This Sunday, the mission ministry team will, again, be collecting food donations on this "Benevolence and Brunch" Enrichment Hour on this first Sunday of the month. HOWEVER, instead of sending all of the donations to Greensboro Urban Ministries for those who seek it, the asked-for nonperishable donations will be separated out, along with any monetary donations received, and travel with Revs. Katie and Mason Todd to the southern part of Asheville, where their friend and colleague, Rev. Meg McMillan, serves as pastor at Mills River Presbyterian Church.
In worship, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday with a friend and colleague of mine, Dr. Ken McFayden, from Union Presbyterian Seminary. I'll be there to lead worship with him as he delivers his remarks - you could say I'm "cashing in a coupon" he offered me a year or so ago, supporting me in my work as President of APCE, since he has held the role as well and understands the work to balance that with the work of leading the church as well.
Look forward to seeing some of you in the morning at Brunch Buddies - and I pray I see many of you, Sunday, in worship, whether in-person or online.
With love and gratitude,
Pastor Kathryn
p.s. If you would like to participate in the CROP Walk this Sunday at Barber Park or sponsor me and Avis, please let either one of us know on Sunday!