February 2023

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The Sportsman's Voice vol. 74

President's Welcome

Hello Chuck,

The year is off to a fast start it seems, we have a month knocked out already. I am happy to report the berm refacing has been completed in a timely fashion as promised. Thank You Ben Haecker of Haecker Construction.

We have a mining for lead area now if that’s something that interest you. The dirt removed from Range F was beyond saturated with lead as I am sure you could imagine. We had it placed in piles for your convenience, on the right side of Range G starting at the berm. If a member wishes you may bring your own equipment, such as a shovel and some sort of screening box, and mine away. I believe there is enough to share. Please only take what you can use so that everyone who wants can partake in the fun. PCSC holds no responsibility. Mine at your own risk. Please remember lead can be harmful if handled improperly. Please educate yourself on the dangers of this activity and proceed appropriately.

Additionally, thanks to Dee Greene and the Range G committee who stepped up and completed some much-needed baffle repair on Range G. Thank you Guys !

Let’s not forget the endless hours of work that my friend, Jon Kitts, puts in weekly keeping the shop, clubhouses, and target frames in good order. Jon enlisted some help recently and he and respected member Don Woods repainted the Red Stripes on the firing lines as well as repainted the support post on all the ranges.

Good work guys, the shooting areas look real nice. Thank You, both.

The PCSC Directors are continually looking for ways of improving the member's experience while visiting the club. Safety is always first and foremost. As you will see later in this newsletter, we have appointed Jim Groce as the new Safety Committee Chairman. Jim, the IT guys, and I are developing an incident reporting system for your convenience. The goal is to make reporting issues as simple and user friendly as possible.

Thank you to all that continue to make PCSC the safest and nicest club in North Texas.

Until next time


Ryan Donnell

PCSC President 

And as always, we from the board thank you!

Join Our Club

Youth Activities

A shotgun shoot for FFA is being planned for June 17, 2023. More information as that comes to fruition.

Treasury Report for 2022

Your Safety Chairman

Hello all. Jim Groce here. You may recognize my name from the monthly pistol match reports here in the newsletter. I'm continuing on in that capacity but also happy to report that I've been appointed as the new Chairman of the Safety Committe. I will be reaching out to prior Safety Committee members as we reconstitute the Safety Committee for 2023.

There are a few things going on that are safety oriented. 

With Dr. Eichenberg as our instructor, we held a Range Safety Officer training class on January 21. We had 10 student slots available for this first class. If there is a sufficient number of members interested in a future class, please make your interest known (name, email, phone number) via email to safety@parkersportsman.com and I'll start building the list.

We are presently implementing a new safety incident reporting system, via QR code and smartphone, to allow for easier reporting of potential incidents which can't be addressed on the spot between members and so require higher level review. We are responsible to one another as club members to not only act in a safe manner, but also be willing to listen when necessary if there's ever any deviation from the best safety-oriented practices.

With the berm rework, some of the railroad ties, containing the target stand supports, were dislodged on Ranges A, B and C. Until those are put back into service, please use only the unaffected side for target stands.


Jim Groce


Kristi Ramon will teach a class on February 25th and another TBA in May. She has room for 20 and is about half full now. Contact via email membership@parkersportsman.com or call 817 247 8072 and REGISTER.

See the flyer below for more details.


PCSC 2023 Fishing Contest

January 1, 2023 until September 2023 Board Meeting.

Winners to receive 2024 free membership, including guest pass. Fish can be caught by member, member’s spouse or member’s kids under age of 18. The categories are: Heaviest: 1) Bass 2) Catfish 3) Striper 4) Salt water fish. Record your catch with photo, document date, weight, location and who caught. Submit only 1 entry per category. Entries will be accepted August 1, 2023 till September 2023 Board Meeting, at which time winners will be announced. Submit entries to Pcscfishing@gmail.com.


Meeting Notes

January Board Meeting Highlights

Correspondence this month included a query from the teachers at Poolville ISD who have their LTC and want to train for carrying at school for the security of their students. The team leader asked if the Board would give a group discount if 18 to 20 teachers all join as a group. The Board voted to allow a 50% discount if at least 10 teachers actually join, and Chase stated we could stage a special orientation after work hours if needed to accommodate the teachers. This was a request we were happy to grant!

Ryan reported from the Management/Long Range Planning committee a recommendation that the Orientation fee be increased to $150 beginning March 1 and used to raise our Administrator’s contract in line with the added work involved in the new member and renewal tasks performed.

Ryan also named a new Chairman of the Safety Committee, Jim Groce, and commended Phillip, our outgoing chair, for his long and appreciated service. Jim suggested we have a safety reporting form available online for members to report any incident at the Club in a timely manner. Ryan has our IT guy working on a QR code to be posted at the ranges for instant access to the form. Watch for this code to be posted soon and also posted on our website documents page.

Phillip announced the timing for the upcoming fun .22 LR rifle match on February 25th on Range B. Setup is at 11:30 am, and the match starts at 12:30. Mark your calendars for this family event!

