Weekly News & Updates

January 31, 2025

Happy Friday! 


Can you believe today is the last day of January?! From celebration of a new year, rejoicing over progress in our capital campaign, as well as installation of our new ruling elders and the baptism of Eleanor Patterson this month, we’ve had a wonderful and joy-filled January! I am grateful for the ways that each of you contributes to the life and mission of Fellowship Presbyterian Church each and every day. As my friend Dereck loves to say, “alone we are only trees, but together we make a forest.” Indeed, we are the body of Christ and individually members of that one body.  I encourage you to be prayerful about how you can use the gifts given to you by God to enrich the life and work of Fellowship Presbyterian Church. 

This week we will be joined in the pulpit by Meg Kelly, a graduate of Union Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Meg is a pastoral resident for youth and campus ministries currently serving UKirk Greensboro, as well as the congregations of Parkway Presbyterian Church and St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Winston Salem. We look forward to welcoming her to worship at Fellowship on Sunday morning! 

See you Sunday!


p.s. Pastor Kathryn will be out of the office through Sunday, returning to church on Monday. Please see below for the link to make an appointment with her or be sure to stop by during her "Coffice Hours" on Tuesday from 2-4pm at The Cozy Brew Cafe!

Can't make Coffice Hours?Make an appointment with Pastor Kathryn here

Stewardship & Capital Campaign Updates

Click Here to Give Online

Worship & Music Highlights

Worship Online With Us!

If you are unable to join worship in-person, then join us online through Zoom or YouTube Live!

For Zoom: You may join by phone or computer.

  • To join by phone: (646) 558-8656
  • To join by computer: click here (ID number: enter 847 7231 7808. The password is: 658602)

For YouTube Live: click here

This Week's Bulletin: click here

Mission Ministry Team Highlights

Church Life Ministry Team Highlights


Want to compete OR attend? Click here to RSVP!

New Women's Bible Study

A new women's Bible study will begin on Tuesday, February 4, via zoom. It is Joshua: A Journey of Faith. It pursues "themes of leadership, the promise of land, the concept of "holy war", outsiders becoming insiders, and finding rest in the justice and mercy of God. The book is $.99, and If you would like to participate, please contact Mimi Carter.

Congregational Care Ministry Team Highlights

Prayer List - Click Here

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

If you have any prayer concerns or celebrations to add or know someone who is well enough to come off of the list, please contact your Congregational Care Ministry Team Captain or the Ministry Team’s elder, Nancy Hull.

Not sure of who is your CCMT Captain? Click here to find out.

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

Did you know that the Church has a prayer line? Pastor Kathryn updates the prayer weekly - you can also leave your prayer concerns and celebrations there as well. Simply call the main church line and follow the prompts.


Check out those of our Fellowship Family that have birthdays coming up and be sure to reach out to help them celebrate!

Outreach Ministry Team

Click here to visit the Member Portal website

If you are having difficulties logging into the portal, including retrieving your password, please contact Pastor Kathryn by email - the automated system is not generating emails as it should. Thanks, in advance, for your patience!

Fellowship Hats for Sale!

PC(USA)'s Co-Moderator, Rev Tony Larson (pictured, left, with Salem Presbytery Executive Presbyter Tony De La Rosa) will think of (and promote) Fellowship every time it's cold outside - and you can too! A limited supply of knit caps embroidered with the Fellowship logo are available for purchase. The cost is $15. Please contact Pastor Kathryn if interested.

Community Happenings @ FPC

Senses Therapies @ FPC

Jenny Wonders and Tiffany Higgins provide pediatric services to their clients in a "corner" of Fellowship's building. To learn more about them and their practice, please click here.

Zumba Classes @ FPC!

Zumba with Heather takes place on Tuesdays. starting at 5:45pm in the Fellowship Hall. Each drop-in class is $5. No reservations necessary!

Want to Play Bridge?

Did you know the church hosts multiple bridge opportunities throughout the week? For more information, please contact Peter or visit the American Contract Bridge League website.

What's Happening This Week?

Click Here for the Church Calendar - both FPC & Community Events in the Building

Congregational Leadership

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Fellowship Presbyterian Church

2005 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC 27410



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