Federation of Alliances Françaises USA


June 2023

Time-sensitive information and updates for

Alliance Française chapters, friends and partners.

Learn French - Live French - Love French


France-Amérique fête ses 80 ans 

Joyeux anniversaire, France-Amérique !

Le magazine franco-américain, fondé à New York pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et publié chaque mois en français et en anglais, fête cette année son 80e anniversaire.

A cette occasion, notre partenaire de longue date offre aux Alliances Françaises américaines un abonnement à tarif préférentiel : n’hésitez pas à partager avec vos membres le code ALLIANCE30 – pour 30 % de réduction – ainsi que ce lien d’abonnement.

Suivez @franceameriquemag sur Instagram pour rester informés de toutes les opérations spéciales 80ème anniversaire!


Today but still time to register! 

Chapter Chats: Global Seal of Biliteracy

June 1, 2023 on Zoom @ 1pm PT/ 4pm ET.

Join us for an info session on the Global Seal of Biliteracy with special guests Linda Egnatz, Executive Director of the Global Seal of Biliteracy, and Otilia Baraboi, Executive Director of AF de Seattle. Learn more about this free international distinction that has become increasingly visible in the US.

Click here to register.


Prix Charbonnier Winner announced

The Federation of AF USA is pleased to announce the recipient of this year's Prix Charbonnier award: Mme Carolyn Cook, founder and first artistic director of Théâtre du Rêve in Atlanta, the only professional theater company in the US that stages productions in French. We will honor Mme Cook at our 2023 Annual Meeting and Convention, during our Soirée Prix Charbonnier at the Résidence de France, in the presence of the new Ambassador of France to the United States, Laurent Bili, and the Consule générale de France à Atlanta, Anne-Laure Desjonquères.

Convention Workshops

Thanks to all of you who responded to our recent survey with your workshop suggestions. We are very excited to offer a list of workshops taking into account these suggestions, including: Resources offered by the Institut Français, l'Écodiversité, Strategic Planning, Pedagogical resources and a Round Table for Small AFs.


Federation Featured Events

A talk in French!

Join us for a stroll through 19th century Normandy through a collection of more than 130 authentic drawings by Joseph Le Dieu. Catherine and Jacques Marie, owners and managers of the works, will introduce you to the artist, his creations, and the incredible story around this discovery.

TODAY! June 1 - Register

Check out the video below

Nelly Alard discusses her new novel, The Life You Had Imagined

Actress and bestselling author Nelly Alard speaks with Florence Klein about her new novel, The Life You Had Imagined: From Imperial Vienna to Hollywood, the mystery of Empress Elisabeth of Austria’s secret daughter.

June 8 - Register

Apéro National French Conversation

Don't forget: If your members and students are looking for more opportunities to speak French, the Apéro National French Conversation Group meets every Wednesday. Register


Enjoy 24/7 access from any device, browse through your favorite magazines as they hit newsstands, watch concerts and shows, listen to lectures, introduce children to cultural materials, read e-books and comics, and take advantage of language-learning materials tailored to your needs. It's free for all Alliance Française members and students. Discover

View more events


AF de Berkeley is having a Last Tango in Paris themed dance for this year's Fête de la Musique.

AF de Charlottesville in partnership with two AATF Chapters (AATF-NOVA/DC et AATF-VA), offered in April a French immersion weekend to celebrate its 30th anniversary. The program was very successful. Participants got to speak French the entire time, make new friends and meet Francophones who live in Central Virginia. Winemaker Matthieu Finot gave a tour of King Family Vineyards and hosted the group for a fine dégustation of the domain’s wines. The student-run French Club at the University of Virginia took the group on a walk across campus highlighting the close relation of UVA’s founder, Thomas Jefferson, with France. The group also enjoyed a little picnic at the French House and met with faculty from the UVA French Department.

AF d'Omaha held a gala on the occasion of the official signing event designating Isigny as their newest sister city.

AF de Pasadena has received approval from the Fondation for its new bylaws. It also held a two-week online auction, raising $4,000 for its operations and cultural programs.

AF de Sainte Lucie (Caribbean) will host a Zoom event with Eric Monin en français on June 5 to discuss the upcoming 2024 Olympics in France. Free and open to all network AFs.

AF de Silicon Valley was written up in Lesfrancais.press for their recent online visit of the Musée national de la Préhistoire, situé à Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil en Dordogne.



Speak Dating

The next Speak-Dating for AF students from Canada, USA and the Caribbean network will be held on Saturday, June 10. Click here for the banner, poster and registration link. Thanks to Alliance Française Halifax for sharing this opportunity!

Formation continue des enseignants

The training plan for teachers is still on track: A two-hour session took place in May about diversifying teaching resources through authentic materials (Emma Franks and Brett Lipshutz). 27 teachers from 17 chapters participated: Washington DC, Portland (Maine), Seattle, Miami, Orlando, Pasadena, Los Angeles, Puerto Rico, Pasadena, Raleigh Durham Chapel Hill, Westchester, San Diego, Jacksonville, Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, Sacramento, and Dallas.


A nine-hour training session will take place in June on the design and animation of online courses. It will be hosted by Sara Kadani from the AF de Paris Île de France. The session will be held in two groups, totaling 27 participants from 15 Alliances Françaises: Philadelphia, Westchester, Sacramento, Hartford, Denver, Miami, Dallas, Orlando, Milwaukee, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Pasadena, and Silicon Valley.

Collection de dessins du 19e siècle – exposition Joseph Le Dieu

The National Coordination is offering to host part of the collection of Joseph Le Dieu drawings at your Alliance Française free of charge as part of a philanthropic gesture by Catherine and Jacques Marie, owners and managers of the drawings. If you are interested, please complete this form, and consult the press kit, which contains more information. A meeting will be organized in August to discuss the details of organizing a tour of the collection (details to follow in the August E-Flash.)


  • Consulter les nouveaux mots du Petit Robert 2023.
  • Federation of AF USA past president and past president of the AF de Nashville, Steve Cobb, died in January of this year. 
  • AF du North Shore's past president, Eileen Walvord (President, AATF), was named Commandeur in the January 1, 2023, list of laureates in the Order of the French Academic Palms.
  • On April 8th, 2023, Immediate past AATF President, Anne Jensen, was officially made Commander of the Order of the Palmes Académiques by Frédéric Jung, the General Consul of France in San Francisco. 
  • France Media publications: 30% - 40% discount deals for AF members.
  • Bonjour Paris: 50% discount deals for AF members to access their online content and live events.
  • AF Federation Boutique, check out items for sale. Contact federation@afusa.org to purchase items.

This newsletter is free to all Alliances Françaises. However, we encourage Federation membership that provides your organization full access to grants, annual meeting content, cultural events, One Book One Federation, One Film One Federation, and more.

Previous E-Flash issues.

Disclaimer: This newsletter shares guidance from experts but is not a substitute for legal advice. Always consult local experts for regulations that may apply in your state or region. 

www.afusa.org • (301) 530-2100 email

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