Parking Insider - Latest parking news, case studies & events
Advocacy During the COVID-19 Crisis
Parking Australia has been extremely active in advocating for the industry during this national crisis. This has included engagement with the Coronavirus Business Liaison Unit, the NSW, WA and Victorian Governments on Congestion / Parking Space Levies, other key industry bodies and of course, many members from a range of segments in the parking industry.
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Federal & State Government Stimulus Measures
In addition to the measures announced by the Federal Government, the Prime Minister and Treasurer have revealed their plans to subsidise the wages of working Australians as part of the JobKeeper payment. The JobKeeper Scheme will see businesses...
The NSW Government has released the second stage of its economic package aimed at keeping people in jobs, helping businesses and supporting our most vulnerable in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Key elements of the NSW COVID-19...
Parking Australia has made the decision to suspend all networking events until further notice. This decision is in line with all current recommendations to minimise risk to the well-being of attendees and...
Parking fines are being reassessed in towns and cities across Australia as local governments adjust to the impending reality of a coronavirus lockdown and what this will mean for local business. Below is a summary of the recent changes.
In view of the COVID-19 crisis, Parking Australia will be encouraging motorists around the country to use touchless payment methods when parking. This includes using tap and go where possible, and parking apps. As such, Parking Australia wants to...
One of the starkest ways the coronavirus pandemic has upended daily life is its impact on transit: Simply put, we've stopped moving around. Flights and cruises are being canceled en masse, subways are losing riders, and highways have become...