November 21, 2023

Feedback Required on the Western Canada Competency Profile

As communicated in July, the Law Societies of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are engaged in an initiative to identify and validate the competencies needed for entry to legal practice. This initiative will result in the publication of a Western Canada Competency Profile (WCCP) that will help inform lawyer training and education, including bar admission program development and experiential learning opportunities. This work aligns with our Strategic Plan and ongoing efforts towards enhancing lawyer competence in Alberta. 

An appointed WCCP Task Force – a diverse group of practitioners, educators, Benchers, articling supervisors and other key stakeholders from across the four provinces – has drafted the WCCP. A third-party consultant, ACT Inc., conducted focus groups in July and August with key stakeholders to collect feedback on the draft. The WCCP was then refined to reflect the feedback.  

Provide Your Feedback 

We are now seeking feedback on the WCCP from the wider legal profession. If you are currently in active practice or you have held active practising status in Alberta at some point within the past five years, you are eligible to participate. 

Take the survey by Friday, Dec. 8, to provide your feedback on the draft WCCP. 

The purpose of the survey is for lawyers to rate the WCCP competencies and provide ACT with further data to validate the competencies as those required for entry to legal practice. 

The survey takes about 25 minutes to complete and participation is voluntary. You will be asked to rate the components of the competency profile and answer a brief professional background questionnaire.  

ACT is using the Qualtrics platform to collect anonymous responses. Responses will be deleted from the Qualtrics server one month after the survey closes and the data collected will not be shared publicly. No personally identifying information will be collected or reported. If you require technical assistance with the survey, contact ACT.  

Take the Survey

Reminder: No Cash Model Rule

This is a reminder for lawyers to ensure they understand their obligations when it comes to receiving cash for client matters. As per Rule 119.57, lawyers must not receive cash greater than $7,500 in aggregate for one client matter. This is an important measure in the defence against money laundering and terrorist financing.

A few exemptions apply to this rule. A lawyer may receive more than $7,500 in cash in connection with the provision of legal services if the funds are:

  • from a financial institution or public body;
  • from a peace officer, law enforcement agency or other agent of the Crown acting in an official capacity;
  • to pay a fine, penalty or bail; or,
  • for professional fees, disbursements or expenses, provided that the refund will be issued in cash.

For more information on what constitutes a breach of the No Cash Model Rule and on other key reminders for compliance, read the full article. Contact Trust Safety if you have any further questions. 

Learn More

Recruiting Mentors for Mentor Connect

The Law Society is recruiting new mentors for our Mentor Connect program. Lawyers who have practised at least five years, including inactive and retired lawyers, are eligible to participate as mentors in the program. 

All types of lawyers are encouraged to register; however, we are specifically seeking solo practitioners and lawyers who practice Immigration law and/or Criminal Defence law to pair with mentees interested in those particular areas.

Mentor Connect is a traditional mentorship program that matches mentors and mentees based on areas of law, geographical proximity, personal experience and similar interests. Pairs are matched for six months and meet regularly, in person or remotely, depending on preference.

For more information, visit our website or contact Customer Service

Register as a Mentor

New Mentor Moment Available

Mentor Moments shares the stories and experiences of the mentors in our mentorship programs. The initiative is meant to acknowledge the contributions made by volunteer lawyers and to encourage other Alberta lawyers to consider participating. 

Read our latest Mentor Moment

For more information on Mentor Connect, Mentor Express or the Indigenous Mentorship Program, visit our website

Court of King's Bench Announcements

King's Bench Filing Digital Service – Civil (FDS) Now Available to Lawyers When a Fee Exemption Applies

The Court of King's Bench is pleased to announce the expansion of the King's Bench Filing Digital Service – Civil to include many lawyers where the filing is exempt from filing fees.

Effective Nov. 15, 2023, qualifying lawyers with a Law Society of Alberta Bar ID can submit filings in FDS for all King’s Bench locations within Alberta.

Lawyers whose filing may qualify for fee exemption in FDS include those who work for:

  • Government of Alberta departments funded by general revenue;
  • private law firms representing a Government of Alberta department funded by general revenue; and,
  • clients with a Legal Aid Certificate.

Read the full announcement for more information.

Court of King's Bench 2023 Holiday Closure

The Court of King’s Bench will be closed from Dec. 23, 2023, to Jan. 1, 2024, inclusive. On Dec. 28 and 29, 2023, a justice will be available in Edmonton to hear emergency applications for the entire province.

Please note that only emergency matters will be heard. This decision will be made at the discretion of the justice.

The Court of King’s Bench will resume normal operations on Jan. 2, 2024.

Read the full announcement for more information.

Updated – Requirement to Use the Surrogate Digital Service

Members of the Law Society of Alberta are required to utilize the Surrogate Digital Service (SDS) for all applications that SDS is capable of processing. When new features are released on SDS, the Court will allow a two week grace period, during which paper-based Grant of Administration applications can be submitted to the Court for clerk review. After the grace period, paper applications that could have been submitted on SDS may be rejected by a clerk.

Please refer here to find out what SDS can and cannot accept.

Upcoming Events

Indigenous Lawyers Networking Event | Nov. 22, 2023

Danger Assessment Training | Dec. 13, 2023

Family Lawyers and Shelter Workers Training: Improving Family Justice System Responses to Family Violence | Dec. 14, 2023

Visit our website for a full list of upcoming events.

Events Calendar


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