88 Plus One
By Gary Barg, Editor-in-Chief

My dad retired in 1990 at the age of 61, within months was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and passed away 30 years ago this very month. Upon his retirement and before the diagnosis he and my mom opened a small business of their own but had to close the doors as his health deteriorated.

Mom who was 57 years old at the time, went from being business and life partner to full time caregiver with all that new role represented. Within a few years after my dad’s passing, both my grandparents took ill with mom as their primary caregiver. I moved back home to South Florida to become what I like to call a “caregivers caregiver,” supporting mom as best I could and in any way I could.

It was by watching her steadfast determination that she was going to secure the best care the system had to offer my grandparents, including dealing with some unhelpful relatives, a myriad of doctors visits, moonlight runs to the emergency room, battling insurance companies and learning all that she could to ensure their health and safety, that I started to comprehend the important role of the family caregiver.