The latest news and opportunities in government data and analytics                                                   



Welcome to Carpe Datum’s weekly newsletter, the Federal Data Prospector, the only publication of its kind dedicated exclusively to data and analytics companies that share our passion for serving the public sector. Our featured items begin with the DoD’s request for a commercial subscription to a Publicly Available Information (PAI) Alerting Service that delivers real-time updates on global events for enhanced situational awareness. The solution must integrate diverse data sources, support customizable alerts across multiple platforms, and scale to meet the needs of the entire DoD enterprise.


  • Department of Defense (DoD), Department of the Air Force — Sources Sought: Publicly Available Information (PAI) Alerting Service - The commercially-available license subscription should leverage a variety of publicly available information sources, evaluate content to detect emerging events as they are developing, and push alerts to users based on user-defined areas and topics of interest. The solution must be capable of distributing alerts in near real-time via email, application programming interface (API), web-based application, and mobile platforms. The solution must be available commercially in the marketplace, and able to scale to a DoD enterprise capability, and keep pace with developments and standards within the commercial industry sector.


In other data news, on January 23rd, All-Source Intelligence published an article entitled The next year of AI target analysis. In this story, Jack Poulson describes how generative AI and commercial satellite imagery are poised to transform military target analysis and situational awareness. Highlights include discussions on integrating AI models like Anthropic’s with geospatial intelligence systems, the NGA's adoption of Project Maven, and a $708M Sequoia data labeling initiative to enhance AI/ML capabilities across federal agencies.


  • Rather than being stuck with a small number of expensive U.S. Government spy satellites — “exquisite” systems in intelligence lingo — Anthropic’s U.S. Government product manager was suggesting the usage of artificial intelligence to fuse together a stream of imagery from low-cost-to-launch commercial satellites.”


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Diplomatic Security Credit Reporting Services and Credit Verifications

Dept. of State

Conducting credit history checks to assess financial responsibility and identify any potential financial risks. The credit history reports must clearly explain critical terms (e.g., R1 for good standing, I9 for severe delinquency etc.) and adhere to government standards. Reports should include data from major credit bureaus and present a consolidated tri-merge view of credit history, incorporating international activities where relevant. The target requires providing reports within 30 minutes of each request through a secure electronic interface. 

Data and Analytic Services

Dept. of Defense

The Intelligence Systems Support Office (ISSO), SAF/OC/CDMR, requires data analysis in support of ISSO projects, including the development of algorithms and visualizations from the data. Visualization will be a dashboard documenting behavior detected in analyzed data based on an ongoing initiative to a specific project use case. The dashboards should allow user input to create analytics use cases. 

Municipal Market Data Subscription Service

Dept. of the Treasury

Treasury Departmental Offices requires a database to extract municipal market data, including but not limited to yields for benchmark and individual securities, issuance statistics, credit spreads, credit ratings, and secondary trading volumes. This data feeds into various recurring internal reports and situational research that support the offices’ monitoring and analysis of the municipal bond market for Treasury.

Commercial Real Estate Data and Analytics Subscription Service

Dept. of the Treasury

Treasury may have an upcoming opportunity for a subscription service that provides two (2) Professional-level accounts to a database that provides information for commercial real estate data and analytics. This tool will be used to streamline property research, lead generation, investment strategies, and market analysis. This subscription must include property research, owner information, market trends and analytics, targeted lead generation, risk assessment, and portfolio management. 

Request for Information (RFI): Insider Threat Program Technical Solutions

Dept. of Justice

Response to questions. Date offers due extended to January 30, 2025.

Army Data Platform (ADP) ARDAP Industry Day

Dept. of Defense

Army Data Platform Industry Day slides attached.

DLA ILS Internet Subscription Service

Dept. of Defense

Response to questions.

Enterprise Test Data Management

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Response to questions. Date offers due extended to February 7, 2025.

Corporate Registry Bulk Data, Moody's Analytics, Inc.

