I was talking to a friend earlier this week and we calculated that there are only 10 Sundays left in 2021. Perhaps more sobering is that, as of this email being published, there are 64 days until Christmas - which means that there are only 70 days left of the year. When did that happen? Even our daughter noticed, walking into a big box store the other day, that one could get holiday whiplash considering that the Halloween costumes are stationed adjacent to the Christmas trees!

This year seems to have both flown by and felt like forever in equal parts. While scientists have made great strides toward ending the COVID pandemic, medical professionals and those in the service industry are exhausted - both physically and emotionally. I don't know if you are like me, but I'm grateful for the glimpses of grace and beauty and love that come from friends, family, and some of the simple things. And I am, as always, grateful for my faith.

As this month comes to a close, we will turn our focus to special times within the church year: of course, Advent will come, but we also carve out some time to focus on how giving to the church is a spiritual practice that can do so much to strengthen our faith.

So, for the month of November, the church's Stewardship Season, all are invited and encouraged to ponder some questions about "why I give". The Stewardship and Finance Committee hopes that these reflections - and sharing them with one another - can provide further reflection and encouragement. The responses will be shared throughout the month on social media. You will also be receiving a letter next week with both your giving statement through the 3rd quarter and more information about events during our Stewardship season, which concludes on November 21 with Consecration Sunday.
This Sunday, we will continue to make our way through the gospel of Mark, this week focusing on Jesus's interaction with the blind beggar named Bartimaeus. Again, those interacting with Jesus ask exactly for what they want and need, not mincing words. What happens when we ask for exactly what we want and need - do we always get the response we're looking for? What if we don't?

Many, many opportunities are named and described below to get involved, including a new member class (TOMORROW!), Adult Education, volunteering with Backpack Beginnings and the Craft Fair, and more! God is at work in the life of this Fellowship Family, and I'm excited that you're a part of it!

Hope to see you Sunday, whether in-person or virtually.

Pastor Kathryn
Sunday (Virtual) Worship Information

Sunday worship is in person, but will continue to be available through Facebook Live and Zoom.

Worshipping via Zoom allows for worship participants to, at the least, see each other during worship, should a participant join through computer. Zoom also allows for worship participants to join by phone, should they not have access to a computer.

To join by phone, call: (646)558-8656

When you dial in you will be asked for a meeting ID number: enter 847 7231 7808The password is: 658602Depending on the time you dial in, you may not hear anything to start with. When the Prelude begins, you will hear audio.

To access worship by Zoom via computer, please click here.

(If you'd prefer to access the worship service through the Zoom website, please enter Meeting ID 847 7231 7808 - the password is: 658602.)

To access worship by Facebook Live, please click here.

Don't forget - you can access this week's bulletin via the church's website or by clicking here.
New Member Class - TOMORROW!
The next New Member class is TOMORROW MORNING, Saturday, October 23, from 9-10:30 AM via Zoom. If you would like to learn more about the congregation, the ways to become more involved, and the different ways to become a member, please email Pastor Kathryn for more information or just plan to join the class tomorrow morning at 9 by clicking here.
Adult Education: The Wired Word
Adult Education for the the remaining Sundays in October will see a new curriculum called "The Wired Word". With this new curriculum, participants will engage in Bible Study and discussion centered on current events. So current, in fact, that the lessons aren't published until Thursday!

The link for this week's lesson is here; we will be focusing on the second story/lesson. Copies will be available on Sunday morning in the Library, where the class is held.

Please note: Adult Education currently only gathers in-person. If you join us for worship virtually and would like to also join us virtually for Adult Education, please let Pastor Kathryn know!
Volunteer with Applewood, Backpack Beginnings,
and Greensboro Housing Authority!
Fellowship has started an ongoing partnership between Backpack Beginnings, Greensboro Housing Authority, and The Applewood Community. Please contact Mary Howe to sign up: maryhowe0712@gmail.com or call/text at 336-698-6541. Please click here to sign up. 
Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions committee will be collecting “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them on the Missions table in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.
All Saints Sunday - November 7
All Saints Sunday is a day in our worship calendar when we recognize and celebrate those whom we love who have died, particularly in the previous twelve months. To honor those whom we love, we will need your help. If you would like to recognize a loved one whom has died, please submit a picture to Martha in the church office no later than Friday, October 29, at noon so they may be used during worship on November 7. The picture can be digital (via email) or framed. If you have any questions, please ask Pastor Kathryn.
Upcoming Events with White Voices Against Racism
International Civil Rights Museum Group Tour

