The week just flew by and here we are, in June! Despite its 31 days, May seemed to fly by! Earlier this week, as the calendar page flipped to June, I celebrated my 2nd anniversary as your pastor here at FPC. That has flown by in a similar way as the month of May! I continue to give thanks to God for each day of these last two years - my life, and my family's life, is richer for being a part of this Fellowship Family. I'm humbly proud of all that we have done, by God's grace and the work of the Holy Spirit, in this time and can't wait to see where God is calling us next!
As the calendar turns to June, there are THREE important events that are coming up this weekend - one on Saturday and two on Sunday!
Tomorrow is a wonderful opportunity for food and fellowship over the lunch hour - come to the church from 11-1 on Saturday afternoon for lunch, sponsored by the Programs Committee! And then, on Sunday, is worship and a post-worship brunch, along with a final effort for the collection drive for the Barrels for Liberia.
It seems like a lot to cram into a weekend, with some even maybe asking "why do both?" - why not!?! The picnic, which has been planned by the Programs Committee for some time now, is to serve as a celebration of our Fellowship Family and its relationship to the neighborhood. I encourage you to come and to invite a friend or two and bring a side dish or dessert to share. The opportunity on Sunday came up as an invitation from our own church member, Wynston Walker, since his uncle, Rev. Dr. Charles Ledlum-Bates, is joining us for worship on Sunday. The brunch is being hosted by the Bates family (Wynston's mother's side of the family) - we will be welcoming other members of the Carysburg, Liberia, community to our congregation on Sunday as well - both are excellent opportunities to share in a meal for different wonderful reasons. I hope you do make time to come to both. The details are included later in this newsletter. We will also be collecting the Pentecost Offering of the PC(USA), one of our denomination's five special offerings collected during the year.
Because we will have so many new faces in our congregation this Sunday, it is the perfect time to introduce the Outreach Committee's latest project - nametags for everyone! These professionally produced nametags have our new FPC logo and a magnet backing. The Committee is introducing them on Sunday and they can be stored on the beautiful display, created by Marilyn Delafield. While it will mainly live in the narthex for you to store them from week-to-week, the display is able to be moved from the narthex to the fellowship hall - and anywhere else in the church that we may think it needs to be! I hope you use them so all may know with whom they are talking from week to week!
On Sunday, we will worship together again, in person or online - I hope to see you on Sunday...after the picnic on Saturday!
Until the weekend,
Pastor Kathryn
Sunday (Virtual) Worship Information
Sunday worship is in-person, but will continue to be available through Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube.
Worshipping via Zoom allows for worship participants to, at the least, see each other during worship, should a participant join through computer. Zoom also allows for worship participants to join by phone, should they not have access to a computer.
To join by phone, call: (646)558-8656
When you dial in you will be asked for a meeting ID number: enter 847 7231 7808. The password is: 658602. Depending on the time you dial in, you may not hear anything to start with. When the Prelude begins, you will hear audio.
To access worship by Zoom via computer, please click here.
(If you'd prefer to access the worship service through the Zoom website, please enter Meeting ID 847 7231 7808 - the password is: 658602.)
To access worship by Facebook Live, please click here.
To access worship by YouTube, please click here.
Don't forget - you can access this week's bulletin via the church's website or by clicking here.
Join White Voices Against Racism on June 13th at 6:30PM in the sanctuary here at Fellowship for a discussion on the book We Cry Justice. You do not have to have read the book to join the discussion. Keith M. Bullard II, a contributor to the book, will be our guest. Keith is a member of the Freedom Church of the Poor in Durham, NC and coordinator of the Fight for $15 program.
Fellowship Presbyterian has online giving available through the Presbyterian Foundation.
Volunteer with Applewood, Backpack Beginnings,
and Greensboro Housing Authority!
Fellowship has started an ongoing partnership between Backpack Beginnings, Greensboro Housing Authority, and The Applewood Community. Please contact Mary Howe to sign up: or call/text at 336-698-6541. Please click here to sign up.
Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions committee will be collecting “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them on the Missions table in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.
Prayer Concerns and Celebrations
- We grieve, with sighs too deep for words, with too many communities to count after the number of mass shootings that have taken place throughout the country over the last several weeks.
Patrick and Susan Harman celebrate the baptism of their granddaughter, Lily, on Sunday.
Toni and Steve Lindahl mourn the unexpected passing of their friend, Bob Gates, this past week.
We give thanks for safe travels for Alireza Rahimi as he transfers from UNC-G to Arizona State. We pray for a wonderful transition into his new community. We also pray for Morteza Mehrzad as he travels with him. Shima Talebian is also traveling to Iran and will return to Greensboro next month.
Judy Meyler asks for prayers for her family as her Aunt Mandy is actively dying.
Traci Rankins is awaiting test results to determine the best treatment plan for her cancer recurrence, which was identified over a month ago. She appreciates the continued prayers.
Prayers for Ukraine and those caught in the crossfire as the war continues.
Continued prayers for our church members: John Koppel, Julian Bullock, Lea Groves, Nancy Baughman, Bruce Weaver, and Marjorie Van Horn.
Continued prayers for the family and friends of our congregation: Libby Ansel (Lesa Layno’s sister), Rosalee Russo (Peggy Koppel’s neighbor), Dennis (John Archambault’s cousin), Todd Southard (John Archambault’s friend), Michael Boswell (Peggy Koppel’s friend), Suzanne (Judy Meyler’s sister-in-law), Johnny Ziegler (Terry Anderson’s uncle), Todd Martinez (coworker of Gary Anderson), Katherine and Donald Bennett (Barbara Smith’s sister and brother-in-law), Felicia Schaps (Lindahl's daughter-in-law's mother), Ashley Long (Joel and Ann Long’s daughter-in-law), Joyce Berger (Kandee’s mother), Gwen Flowers & her family (Linda Ueland’s sister), Dorothy & Edward Archambault (John Archambault’s parents), Tim King family (Phyllis King’s son), Jenny George (Betsy Craver's cousin).
If you have any additional prayer concerns, please contact Linda Ueland (336-314-5481) or call Martha at the church (336-288-5177).
Upcoming Events
9:15-11:15am: Professional Childcare available (Preschool Classroom)
9:30am: Worship with Communion – in-person, on Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube
10:30am: Fellowship Time (Dogwood Lobby)
10:45am: Brunch, hosted by Wynston Walker and Family (Fellowship Hall)
5pm: Pathways Dinner served by Women's Bible Study Group (on location)
June 8:
7am: Men's Koffee Klatch (Panera Bread – Lawndale Location)
12 noon: Bulletin and Blast Deadline
12 noon – 4:30pm: Red Cross Blood Drive (Fellowship Hall)
June 9:
1pm: Bridge (Library)
6pm Mission Committee (Zoom)
June 12: Trinity Sunday
9:15-11:15am: Professional Childcare available (Preschool Classroom)
9:30am: Worship with Communion – in-person, on Facebook Live, Zoom, and YouTube
10:30am: Fellowship Time (Dogwood Lobby)
Fellowship Presbyterian Church
2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410