President Signs Infrastructure Bill into Law
On Nov. 15, President Biden signed a much-anticipated $1.2 trillion infrastructure package making new federal investments in a wide range of public systems over five years.
The law includes $550 billion in new spending for public transit, passenger rail, bridges, water and sewer systems, high-speed internet, electric vehicle infrastructure, and investments in the electric grid to support the expansion of renewable energy.
The law provides infrastructure support to municipalities in the form of direct grants as well as funds that would pass through existing state programs. New programs that will provide direct funding to municipalities include $5 billion for a Safe Streets for All program and $5 billion for a competitive National Infrastructure Project Assistance program to allow communities to complete critical large projects that would otherwise be too expensive.
Two existing formula programs, the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds, will each receive $11.7 billion over five years (49% for principal forgiveness and grants, 51% for loans).
The Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau has prepared a 46-page summary of the federal Infrastructure package, here.
DNR Seeks Comments on PFAS Draft Rules; Public Hearing December 1st
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has scheduled hearing for December 1st on the proposed rule that will set new drinking water maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for the PFAS, PFOS and PFOA (Board Order DG-24-19). The DNR submitted the rules to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Clearinghouse on October 28th.
To participate in the Zoom Meeting on CR 21-088 at 10 am on Wednesday, December 1st:
· Meeting ID: 899 7886 4201
· Join by Phone: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
The new rules would set the standard for PFOS and PFOA both individually and then combined at 20 parts per trillion. The rule also establishes initial and routine monitoring and testing schedules for community public water systems and outlines the methodology to be used. “If MCL’s are exceeded,” according to DNR's draft analysis, “a corrective action plan must be implemented to maintain protection of public health, welfare and safety in drinking water.” The League plans on submitting written comments by the December 8th deadline.
DNR Seeks Comments on Permanent Rule on PFAS Surface Water Standards; hearing December 10th
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has scheduled a public hearing for December 10th on a permanent rule (Board Order WY-23-19) to revise chapters NR 102, 105, 106 and 219, relating to adding narrative surface water criteria with numeric thresholds for PFAS, PFOS and PFOA as well as revisions to the procedures in the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permitting program to implement the new water quality criteria.
To participate in the Zoom Meeting on WY-23-19 at 1 pm on Friday, December 10th:
· Meeting ID: 834 6816 3627
· Join by phone: +1 312 626 6799
The comment period is open through December 15th. The League intends to submit written comments by December 15th.
Complete the Municipal Department Head Wage Survey
Wondering what other municipalities are paying their Department Heads?
Eric Atkinson, Menomonie’s Police Chief, has initiated a wage survey and has asked the League to help distribute it. If you provide your email when completing the survey, Eric will share the results of the survey with you.
PFAS/Water Learning Opportunities
1.DNR and PFAS Webinar. The League’s Urban Alliance invites you to a webinar on Thursday, December 2, from 11:30-1:00, featuring a discussion with the Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) on remediation, redevelopment, and PFAS. DNR experts will lay out the process and considerations for municipalities to understand DNR expectations for sampling, cleaning up and redeveloping a PFAS-contaminated site. DNR will discuss the importance of identifying PFAS contamination in your municipal water and waste systems, and opportunities for state and federal funding support, including funds that may be available in the near future to address concerns with PFAS in firefighting foam. Don’t miss this opportunity to have your PFAS questions and concerns addressed by DNR staff.
Speakers include:
- Darsi Foss, Environmental Management Division Administrator
- Christine Haag, Remediation and Redevelopment Bureau Director, Environmental Management Division
- Mimi Johnson, Office of Emerging Contaminants Director, Environmental Management Division
Via Zoom, Thursday, December 2, 11:30-1:00 > link here.
Meeting ID: 883 9569 7346
Passcode: 966171
Dial In: 312 626 6799
2. Municipal Water Issues Webinar Series. Join the League December 7th-9th for three webinars focusing on Municipal Water Issues. View the Agenda, Municipal Speakers and Register on our website for this timely series which includes lunch and learn (12:00-1:30 pm) discussions on the following relevant municipal issues:
Tuesday - Best Practices for Managing Small Water Utilities
Wednesday - Municipal Experiences with PFAS – Approaches, Practices, and Lessons Learned
Thursday - Managing Increased Flooding Events
The fee for all three sessions is $50.
No Bulletin Published on November 29
The next Legislative Bulletin will be published on December 6.