Join White Voices Against Racism tomorrow, Saturday, October 23rd at 10 am for a free tour of the International Civil Rights Museum. Pre-registration is required and is open now via the White Voices Against Racism Facebook page or their website (www.wvar.love)
One City, One Film
Participants are invited to watch the movie “13th” and join the conversation. The Oscar-nominated documentary is from director Ava DuVernay, examining the U.S. prison system, looking at how the country’s history of racial inequality drives the high rate of incarceration in America. The Greensboro Chamber plans to host 2-hour community discussions on the film, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, November 3rd at 11:30am and at 6:00PM. The aim is to foster a truthful, respectful dialogue about community members’ lived experiences. The documentary is available for free on YouTube via Netflix or through the Netflix app. White Voices Against Racism is also planning a watch party several days before group sessions; details to come.  
Fellowship Presbyterian has online giving available through the Presbyterian Foundation.

Click this link to be taken to the online donations page.
Congregational Cares and Concerns

  • Barbara Smith is having a cardiac ablation procedure at Cone Hospital on 10/28.
  • Our condolences to Peggy Koppel and the Cobbs family as her Aunt Whitney has passed away leaving her husband, Bill Cobbs, alone.
  • Toni Lindahl asks for prayers for her daughter-in-law’s mother, Felicia Schaps, who underwent surgery this week to repair a loose screw from a previous back surgery, which has left her vertebrae fractured and painful.
  • Tom Harrison requests prayers for his walking friend, Mike, who suffered a stroke last week and is now recovering at home.
  • Susie Knorr requests prayers for her uncle, Paul Williams, who has been admitted to the hospital with sepsis and pneumonia, he will enter hospice care this week.
  • Nora Burleson seeks prayers for her grandson Yancey. He broke his jaw in a baseball accident, had surgery 10/14, and will be wired shut for 4 weeks.
  • Terry Anderson requests prayers for her coworker, Teresa, who is battling cancer.
  • John Archambault requests prayers for his cousin, Michelle, who had surgery last week, including biopsy.
  • Aimee Stevens requests prayers for her aunt, Donna Ritter, who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
  • The Throckmorton’s request prayers for their friend, Tyler Osbourne, who was hit by a car when picking up grass clippings in his neighbor's yard.
  • Jen Mauney and her mother, Edith Jordan, request prayer for recovery from COVID.
  • Bryan Revels, Mary Howe’s brother-in-law, remains hospitalized at Cone Hospital and prayers are requested concerning his further care. 
  • Ashley Long, Joel and Ann Long’s daughter-in-law, has multiple diagnosed ailments and is under medical care for undiagnosed symptoms. Joel and Ann are helping them care for grandchildren while Zack tends to his wife’s needs.
  • Helen Rogers’ grandson, Jesse, needs our prayers as he lives near the California wildfires.
  • Prayers for our homebound: Ruth Trace and Lea Groves.
  • Continued prayers for our church members: Donna, Katie & the Steele family, John Meyler, Nancy Baughman, Bruce Weaver, Marjorie Van Horn
  • Continued prayers for the family and friends of our congregation: Art Herron, (Peggy Koppel’s neighbor), Gail Keefe (John Archambault’s colleague), John Fair (FPC’s former organist), Joyce Berger (Kandee’s mother),  Ed & Rachel Kershner (Linda Kershner's son and granddaughter), Gwen Flowers & her family (Linda Ueland’s sister), Dorothy & Edward Archambault (John Archambault’s parents), Roe Roe Tucker (friend of Lesa & Charles Layno), Arch Gravely (Peggy Koppel’s cousin), Tim King family (Phyllis King’s son).

If you have any additional prayer concerns,
please contact Linda Ueland (336-314-5481)
or call Martha at the church (336-288-5177).
This Week’s Events
  • October 24:
  • 9:30am: Worship – in-person (with masks), on Facebook Live, and Zoom
  • 10:30am: Fellowship Time – in Dogwood Lobby
  • 10:45am: Education for All
  • October 26, 7pm: Session meeting via Zoom
  • October 27:
  • 7am: Men's Coffee Klatch @ Panera Bread (Lawndale)
  • 12 noon: Bulletin and Blast Deadline
  • October 28, 1pm: Bridge in the Parlor
  • October 31:
  • 9:30am: Worship – in-person (with masks), on Facebook Live, and Zoom
  • Immediately after Worship: Congregational Meeting – in-person and via Zoom
  • 10:30am: Fellowship Time – in Dogwood Lobby
  • 10:45am: Education for All