Feeling Like a Lab Rat?
One of our founders, Justice Louis Brandeis, coined the term "laboratories of democracy" to describe the different approaches and experimentation by our many states. With the current lack of strong federal direction on COVID-19, states and localities have truly stepped up to the plate, with a wide variety of approaches to dealing with social distancing, testing and restrictions on work.It will be interesting, if not grim, to see the variety of results state by state and city by city. For more on the historic tension among federal, state and local governments, see  The New, New Federalism article below.
President, National Civic League

Getting to know our 2020
All-America City Finalists!
This year's geographically and demographically diverse All-America City Award finalists focused their applications specifically on enhancing health and well-being through civic engagement. Summaries of their applications reveal featured projects that collaboratively address local issues like homelessness, obesity, food insecurity, mental health and so much more.  
Learn more.
The New, 
New Federalism
Today the spread of Coronavirus is necessitating a new conversation about the meaning of federalism. What is the proper role of the federal government when it comes to navigating supply chains and obtaining lifesaving equipment? Who gets to decide when and how long to impose social distancing rules-governors, mayors, presidents? Or, to paraphrase Harry Truman, the buck stops where? Read more. 
COVID-19 Highlighting 
Social Isolation
Recent publications have documented the health effects of loneliness, including increased risk of chronic disease and general poor health. Will the nation's experience with social isolation during COVD-19 make people more empathetic to the social isolation experienced regularly by many people, and especially older adults? Some cities have recognized this issue for years and have begun to work on the problem.  Read more.
Congratulations to the 2020 All-America City Hall of Fame Winner, Marietta, GA
The National Civic League is excited to announce that the City of Marietta Georgia is this year's All-America City Hall of Fame Award Winner. Marietta originally won the All-America City Award in 2006 and is being recognized for its community engagement surrounding the creation of Elizabeth Porter Park. 
Read more.
Webinar Recap and Resources: Social Distancing Meets Public Engagement
Last month Wendy Willis and Larry Schooler participated in a webinar where they showcased strategies for virtual public engagement in this time of spatial isolation, and they highlighted practices to improve equity in engagement.The webinar was packed full of helpful tips for assessing and navigating public engagement.  Watch a recording.  
Webinar: Lead by Stepping Back, Empowering Community Assets
Today's new reality driven by the COVID-19 crisis creates an opportunity for local governments to re-define their role to more effectively engage  the assets of  residents. Join us on this May 27th webinar to learn from the ABCD Institute faculty about how residents and local governments can rethink their roles in today's new reality.  Register.
Additional Information & Upcoming Events

COVID-19: Resources for Individuals and Governments

National League of Cities: COVID-19: Local Action Tracker Preview

GFOA's 114th Annual (Virtual) Conference
May 17−20, 2020 in New Orleans, LA.
Now accepting article proposals for National Civic Review
We are interested in 1,200-3,000 word articles. 
The deadline for the fall issue is September 15th. 
Contact [email protected] for more information. 

Thank you to National Civic League Sustaining Member 
Cities and Towns:

Asheboro, NC
Aurora, CO
Chula Vista, CA
Decatur, GA
Denver, CO
Dublin, CA
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Gladstone, MO
Hayward, CA
Illinois Municipal League
Las Vegas, NV
Rancho Cordova, CA
Roanoke, VA
San Antonio, TX
Tallahassee, FL
Tupelo, MS
Thank you to National Civic League Partner Organizations:

American Society for Public Administration
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation
Colorado Health Foundation
Delta Dental
Government Finance Officers Association
Greenberg Traurig
International City / County Management Association
Kaiser Permanente
Kettering Foundation
National Academy of Public Administration
National Coalition on Dialogue and Deliberation
National League of Cities
National Forum for Black Public Administrators
Rawson Family Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Southwest Airlines
United States Census Bureau
United Way Worldwide
Well Being Trust
W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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