Anyone else feeling the internal and external pressures that this season can bring?
Despite a new concern of the Omicron variant of COVID, at least here around the community it seems like people are celebrating the season like it is 2019: I know our family's calendar is packed with the regular events in a given week coupled with holiday parties, open houses, and the understanding that there are gifts to buy and wrap, a house and tree to decorate, and food to prepare.
Advent calls to remind us that there is waiting and anticipation in the midst of the season. But we also need to remember that, in the midst of the anticipation that I'm confident we can all easily feel, there is also another thing we need to keep in our focus: that the birth of our savior is going to happen, no matter how much preparation we do or don't do.
So maybe this Advent and Christmas season will, again, look different because - after all - we are still in the midst of a global pandemic. So I encourage you to extend yourself the ability to breathe and understand that if it doesn't all get done it's ok - Jesus's arrival wasn't anything spectacular and didn't need perfection, so if some things don't look or seem perfect, that's ok.
Now that I've said all that, there is something about being together during this season to celebrate and spend time together. I hope you all will be able to find time to stop by our house sometime between 3-5 pm tomorrow afternoon. We look forward to greeting you and spending time with you. Perhaps you will spend the time before the open house caroling to some of our Fellowship Family members? Please note: the forecast currently calls for rain - if it's raining at 1:30, we will cancel; and we do not have a rain date scheduled.
In worship on Sunday, we will continue our Cinematic Christmas sermon series by looking at the lectionary and the movie The Santa Clause, starring Tim Allen. I hope you're able to join me, along with others of the Fellowship Family, in-person or online.
I pray for continued moments of grace and peace - for both yourselves and those you encounter - in this Advent season.
Until Sunday,
Pastor Kathryn
Sunday (Virtual) Worship Information
Sunday worship is in person, but will continue to be available through Facebook Live and Zoom.
Worshipping via Zoom allows for worship participants to, at the least, see each other during worship, should a participant join through computer. Zoom also allows for worship participants to join by phone, should they not have access to a computer.
To join by phone, call: (646)558-8656
When you dial in you will be asked for a meeting ID number: enter 847 7231 7808. The password is: 658602. Depending on the time you dial in, you may not hear anything to start with. When the Prelude begins, you will hear audio.
To access worship by Zoom via computer, please click here.
(If you'd prefer to access the worship service through the Zoom website, please enter Meeting ID 847 7231 7808 - the password is: 658602.)
To access worship by Facebook Live, please click here.
To access worship by YouTube, please click here.
Don't forget - you can access this week's bulletin via the church's website or by clicking here.
The monthly collection last week for Greensboro Urban Ministries Food Drive was 1,095 pounds! The year’s collections totaled 11,080 pounds, or over 5 tons of food donated. Thanks to Fellowship Family, Friends, and GOD who made it possible to serve hungry families in Greensboro.
Pennies for Hunger Collection will continue to take place during worship on the second Sunday of the month. Next collection: this Sunday, December 12.
There are two opportunities for fellowship with the Fellowship Family TOMORROW,
Saturday, December 11:
Caroling: Meet Blake at the church at 1:30 pm to gather addresses, song sheets, and determine groups to head out to homebound members' houses for some holiday spirit. PLEASE NOTE: IF IT IS RAINING, WE WILL NOT CAROL - THERE IS NOT A RAIN DATE SCHEDULED.
Holiday Open House at the Campbells: at the conclusion of caroling, head over to the home of Pastor Kathryn, Austin, Avis, Archer, Fred, and Carollynn for a festive time of fellowship and light refreshments. Their house, at 510 Hobbs Road, will be open for all from 3-5 pm RAIN OR SHINE.
As efforts are made behind-the-scenes to start 2022 on a new-and-fresh note, one of the ways the Outreach Committee is asking for the Fellowship Family to participate is by joining Realm. Realm is an online platform of the church’s database that provides for better communication within and through the Fellowship Family, including an online directory, church calendar, and an ability to both RSVP for upcoming events and give online. While the Outreach Committee is going to be hard at work in helping get everyone on board, you can opt-in and complete your online profile now!
Volunteer with Applewood, Backpack Beginnings,
and Greensboro Housing Authority!