Be safe,


Range Maintenance

A lot of work has been done by a few volunteers, namely, Don Woods, Jon Kitts and Jim Groce. Thanks guys; the paint and target frame stands work really looks great, and more here.

Club Calendar
(click calendar below to access calendar PDF file)
Swap Meet Information

Our MeWe online swap group is up and running.

Check it out: Link to Parker County Sportsman Swap

You need a MeWe account of course, to participate.

2023 Swap Meet Dates TBA

Some of the dates for 2023 are set as of press time:

March 18 and June 17, 2023

8:00 AM to 1:00 PM.


Reservation of $10 Tables:


Phone 817 939 2341

The March edition of the PCSC Swapmeet is Saturday, March 18.

We will continue to raffle a firearm. Yes, the vendors will be allowed to play.

Foot traffic will still get one free ticket and the opportunity to purchase additional tickets.

Erin and I wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2023. As always, you can contact me at swapmeet@parkersportsman.com or 817-939-2341. Leave a message or text. Looking forward to a fun-filled year full of fellowship. 


Erin and George Admire 

Original Ft. Worth Gun Show dates for 2023:


February 11 & 12, 2023

April 29 & 30, 2023

May 20 & 21, 2023

June 24 & 25, 2023

August 26 & 27, 2023

October 7 & 8, 2023

October 28 & 29, 2023

December 30 & 31, 2023

If you would like to help host our table at the Ft. Worth Gun Show please contact us at membership@parkersportsman.com or call 817 271 0467.

It is a fun time - it is amazing how fast the time flies when you are there.

22 Rifle Match Feb 25th

Rifle Match February 25, 2023

1.Sign in at 11:30; match starts at 12:30.

There is a $10.00 entry fee per gun/class.

2. Range B will be closed for the match from 12:30 - 5:30 pm.

3. This is open to members and guests only. Minimum age is 12 yrs. Guests must have close member supervision at all times.

4. Ammo is .22 LR only. Participants can shoot prone or bench, using rest and rear bag, if desired.

5. There will be iron sight and optics classes.

6. Target distances will be mainly 50 and 100 yards; the tie breaker will be at 128 yards.

7. There will be two sizes of paper targets furnished.

8. The round count is 74; add 10 for tie breaker.

9. Bring spotting scope, if you have one.

Night Shoots

Register with us PLEASE by calling our phone number below.


This is an educational experience for shooting defensive pistol and shotgun with original, night sights, laser and flashlights.

For pistol, bring 50 rounds per stage; there may be up to 3 stages.

For shotgun, you can bring any ammo to pattern your gun, including buckshot, slugs, birdshot, etc.

Firing ranges will be at 3 yds, 7 yds, 12 yds, for pistols and shotguns.

Sign-up at 5:30; shooting starts at 6 pm.

Dates are Feb. 25 and Mar. 25.

It is good to know what to experience if situation were to arise needing a firearm to defend self or family at night.

The course of fire is strictly followed with commands from acting RSO and additional safety officer.

Target setup and event held on range A.

Sign up and safety brief at 5:30 pm and shooting at 6:00.

Bring 50 rounds of ammo in a 50 rd box for each gun and stage.

Shotguns allowed too. Bring 12 rds of shells " - Chip McClendon


Any questions and please register - call:

Richard Cookus 817-319-6433

Phillip Mason 817-360-4800

January Pistol Match Results

More photos and Results !

The January pistol match was successful and had a format whereby the participants used the same gun for a couple of stages. This made for an interesting change in the comparisons of shooters and shooters and their guns.14 shooters participated on a refreshingly cool morning, not uncomfortable.

Centerfire Rifle Match News

The rifle matches are held on the third Saturday of the month, except for January, July, August and December.

Look for a specific rifle match schedule forthcoming.

Parting Shots - Safety Incident Reporting

Here is a capture from a hard copy newsletter from several years ago. This is how we members reported safety violations up until now.

Soon a new QR code at several locations on the club property will allow instant access to our safety violation report form via your smart phone or by contacting safety@parkersportsman.com. This thanks to our new Safety Director, Jim Groce. Think how easy it will be to report safety incidents very soon. Just this fact will have the effect of reducing incidents as they can be reported as they happen! We all know that a safe club requires members that enthusiastically follow the rules. And, a membership that will report incidents that can lead to problems from seemingly inconvenient to disastrous consequences. Look for the QR symbols coming soon.

Also, FB does not allow sales of guns and ammo on their site, including our FB Page and FB Group. That being said, Mr. Chip McClendon and I have mulled over the rules and decided that a member of our group can post and point out where they have found hard to find items, without actually "selling" an item nor posting a price. Let's run with this helpful tactic in our group. And, if you have something firearm related to sell, there is our MeWe group - Parker County Sportsman Swap, that fully allows posting firearm related items for sale! See Swap Meet above for more info on that. Thanks, Chip!

Last but not least, thanks to all that volunteered for Orientation participation !

Chuck Garrett

Click to view and print for range bag
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Providing members with an exceptional shooting sports facility since 1956.
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