Winter Greetings !
Here at Always There Home Care, we are grateful you are slowing down to read our newsletter, which is full of items that relate to home care, home health care, aging & eldercare, as well as some useful tips for daily living.
Please enjoy in the spirit of community and cooperation in which this newsletter was sent.
Please take some time to watch our video!
Regina McNamara RN, MSN President & Kelly McNamara, Chief Operating Officer
Photos in top banner: Ryan, Regina’s grandson, getting ready to carve the turkey!; Michelle, her brother RJ and dad Raymond enjoying a warm winter day; Marissa, Scott, Ryan and Nora with Santa.
By Gary Barg, Editor-in-Chief Today's Caregiver Magazine
- Wishing for kinder and gentler days
- Wishing for understanding of our caregiver ways
- Wishing for support to arrive at our doors
- Wishing for respect for our caregiving chores
- Wishing for caregivers to not be neglected
- Wishing for caregivers to be more respected
- Wishing for us to care for ourselves as we care for our mother, father and son
- Wishing for the day we accept that self-care is always Job One
- Wishing for the support you so very much deserve
- Wishing for these wishes to come true for each and every caregiver -
- especially yours
Photo left to right: Our Graphic Designer’s husband and daughter, Grace skiing; Ryan, (Regina’s grandson) with his hockey trainer he received.’ Regina’s husband, Tom on Thanksgiving having a quiet moment with Faith, also a therapy dog; Regina, Tom and her grandkids over Thanksgiving; Ryan all set to be called into the game; Ryan and Nora.
Our Everyday Heroes
Candy Francis & Lucilla Anna Augustin
As our regular readers know so well, we occasionally have two special people to be honored in our Kudos section. It is for many readers, the first section they seek when their newsletter arrives. We made the 2-person exception this time because over the holiday season, our company and our caregivers were extremely busy. Several clients declined and needed more medical assistance, and two clients who were especially dear to us died during this period.
So, it only seemed fair to honor both a company leader as well as a truly outstanding caregiver.
By Rachel Wonderlin (a gifted author, consultant and trainer in dementia)
"I was told that I have early onset dementia about 5 years ago. My Dad and 4 of his siblings have died or have Alzheimer’s. I try to learn as much as I can about dementia care. I was just wondering if I should try to teach the people who will be helping me about dementia care or just let nature take its course? My wife isn’t open to thinking about this care yet."
Rachel responded...
Forever in our Hearts.
Dedicated to those for whom we cared during a significant time in their lives.
Our sincere gratitude to their families and friends for allowing us to support them as well.
Special thanks to the referral sources who helped these wonderful people choose us as their caregivers. It is a sacred privilege and our most important work.
The year 2021 was theoretically the year that Covid subsided. Sadly, the miracles of science and medicine did not eliminate this disease worldwide. Most of our departed clients were over 65, yet not one death was Covid related. Sadly, we lost many younger clients last year.
Sue Bloomfield (11/6/2020)
Gino Cianchetti (12/26/1929- 8/18/2021)
Eugene Clair (10/10/1917-10/11/2020)
James (7/7/1931-12/4/2020) & Tina Collias (3/4/1930-12/15/2020)
Ruth Dorfman (7/10/1926-5/27/2021)
Kelly Drew (12/25/1975-4/2/2021)
Lucy Ely (7/18/1932-1/29/21)
Isabelle Farrington (10/1/1917- 5/14/2021)
Robert Johnston (3/18/52-9/15/20)
Laura Kinyon (4/23/57-5/23/21)
William “Billy “McDonnell (1/25/1933-7/3/21)
Monica Mehmel (1/17/1927-11/17/2021)
Geraldine Mille (10/16/1930-2/21/21)
Carolyn Mulholland (10/1/1961- 10/24/2020)
Robert Sutton (9/14/1943-11/29/2021)
We are privileged to have received referrals from and be able to coordinate care with many Assisted Living facilities, rehab facilities, and Medicare Home Care and Hospice agencies. Our growth is in large part due to the trust the staff in these organizations have put in our caregivers. We are likewise impressed with them and we are committed to referring to them on a regular basis
- Seabury Active Living Retirement Community, and Seabury at Home, Bloomfield
- Masonicare Home Health and Hospice - Danielson, Derby, East Hartford, Mystic, Norwalk and Wallingford
- McLean Home Health and Hospice
- Hudson Valley Hospice and Palliative Care Poughkeepsie, NY and Kingston NY
- Brookdale Gables Senior Living Farmington
800.348.0485 ~ We are Always There