Fellowship has started an ongoing partnership between Backpack Beginnings, Greensboro Housing Authority, and The Applewood Community. Please contact Mary Howe to sign up: [email protected] or call/text at 336-698-6541. Please click here to sign up.
Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions committee will be collecting “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them on the Missions table in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.
Fellowship Presbyterian has online giving available through the Presbyterian Foundation.
Congregational Cares and Concerns
Mary Turner underwent successful cataract surgery on Dec. 9 and requests prayers for speedy healing.
Gail French seeks prayers for her mother, Evelyn York, who has requested hospice care at home, if and when she is discharged from the hospital.
Kurt, friend of Fred Campbell, has been hospitalized for over a week with COVID. Fred is grateful for prayers for his friend’s recovery.
Baylee Ann & Yancey Burleson (Nora’s great grandchildren) celebrate as they are doing well. Nora thanks everyone for their prayers in the past weeks.
Traci Rankins seeks prayers for Richard Turner, her husband’s stepfather, who has entered hospice care.
Jennifer Raines (Susan Harman's niece) passed away 11/29 in Charlotte following a lengthy illness. Susan requests prayers for her family.
Continued prayers for our church members: Melissa Johnson, Lea Groves, Donna, Katie & the Steele family, Nancy Baughman, and Bruce Weaver, and Marjorie Van Horn.
Continued prayers for the family and friends of our congregation: the Votaw Family (Erin, Trent, Lucas, and Ben) needs prayer after their house burned down on November 27. Erin was a teacher at Fellowship Day School, Felicia Schaps (Lindahl's daughter-in-law's mother), Teresa (Terry Anderson’s coworker), Ashley Long (Joel and Ann Long’s daughter-in-law), Libby Ansel (Lesa Layno’s sister), Gail Keefe (John Archambault’s colleague), John Fair (FPC’s former organist), Joyce Berger (Kandee’s mother), Gwen Flowers & her family (Linda Ueland’s sister), Dorothy & Edward Archambault (John Archambault’s parents), Roe Roe Tucker (friend of Lesa & Charles Layno), Arch Gravely (Peggy Koppel’s cousin), Tim King family (Phyllis King’s son), Roger Eliason (Tye Wittmann’s coworker).
If you have any additional prayer concerns,
please contact Linda Ueland (336-314-5481)
or call Martha at the church (336-288-5177).
This Week’s Events
- December 11:
1:30pm: Meet Blake at the church for Caroling
3 - 5pm: Holiday Open House at the Campbells
December 12: Third Sunday of Advent
9:15-11:15am: Professional Childcare available in the “Preschool” Classroom
9:30am: Worship with Pennies for Hunger collection – in-person (with masks), on Facebook Live, Zoom and YouTube
10:30am: Fellowship Time – in Dogwood Lobby
10:45am: Education Hour in the Library
- December 14:
10am: GSO Newcomers Board Meeting in the Library
- December 15:
7am: Men's Coffee Klatch @ Panera Bread (Lawndale)
12 noon: Bulletin and Blast Deadline
- December 16:
1pm: Bridge in the Parlor
6pm: Building & Grounds Committee meets via Zoom
- December 18:
10am: Mission Committee distributing bread baking items, Fellowship Hall
5pm: Fellowship Hall rented for private event
December 19: Fourth Sunday of Advent
9:15-11:15am: Professional Childcare available in the “Preschool” Classroom
9:30am: A Service of Lessons and Carols – in-person (with masks), on Facebook Live, Zoom and YouTube
10:30am: Fellowship Time – in Dogwood Lobby
10:45am: Education Hour in the Library
Afternoon: Mission Committee delivering to Applewood
- 12:30 – 5pm: Girl Scouts in the Fellowship Hall
4:30pm: Service of Wholeness and Healing – in-person (with masks), on Facebook Live, Zoom and YouTube
Guidelines for Safe Return to Worship are posted at the Office and Dogwood Lobby doors for your review. Despite the lifting of the Guilford County mask mandate, the mask rule is still in effect in the building as per the December 7 Session meeting. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Kathryn or Julie Davis, Clerk of Session.
Fellowship Presbyterian Church
2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410