Dept. of the Treasury

The scope of this PWS encompasses Contractor support to provide brand name (Moody’s Orbis) data or equivalent product subscription access to standardized, consistent electronic international data research services for IRS employees in both bulk and web-based formats. The product subscription bulk data delivery and services will allow issue identification, case selection, issue resolution, and advanced analytics for global enterprise risk modeling.

ERAI Software Service Renewal of 28321324P00050102

Social Security Administration

The purpose of this requirement is to procure a subscription to ERAI software services to conduct Supply Chain Risk Assessment Analysis (SCRA) for major agency procurements.

Notice of Intent to Award Sole Source Energy & Environment News Subscription

Dept. of Agriculture

Energy and Environment (E&E) News provides coverage of energy and environment issues related to the business of the energy, agriculture, and environmental Congressional committees which have jurisdiction over the USDA Forest Service. The information reported in E&E News is critical for informing executive leadership in the Region of issues that will impact our collective work.

CyberFeds Web Subscription

Dept. of Defense

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Atlantic intends to sole source a contract to LRP Publications, Inc...for the commercial purchase of cyberFEDS® on the Web subscription (General Services Administration- GSA), Workers’ Compensation on cyberFEDS® subscriptions (open market), access to eLearning Add on by cyberFEDS® (open market) and Federal EEO Advisor (open market).

ParcelQuest Subscription

Dept. of the Interior

ParcelQuest is a unique provider of all California County Assessor property data for all 58 counties and updated on monthly basis. The service provides a unique service via online access to county record software and mapping all throughout California.

Parsons Expands Artificial Intelligence Portfolio To Support US Army’s Project Linchpin

Dept. of Defense

Under the CRADA, Parsons will examine diverse datasets, models, and deployment scenarios to determine the optimal metrics, specifications, and governance for AI/ML operational use cases provided by the Project Linchpin Program. The company will also collaboratively research with C5ISR and Project Linchpin, deployment and model monitoring standards to support streamlined ML operations across the Army community, fostering a mature and repeatable process to integrate AI/ML effectively into Army Systems of Record.

GCS Geospatial Develops 3D Analytics Tools for NGA Research Effort

Dept. of Defense

For Technical Element 1, the NGA had a requirement for support for multiple 3D data types within existing ELTs for analysis and visualization. In response, the company improved Eptium, a browser-based ELT. Improvements include deploying browser-based 3D analytics capabilities; making those capabilities interact with various data types; making it possible to add multiple configurable observer locations; and providing support for the importation of 3D models.

Redacted J&A for Subscription

Dept. of Defense

Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc., provides real-time pricing and news information for oil, natural gas, electricity, coal, and petrochemicals. Platts publishes news, research, commentary, market data and analysis, and more than 12,000 price assessments daily that are widely used as benchmarks in the physical, futures markets, and World Refinery Database. The subscription includes enterprise-wide licensing, real-time news and price information, end-of-day market data, and newsletters and reports.

Advana’s future uncertain as program manager prepares to leave DOD

Alex O’Toole — the program officer for the Pentagon’s enterprisewide data and analytics “Advana” platform that’s in the midst of a major transformation — is preparing to soon exit that role and the Chief Digital and AI Office, sources told DefenseScoop this week. His planned departure comes as President Donald Trump is installing new leaders across the Defense Department, and the government’s vision for the CDAO’s future (as well as Advana’s) remains unclear.

GAO: DHS Lacks Key Metrics on Effectiveness of Maritime Cargo Security

The U.S. economy relies heavily on the smooth flow of goods through the global supply chain, most of which are transported by ship. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are the two main Department of Homeland Security (DHS) agencies responsible for screening these vessels and shipments for potential security threats. However, a new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds that DHS needs to improve its efforts to track the effectiveness of its approach in securing U.S.-bound vessels and cargo from supply chain risks. 

