Weekly News & Updates

October 4, 2024

What. a. week.

So many of you have been sharing your heartbreak over the devastation they've seen (like the images above) on the news, social media, and texts from friends and loved ones.

But I have seen the good as well - the "helpers", as Mr. Rogers calls them.

With so many places cropping up as opportunities to donate both physically and financially, the options can seem overwhelming. The pictures, above, are all from Black Mountain Presbyterian Church, a PC(USA) and Matthew 25 congregation - like us! - is only a couple of miles down the road from Montreat. They have lived out the Matthew 25 tenets, overnight become a hub for feeding people and distributing goods. If you're looking for a "boots on the ground" place to donate, you can do so directly on their website. During just this week, their members have organized all of the donations in the 4,000 square foot warehouse acquired just for the donations - in fact, with some of them being reallocated and sent to hard-hit parts of Tennessee.

This Sunday, the mission ministry team will, again, be collecting food donations on this "Benevolence and Brunch" Enrichment Hour on this first Sunday of the month. HOWEVER, instead of sending all of the donations to Greensboro Urban Ministries for those who seek it, the asked-for nonperishable donations will be separated out, along with any monetary donations received, and travel with Revs. Katie and Mason Todd to the southern part of Asheville, where their friend and colleague, Rev. Meg McMillan, serves as pastor at Mills River Presbyterian Church.

In worship, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday with a friend and colleague of mine, Dr. Ken McFayden, from Union Presbyterian Seminary. I'll be there to lead worship with him as he delivers his remarks - you could say I'm "cashing in a coupon" he offered me a year or so ago, supporting me in my work as President of APCE, since he has held the role as well and understands the work to balance that with the work of leading the church as well.

Look forward to seeing some of you in the morning at Brunch Buddies - and I pray I see many of you, Sunday, in worship, whether in-person or online.

With love and gratitude,

Pastor Kathryn

p.s. If you would like to participate in the CROP Walk this Sunday at Barber Park or sponsor me and Avis, please let either one of us know on Sunday!

In This Issue...

  • Worship: Upcoming Worship Service
  • Stewardship: Office Volunteers Needed
  • Church Life: Fall Kick Off and more!
  • Congregational Care: Meal Train help
  • Community Happenings: Pumpkin Patch, Senses Therapies, and more!
Give Online

Worship & Music Highlights

Worship Online With Us!

If you are unable to join worship in-person, then join us online through Zoom or YouTube Live!

For Zoom: You may join by phone or computer.

  • To join by phone: (646) 558-8656
  • To join by computer: click here (ID number: enter 847 7231 7808. The password is: 658602)

For YouTube Live: click here

This Week's Bulletin: click here

Guest Preacher: Dr. Ken McFayden

This Sunday, as we celebrate World Communion Sunday, the Fellowship Family welcomes Dr. Ken McFayden, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Academic Dean and Professor of Practical Theology at Union Presbyterian Seminary. He and Pastor Kathryn share a love of the Assocation of Partners in Christian Education (APCE), where they forged their friendship built on Christian education and women's soccer. Together, they will lead worship and preside at communion. Welcome, Ken!

Mission Ministry Team Highlights

If you are interested in walking with Pastor Kathryn and members of YOCO or supporting walkers (or both!) please talk to Pastor Kathryn.

Support Backpack Beginnings

Wondering what to do with all of those grocery shopping bags? The Missions Ministry Team collects “gently used” plastic grocery bags for Backpack Beginnings. Please bring any you don’t use to church with you, leaving them in the marked box in the Dogwood Lobby closest to the double doors leading towards the classrooms.

Church Life Ministry Team Highlights


YOCO Returns Sunday!

6th-12th graders from Presbyterian Churches around Greensboro gather on the first Sunday of the month for the Youth Ministry Collective (YOCO). Next Sunday, October 6th, is a special event: YOCO will be walking in the Greater Greensboro CROP Hunger Walk at Barber Park. If you would like to attend this even or sponsor our Youth, please see Avis or Pastor Kathryn.

Small Group Opportunities - Looking for More!

The Fourth Sunday of the Month is a time for Small Groups - do you have an idea? There are some small groups that are already in the works:

  • By Hook or By Shepherd's Crook - the Crochet Ministry Team will meet to create beautiful items for those in need.
  • Men's Bible Study will begin a new study, starting on the 22nd.

Do you have other ideas? A specific book to study, perhaps? Checking out new coffee shops? Discussing Current Events? Playing board games? Let Pastor Kathryn know!

Congregational Care Ministry Team Highlights

Prayer List - Click Here

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

If you have any prayer concerns or celebrations to add or know someone who is well enough to come off of the list, please contact your Congregational Care Ministry Team Captain or the Ministry Team’s chair, Carol Morgan, or the Ministry Team's elder, Nancy Hull.

Not sure of who is your CCMT Captain? Click here to find out.

October Birthdays

Check out those of our Fellowship Family that have birthdays coming up and be sure to reach out to help them celebrate!

Outreach Ministry Team

First class of the three-class series is THIS Sunday during Enrichment Hour. For more information or to indicate your interest, please speak with Pastor Kathryn or stop by the Welcome Table on Sunday morning.

Click here to visit the Member Portal website

If you are having difficulties logging into the portal, including retrieving your password, please contact Pastor Kathryn by email - the automated system is not generating emails as it should. Thanks, in advance, for your patience!

Community Happenings @ FPC

Senses Therapies @ FPC

Jenny Wonders and Tiffany Higgins provide pediatric services to their clients in a "corner" of Fellowship's building. To learn more about them and their practice, please click here.

Zumba Classes @ FPC!

Zumba with Heather takes place on Tuesdays. starting at 5:45pm in the Fellowship Hall. Each drop-in class is $5. No reservations necessary!

Want to Play Bridge?

Did you know the church hosts multiple bridge opportunities throughout the week? For more information, please contact Peter or visit the American Contract Bridge League website.

What's Happening This Week?

Click Here for the Church Calendar - both FPC & Community Events in the Building

Congregational Leadership

Fellowship Presbyterian Church

2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410



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