit by Clifton Guthrie

TIMES: 6:30 - 8:30 pm

COST: 15.00.

Link to sign up HERE

Please reach out to Jenn Robinson-O'Brien at with any questions.

Local Churches


Dahlgren United Methodist Church, Dahlgren VA has an immediate need for a nursery attendant to provide child care for infants and toddlers (three years old or less) while parents/guardians are attending Sunday Worship and other church programs and activities.

Mathews Chapel UMC, Cobbs Creek, VA has an opening for a Church treasurer, part time, 6 - 10 hours per month. Requires financial responsibility and attention to detail. Experience with QuickBooks, Word, Excel, etc. Remote work possible.

Mathews Chapel is also searching for a small church music director/organist 7 pianist; musical expertise and a heart for fostering spiritual connection through music.

Mathews Chapel also needs a small church office administrator: an organized person to handle clerical tasks, manage schedules, and contribute to the smooth functioning of the church office. Part time 6 - 8 hours weekly. Computer skills required.

Please send resumes to Mathews Chapel UMC, Attn: SPPRC, PO Box 125, Cobbs Creek, VA 23035

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church has an opening for a Bookkeeper to be hired in the first quarter of 2024.  This position is part-time for 8-12 hours per week.  Most work activities will be conducted at St. Luke’s UMC located at 300 Ella Taylor Road, Yorktown, VA, but there will be some flexibility to work off-site.


Duties: The Bookkeeper is responsible for the ongoing execution of the general accounting area, including accounts receivable, accounts payable, recording of all financial transactions in the accounting system, checkbook balancing, and financial reports preparation. The Bookkeeper will regularly coordinate with the Church Treasurer and the Financial Secretary.



  • General knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping procedures with direct knowledge of QuickBooks Online highly desirable.
  • Knowledge of banking practices.
  • Knowledge of payroll procedures.
  • Knowledge of Virginia/Federal financial procedures.
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality required.
  • Experience working in a church or other faith-related setting is highly desirable,

Compensation:  This is an hourly position with a pay range of $18.00/hour to $22.00 /hour depending on experience.


For a complete position job description and/or to apply for the position please visit

Grace Hartwood, 13056 Elk Ridge Rd., Fredericksburg, 22406 is having a 

County Dinner Dance ~ Friday, Feb. 16 from 6-9:30pm

Featuring the Band Delta Spur

The evening festivities include:

6-6:30pm Dance Lesson 

Dinner & Desserts

Music and Dancing 

Summary of the Henderson Settlement Christmas Mission for 2023

Bethany UMC Smithfield continued as the collection point for receiving Christmas gifts and donations to purchase gifts for Henderson Settlement. We had a total of 181 boxes of gifts from 12 churches, including Bethany. In addition to the Mission Rivers District grant, we received monetary donations from members of Bethany and from several other churches. Linda West and Della Carrico shopped during October and November and were reimbursed from the Henderson Mission Fund. At Bethany, we packed a total of 63 boxes and other churches contributed a total of 118 boxes that included new toys or other age-appropriate gifts, blankets, towels, pajamas, hats, scarves, gloves, and new and gently used coats. We also took 6 new bicycles and tire pumps this year.

Henderson Settlement had their Community Christmas event on December 5, 6, and 7. They had families register to attend either the morning or afternoon on those days to select Christmas gifts for their children and to receive coats, blankets, and other items that were available. The Outreach Director at Henderson Settlement let us know that they served 130 families with a total of 260 children ages 0-18.

Contact Us

Sue Haupert-Johnson

Resident Bishop

Rev. Dr. Charles F. Ledlum-Bates

District Superintendent

Administrative Assistants:

Lisa Jones


Lynn Manley


District Directors of Connectional Ministries:

Rev. Dr. Clarence R. Brown

Rev. Dr. James "Jim" O'Quinn

Mission Rivers District

6515 George Washington Memorial Highway, Suite 203

Yorktown, VA 23692-2182