Summary of the USPTO Artificial Intelligence Strategy (January 2025)

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has announced its strategy for addressing important issues at the intersection of artificial intelligence and intellectual property rights. Although primarily concerned with the direction the USPTO is setting for itself with respect to these issues, the strategy document also provides direction for companies that interact with the USPTO. 

Trump cancels Biden executive order on AI safety

Among his first actions as president, Donald Trump has rescinded an executive order signed during the Biden administration that directed the U.S. government to develop safeguards for the development of artificial intelligence programs, including generative AI models and their use in the healthcare industry.

AI, big data and space tech: China's plan to beef up emergency communications

The plan – which was released by 14 central government departments last week – also calls for further use and development of artificial intelligence, big data and space technology to improve emergency communications. Beijing has set a target date of 2027 for emergency communications to “enter a fast track of high-quality development, achieving breakthroughs in key technologies for integrated air, space, ground and sea operations”.

Is the UK workforce ready for the government's AI action plan?

To ensure the AI Action Plan’s success, the UK government emphasises the need to train tens of thousands of AI professionals by 2030. This raises the question: how can the UK develop its workforce to capitalise on AI opportunities while ensuring access to AI-driven economic growth?

Ensuring AI Governance in Government

AI offers the public sector an opportunity to increase productivity and ensure that benefits and services are directed to those most in need. However, it needs guard rails and guidance to ensure that policies are not abused, says Colin Gray, Principal Consultant at SAS UK.

Pay Attention To The Delete Act (Even If You Don’t Think You’re A Data Broker)

Attention, data brokers: If you operated in California last year, you need to register with the California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) by the end of this month. Otherwise, you might get a nastygram from the CPPA and possibly hit with a $200 fine for each day you fail to register, as per California’s Delete Act, which went into effect on Jan. 1, 2024. Going forward, data brokers are required to reregister annually on or before January 31.

The Powerful AI Tool That Cops (or Stalkers) Can Use to Geolocate Photos in Seconds

For months members of the public have been using GeoSpy, a tool trained on millions of images that can find the location a photo was taken based on soil, architecture, and more. It's GeoGuesser at scale.

Sam Altman’s World now wants to link AI agents to your digital identity

World, a web3 project by Altman and Alex Blania’s Tools for Humanity that was formerly known as Worldcoin, is based on the idea that it will eventually be impossible to distinguish humans from AI agents on the internet. To address this, World wants to create digital “proof of human” tools. After scanning your eyeball with a silver metal orb, World will give you a unique identifier on the blockchain to verify that you’re a human.

Descartes Systems Group Study Reveals Global Trade Intelligence and Analytics as Key Technologies for Supply Chain Growth

Descartes Systems Group has released a study highlighting the critical role of technology in addressing global supply chain challenges. According to the survey of supply chain leaders, 74% believe technology is essential for their growth amidst obstacles like tariffs, disruptions, and geopolitical issues, with this figure rising to 88% for those anticipating more than 15% growth in the next two years. Global trade intelligence emerged as the top technology capability expected to drive business value, chosen by 36% of respondents, followed by global trade analytics and supply chain mapping.

Anticipatory and Adaptive Anti-Money Laundering (A3ML) Proposers Day

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Information Innovation Office (I2O) is sponsoring a Proposers Day in support of the anticipated Anticipatory and Adaptive Anti-Money Laundering (A3ML) Program Solicitation. The purpose of this event is to provide information on the A3ML technical goals and challenges, address questions from potential proposers, and provide an opportunity for potential proposers to consider how their research may align with the A3ML program objectives.

Federal News Network’s AI & Data Exchange 2025

No matter the stage, agencies are adopting AI and leaning into advanced data management across their organizations in myriad ways. During Federal News Network’s AI & Data Exchange 2025, presented by Guidehouse, government and industry experts will share details about these efforts and insights on both the challenges and lessons learned. With a new administration also just on board, we will look to what’s on the horizon as well.

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