Next week at Spokane Realtors®:

Monday 13:
SR DEI Committee meeting
Tuesday 14:
Washington Real Estate Fair Housing
Wednesday 15:
SR Technology Committee meeting
Thursday 16:
Code of Ethics Our Promise to Professionalism
Spokane YPN meeting
Professional Development Committee meeting
Friday 17:
SR SOS Committee meeting
MLS Steering Committee meeting

Click on the calendar image to see the full SR calendar.
Feed Your Brain!
February 13, 2023
Event Also Includes:
Quarterly Membership Meeting

Thursday, March 9th
Noon - 1 p.m.

Center Place Event Center
Live Event in Spokane!

All SR and WR
Members Welcome!
Washington REALTORS® Instructor Mark Kitabayashi will be here live and in-person to teach his "Washington Real Estate Fair Housing" 6-hr class.

Your first active renewal after June 1st, 2022, must include the 6-hour Washington Real Estate Fair housing class.

The course will teach real estate brokers and managing brokers the historical and societal context of housing discrimination, legal framework intended to prevent housing discrimination, and steps to take to prevent housing discrimination.

Mark offers a 30-second personal invitation to his class in this video:
Thursday, March 2nd
8 a.m. to 1:50 p.m.
Spokane Convention Center
The 36th Annual Real Estate Market Forum, covering trends in real estate, construction, and the local economy in the Spokane-Kootenai-Bonner area, will be held on Thursday, March 2, 2023, at the Spokane Convention Center

An outstanding group of speakers has been assembled by the Market Forum Planning Subcommittee.

The Forum starts promptly at 8 a.m.
2019 file photo
The Real Estate Market Forum attracted 700+ people to the Spokane Convention Center in 2019 (pictured above) - the last time the event was held in this facility before the pandemic.

Don't miss out on the largest regional real estate event of the year - get your tickets now!
Professional Development

The SR offers a full schedule of virtual classes to help members satisfy their professional development requirements to keep their REALTOR® status current.
Please be in touch with Tami at the SR if you have any questions about classes or your license education requirements, by phone at 326-9222 or by email.
Class Cancellation Policy:

A refund will be granted until 3:30 p.m. three days prior to the class, after which time there will be a 50% refund.

Anyone not showing up for class will not be given a refund.